Noahedwinbeach2 135 posts msg #35474 - Ignore Noahedwinbeach2 |
3/27/2005 6:43:42 AM
I love these patterns. I pilot buy and then buy more on the breakout. These are the stocks that make some cash for you. I can wait for this stock as long as it takes. I assume it will break out when the market turns up.
brokedown 21 posts msg #35477 - Ignore brokedown |
3/27/2005 3:44:26 PM
whats a DHC?
marine2 963 posts msg #35480 - Ignore marine2 |
3/27/2005 11:30:42 PM
DHC = Dont Have a Clue :-)
jclaffee 81 posts msg #35481 - Ignore jclaffee |
3/27/2005 11:51:01 PM
Maybe it's what's called a "symbol". . .for a listed stock since it has three letters. . .maybe for the Danielson Holding Co. which has been in a five week trading range on relatively low, steady volume after doubling in price over the course of the preceding week thus duplicating a pattern which it traced out prior to a previous doubling back around the first of October, 04.
wallman 299 posts msg #35496 - Ignore wallman |
3/30/2005 9:31:12 PM
DHC is what in the stockfetcher/group terms a "squeeze/volume/breakout",and was previewed as such in our group,that is on 2/1 it broke into the top bb having them pierce the white candle at an RSI2 above 90,an awesome 99.93 in this case,on an MONSTER vol increase from 107k previous day to 3 mil on breakout day! you can wait and wait and hope for the market to turn up as you say,Dow up biggest in over 4 mo today and DHC went absoluty nowhere,or you can as we who know how to find/play these will hit and run AS they happen .... MJET was perfect example today,found last night as a great sq/vol/break watch,not only another huge vol increase on breakout day but one we term a "0" vol candidate as having traded exactly NO shares a few days in the last couple of weeks,in case anyone says hindsight here this stock was put up on the LIVE stockfetcher chat at around .16 today as it picked up vol spikes,in less than 2 hours it hit .32,a 100% gain in that time but this is nothing compared to NWBT which was a sq/vol/break on 1/31 going from 0 vol ( 2 days in a row no less ) to 650k with pierced white candle at RSI2 of 98.74,it closed that day at .069,it hit a hod the following day on 3.3 mil shares of .42 !!!
mhashe 13 posts msg #35499 - Ignore mhashe |
3/30/2005 10:42:05 PM
Good to see you back Noah. How has your trading been?
wallman 299 posts msg #35500 - Ignore wallman |
3/31/2005 9:38:12 AM
and MJET up another 55% on open,now i love that !
wallman 299 posts msg #35502 - Ignore wallman |
3/31/2005 8:30:30 PM
MJET up another 48% from open of 55% gap adding on another 103% gain today, up from first LIVE ( was posted as a watch the night before at .105 ) post of .16 to .59 close today,430%,i say if you can find any other way to find these huge runners on almost a daily basis that we do,that are TRADABLE with volume AND tight spreads i'll be amazed,go to the yahoo stockfetcher site you'll see 6 put up last night as watches for today,msg # 7962,you'll see PHLH among the 6 up 133% today and no,it didn't gap up at open,it was steady easily catchable stock that opened slight green and rose to 180% by 12:30
wallman 299 posts msg #35614 - Ignore wallman |
4/14/2005 8:33:03 PM
Noah,still waiting on DHC i guess,down 3% since your post,MJET hit a high today of .99,you'll see where i mentioned this one on your thread and the prices,while you wait i've taken almost 300% from this one in 12 days
TheRumpledOne 6,475 posts msg #35641 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/17/2005 2:01:01 PM
Muddy, do you ever think they'll listen to you?