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3/24/2006 7:49:18 AM In my inbox: Why Tobernite is the Secret Energy Source that Will Fuel China for the Next 14 Years One pound supplies “the same energy as 3 million pounds of coal,” according to Wired magazine. There are only three places on Earth where you can find it in significant quantities. In the report that follows, I'll show you where... and why a small investment today could return 1,113% in the next year. Dear Reader, Every day and night, the power goes out in China… Shanghai, for instance, doesn’t have enough electricity to run its streetlamps… or to power its new bullet train to the airport. Many of Shanghai’s 20 million residents have to work the midnight to 8AM shift… as part of a citywide schedule to conserve electricity. In fact, power cuts affect 24 of China’s 27 provinces, almost daily, according to The Wall Street Journal. But China now has the solution to its electricity crisis… I’m talking about a little-known mineral called Tobernite, which according to Barron’s, “is on the cusp of a worldwide boom, especially in Asia.” You probably haven’t heard of Tobernite before. Most people haven’t. But keep in mind: This is NOT an energy source that “might work” down the road. The Department of Energy reports that China already uses Tobernite for 5% of its electricity – a figure that will increase this year. And every year after that. I’m writing to you today because I’ve done more research on Tobernite in the past few months than anyone on or off Wall Street. And I’d like to show you how to make a fortune from this energy source… as China scrambles to acquire it. The situation is simple: “China underestimated its power demand quite dramatically. They realized the problem a couple years later, but by then it was too late.” ~ Pierre Lau, an analyst for ABN AMRO in Hong Kong China needs electricity – a lot of it. There’s only one reasonable way to generate this much power: Tobernite and its derivatives. That’s why China President Hu Jintao recently set aside $54 billion to acquire as much of this energy source as possible. He also ordered the construction of 27 Tobernite-fueled power plants over the next decade. There are only THREE places in the world where you can find Tobernite in abundance. One is a former Soviet bloc country, which is way too risky. But the other two places are safe. In the report that follows, I’ll show you how to capitalize on both of them. You could easily make 25-times your money in the next two years. Let me get right to the details… starting with how this all began… “The Country Literally Overheated.” -Fortune magazine For most countries, electricity is as abundant and cheap as the air we breathe. But on the ground in China, the situation is very different... CONSIDER: Shanghai, the largest city in China. It’s the financial and trade capital. At first glance, it’s completely modern. But if you spend some time there, you’ll see that students read by candlelight, elevators freeze between floors… and its many metal, steel-alloy, and calcium carbide workshops often run out of power… BEIJING: 2008 Fueling China’s Demand for Tobernite China’s major electricity shortage is obviously fueling their desperate search for energy. But there’s another factor too… The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The world’s spotlight will be on China in less than two years. It could very well be the biggest story of the century: the world’s oldest empire, a communist nation, hosting the Olympic Games for the very first time. A country without a stable power supply CANNOT host an Olympic Games. China knows this very well… So, their energy plan has 2 parts. Right now 70% of China’s electricity comes from coal, which is inefficient and filthy. It makes buildings dirty. It pollutes the skies. It wastes energy. Already, China ordered coal-fueled Shoungang plants to shut down by 2007. To quote a recent Business Week article, “Beijing is determined to clean up in time for the 2008 Olympic Games.” The Chinese want to wean themselves from coal… and increase their reliance on Tobernite derivatives. It’s that simple. Exploiting this shift could mean more for you than the beginning of the oil boom did for investors in 2003. And you can do it with relative safety, by investing OUTSIDE of China. It’s not just Shanghai either. 88 percent of China often goes without electricity on a regular basis… In Zhejiang, blackouts shutdown factories twice a week. In Changsha, residents are without power every three days. Traffic lights often go dark in Taizhou, a prospering industrial town. How did this happen to the world’s 4th largest economy? In short, China had too much power in the late 1990s. So, Beijing stopped the construction of all power plants for THREE YEARS. The rest of this story is pretty simple… After 5 decades of Communism, China’s economy woke up - big time. They built expressways, trains, skyscrapers, subways, sewer systems, airport runways, parks, and phone lines… all without first figuring out how to power all of those things. FOR INSTANCE: -In the past 10 years, Shanghai erected enough high-rises to fill all of Manhattan… -The Chinese auto market grew 76 percent in 2003. Experts project vehicles will increase from 24 million now to 100 million in 2020, according to Business Week. As Newsweek reports, “China’s energy crunch is so great that there are probably few places it wouldn’t look.” -Cell phone usage surged and is expected to double by 2009. (China has 350 million cell phone subscribers – which is larger than the U.S. population, but still less than 30% of their overall population!) Bottom line: China spent 5 years collecting the materials to modernize their country… but they forgot about the one key ingredient that makes it all work and run: ELECTRICITY! Since this growth spurt began, China’s demand for electricity is up 4-fold. To meet this demand, China needs a new energy source. And they found it… in the form of Tobernite – the best investment opportunity of the next ten years… Australian Geologists Discover China’s New Power Source in Rum Jungle Unless you’re a geologist, you probably don’t know about Tobernite… It’s a mineral that exists naturally in rocks and seawater. Tobernite’s emerald green crystals hold an amazing amount of energy… enough to solve China’s immediate and long-term electricity needs. John Michael White, an itinerant prospector and farmer, was the first to discover Tobernite… in Australia. White, known as “Jack” to his kangaroo hunting buddies, stumbled onto this energy source while camping in an area known as “Rum Jungle.” Like most areas in Northern Australia, Rum Jungle is rough and wild, more hospitable to the crocodiles, wallabies, and crows than to an old farmer and prospector like Jack White. Jack went there to explore abandoned copper mines. He hadn’t the slightest idea that he would unearth an energy source vital to China’s 21st century prosperity… At night, he camped in an old Air Force tent, underneath the Palms and Paperbarks. During the day, Jack explored the mining shafts. On one of his expeditions, he found a puzzling cluster of rocks. They were glittering green, unlike anything he’d seen before. Tobernite “is on the cusp of a worldwide boom, especially in Asia,” according to Barron’s. Not sure what he had, Jack sent them to Australia’s Bureau of Mineral Resources. Two years later, a researcher called to tell him that he found Australia’s first major deposit of Tobernite… Since the find in Rum Jungle, mining companies made a slew of Tobernite discoveries throughout Australia. When Chinese scientists realized the importance of Tobernite, they alerted government officials, who immediately pursued favorable relations with Australia… even signing an Australian mining company (BHP Billiton) as an official sponsor of the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing. China desperately wants Tobernite. But what exactly makes it so valuable? Let me explain… The Secret Energy of Tobernite – Revealed For investors, the most important fact about Tobernite is what it stores: Uranium – a highly concentrated source of energy. Scientists put Tobernite through a milling process to extract uranium oxide, or yellowcake. Then, power plants burn the yellowcake, creating heat to make steam, which produces electricity. That’s how a green mineral in Australia ends up powering a factory in Shanghai. Money Week magazine calls it “the safest, cheapest, cleanest, and most practical source of mass power.” Because uranium is dense, you can find it in the keels of yachts and as a counterweight for aircraft control surfaces (rudders and elevators). Environmental agencies use it to detect pollution. Hospitals use a form of uranium to sterilize syringes, bandages and other medical equipment. But these everyday uses require very little uranium. To generate electricity on a massive scale, you need tons of uranium… And China needs more electricity sooner than any other nation. How will they meet their demand? Well, very few places have concentrated deposits of uranium. The top three reserves of Uranium are in Australia, Kazakhstan, and Canada. In that order. Kazakhstan is politically unstable. I wouldn’t put my money there. That leaves Australia and Canada. Both countries are super-stable. Let me first explain how to make a lot of money in Australia… China Quietly Hunts for Uranium in Australia Australia has 667,000 tons of uranium – 28% of the world’s total reserves. 9-times as much as the U.S. And more than every other country. China is desperate for Australian uranium. It’s a fact. But you probably haven’t heard about this story because China has been very secretive about their search. Here’s what’s been happening: “Now, China's burgeoning appetite for energy along with soaring international prices for uranium are poised to unlock Australia's reserves and spark a mining and exploration boom.” ~International Herald Tribune February 2004: At a private meeting in Beijing, the deputy director-general of China's National Development and Reform Commission asks Australian officials if China can conduct uranium explorations in Australia. February 2004: A delegation from China’s Bureau of Geology visits Honeymoon mine in Australia, owned by Australian company, SXR Uranium One. August 2005: Australia quietly opens uranium exploratory negotiations with China. December 2005: CITIC – a Chinese financial conglomerate – attempts to buy WMC Resources Ltd., which owns Australia’s largest uranium mine. Another Australian company buys WMC instead. According to Alexander Downer, Australia’s foreign minister, “China’s demand for uranium by 2020 could be roughly equivalent to Australia’s entire current annual exports.” If you haven’t heard of these events, I’m not surprised. The only places these stories appeared in the press were Small Australian newspapers like the Weekend Australian. So, how can you take advantage of China’s endless thirst for Australia’s Uranium? Here’s the safest and easiest way… Uranium Play #1: Australia’s Most Profitable Miner I recently found a company in Australia that owns the largest uranium mine in the world – with 390,000 tons. The mine also has 12 million tons of copper and significant amounts of silver. This company is super cheap, compared to the value of its reserves. And, more importantly, they already have great relations with the Chinese. In fact, their China sales soared TENFOLD since 2002… and now make up 10% of total revenues. Last year, for instance, this company sold 40% of an iron ore mine to four different Chinese steelmakers. It’s a deal that should generate $9 billion in sales over 20 years. So, when China spends the $54 billion it has set aside for uranium… this company should be the first the Chinese turn to. The business relationship is already in place. “The Australians, who are the primary suppliers of minerals to China, are going to make out like bandits.” ~Business Week This Australian company is one of my top TWO uranium plays right now. And – even though this company has its base in Australia – you can buy shares of it on an American stock exchange. It’s incredibly cheap and very easy to buy. I expect this stock to double this year. And, I expect you’ll make several hundred percent over the next few years. Another great thing about this company is it pays out about $1.62 billion in dividends. So, when you buy their stock, they cut you a check at least once a year. Before I give you more details on how to make this investment, let me tell you about the best uranium play in Canada… Uranium Play #2: How to Generate a 25-to-1 Return as Uranium Prices Surge My favorite uranium investment in Australia is a big, safe investment that will likely multiply your money by several times in the next few years. But as I mentioned, there’s also a great way to invest in uranium in Canada… and the profit potential is just extraordinary. You could realistically make 10 times your money or more. Quiet Uranium Negotiations Between Canada and China Uranium exports to China already make up 2% of Canada’s annual distribution. A number that should increase big time, very soon… Just check out this timeline of activity : Fall 2004: A Chinese delegation visits Cameco Corp, a Saskatoon-based uranium giant. January 2005: Canadian Prime Minister Martin visits Beijing and signs agreements to "work together" in the "uranium resources field." Summer 2005: A 4-person Chinese investment team visits the Vancouver offices of CanAlaska Ventures Ltd., a junior exploration company hunting for uranium in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. July 2005: A Chinese group visits the Saskatoon offices of Cogema Resources Inc., the uranium-mining arm of the French nuclear energy company Areva Group. You probably haven’t read or heard any of these happenings. But big financial journals and magazines rarely report scouting missions like these. I had to dig through Canadian business journals to uncover these facts. You see, right now, the Chinese are also scouring Canadian companies and mines for uranium… According to The Mining News, "Chinese officials and investors have been sizing up the Canadian uranium sector, in what may be the early stages of an attempt to nail down raw materials for a… building boom." Most of Canada’s Uranium comes from two new mines: Cameco’s McArthur River mine and Cogema’s McClean Lake mine. But these mines have already been getting a lot of press. I’m much more interested in a story no one else is telling… To set yourself up to make HUGE gains from uranium, the best play is a Canadian microcap – a tiny stock. This company’s small size is exactly what makes this stock potentially explosive. It could easily see its share price increase 10-times or more. Keep in mind, if this Canadian company grew 25-times in size… it would still only be 1/27 th the size of Exxon. That’s the multiplying effect of microcap companies. And here are the THREE things I love about this Canadian microcap: 1) It has the option to acquire one of the largest uranium projects in Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin, where 30% of Canada’s total uranium deposits lie. Plus, this company has 8 million acres of uranium properties (with an estimated worth greater than the value of the company in the stock market) in Mongolia… which, as you probably know, is right next to China. Thanks to the Mineral Law of Mongolia (1997)… the country is very friendly to mineral licensing. In other words, this Canadian company’s investment is safe. 2) This microcap owns and operates one of only four permitted uranium mines in the U.S. This mine produces 2,000 TONS of uranium every single day. The great thing is… this company has no fixed commercial sale agreements for the Uranium. So, as the price of uranium surges… they can sell their deposits at higher prices. Which brings me to the final point about this company… Small Canadian Uranium companies are up 21% on average the past 3 months. This uptrend is only the beginning… 3) The rising price of uranium and China’s thirst for energy should propel the holdings of this company into the stratosphere. As it stands, this company is worth at least 4-times as much as its market price. In fact, this company has already started its rise. It’s up 25% in the past 3 months. And, if the price of uranium goes into a frenzy (as I expect), this stock could go even higher… by multiples of ten, twenty, possibly even twenty-five times the current value of this stock. Why? Because as the price of Uranium goes up… the operating margins rise much faster. If Uranium shoots up 50% in value, this Canadian microcap could see its margins rise 500%. This Canadian high-flyer… and the Australian miner I told you about earlier… are my top two ways to capitalize on what can only be described as a bull market in Uranium. You can learn all the details on these companies in my recently published Special Report: The Only TWO Ways to Invest in China’s Secret Energy Source. I’ll send you a copy, free… Here’s how to get it… How to Own China’s Secret Energy Source – Without Investing in China My name is Graham Summers. I’m an investment analyst for a research service called Inside Strategist… I base my service on the proven idea that you can make a lot of money in the stock market by simply following what the world’s richest investors and corporate executives do with their own money. That’s how I uncovered China’s Secret Energy Source… I learned that many corporate insiders of Uranium companies – CEOs, CFOs, Directors – top-ranking, in-the-know executives… started buying shares of their own companies… “The forces are… in place for prolonged high prices for uranium.” ~The Economist And I traced this trail of money across the planet… from China to Australia… from China to Canada… examining the billions of dollars landing into Uranium and into the companies that mine, process and supply it. You see, corporate executives know more about their business than any stockbroker or financial planner. So when they invest in their own company, it gets my attention. Consider the Australian uranium company I told you about… The CEO and the Director recently loaded up on shares. The CEO used his own money to buy $1.3 million worth of his company’s stock. And – on the same day – the Director also bought $103,000 worth of stock. These guys are wealthy, but even so, that’s no small chunk of change. If anyone knows the future of this company, it’s these guys… In the last two years, the CEO boosted profits by 78%. Last year, the company posted the largest profit of any Australian company in history. Then, in 2005, this company acquired the largest uranium mine in the world. And the Director? He’s currently the Vice-Chairman of Goldman Sachs’ Asia Business. He’s also a former senior banker at the World Bank. If anyone has unlimited contacts in Asia, it’s him. The point is… these men know more about the prospects of their business than every other investor in the world. So when they buy, I pay attention. That’s also how I found out about the Canadian microcap I mentioned earlier… Worldwide Demand for Uranium Soars! A large portion of the world’s energy comes from uranium – a percentage that will only rise every year over the next decade… CONSIDER THESE FACTS: -Uranium generates 34% of the European Union’s electricity (25 countries make up the EU – basically all of Western Europe). - “France is increasing its investment in the energy source,” reports The Wall Street Journal. - “Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania also plan to increase their reliance” on uranium (WSJ). - According to Wired, “Even the United States is pushing for more reactors, adding several billion dollars in incentives” for uranium-based reactors. Currently, 20% of America’s electricity comes from uranium (statistic from U.S. Department of Energy). - And consider India… which plans to increase uranium-electricity generation “ten-fold by 2022 – and 9,000 percent by 2052,” according to Red Herring, a financial technology journal. That translates into 90 percent growth a year! But the Chinese are the real story here… because they have the greatest immediate demand… and because their actions as of late set up incredible investment opportunities for you… Phillip London, a self-made billionaire, took control of this company about nine years ago. Whenever you see London’s name associated with a company, big gains are on the way. Why? Because this guy knows how to pick winning investments… London made his billions by investing in natural resource companies outside the U.S. -He built up International Petroleum… which he sold for a $480 million profit in 2001. -He sold Musto Exploration, a gold company, for $510 million. -And he sold Argentina Gold for $300 million. In the case of this Canadian company… London has more than his reputation at stake. He owns 22.5 million shares, which he bought with his own money (roughly $135 million). I don’t care how rich he is. He can’t afford to not care about an investment of that size. He has more at stake than any other investor. And he’s in a position to do something about it. In the course of tracking these corporate insiders, I learned something else that’s very telling: This bull market in uranium is not the first of its kind… Most people probably don’t remember the ungodly amount of money investors made during uranium’s last two bull markets. Consider the first one, which began in 1955 and ended in 1962. It was government-backed, much like China’s uranium boom is today. But this one took place in the States – in the Southwest. Take a look at the money you could have made: Aladdin Uranium doubled 5-times over Mayflower Co. shot up 2,100% Chimo Mines: 266% Gunnar Mines: 5,769%! New Larder U-Mines: 2,111% Inspiration Mining: 942% in one week! That’s just a sampling of the bull market. Companies like Uranium, Inc., Atlas Uranium, Uranium Corp. of America, and many others saw their share prices triple and quadruple during the boom. As the Wall Street Journal reported, uranium became so valuable that “all you had to do to become an instant millionaire… was find the right spot and stake your claim.” The situation in China today is similar. Like the U.S. in the 1950s, China wants Uranium… they want it badly… and they have billions to spend on it. “One reason the price of uranium should keep escalating is that producers are only starting to ramp up to meet the strong demand.” ~ Forbes This trend is an undeniable opportunity for you to make money. If you’d like to learn more about it, I encourage you to read my new Special Report: The Only TWO Ways to Invest in China’s Secret Energy Source. I’ll rush you a free copy of this report as soon as you sign up to try my research advisory – Inside Strategist. As I mentioned, I look closely at what corporate executives do with their own money – that’s how I find great investment opportunities. Right now, uranium is attracting a lot of attention among corporate insiders. But that’s not the only good opportunity out there… Here’s something else I’ve been following as part of my Inside Strategist research… FREE – Special Energy Report No. 2 Why U.S. Senators are Better Investors than Mutual Fund Managers – and what they’re buying now! If you could peek inside the closed-door meetings at the United States Congress, just for a day… you would make a lot of money in the next year. Why? Because the men and women who make the laws almost always know which companies are going to benefit the most. Take the members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, for example… 'U.S. Senator's Stock Picks Outperform the Pros' - Wall Street Journal “… Senators' uncanny ability to know when to buy or sell their shares seems to stem from having access to information that other investors wouldn't have. Senators, for example, are likely to know which tax legislation is apt to pass and which companies might benefit. Or a senator who sits on a certain committee might find out that a particular company soon will be awarded a government contract.” Senator Don Nickels (Georgia). Nickels invested in oil giant ConocoPhillips (up 236%) and oil shipping firm Tidewater, Inc., which shot up 1,118%. Senator George Allen (Virginia) . Bought shares of Fording Canadian Coal Trust (up 6-FOLD!) and Centerpoint Energy (up 237%). Senator Gordon Smith (Oregon) . Smith bought shares of Marathon Oil (up 102% in the last two years!). Senators obviously have a HUGE advantage over you and me: They know which legislation will pass… which businesses stand to prosper… and which companies will be awarded contracts or mining leases… A University of Georgia study on investing from last year showed that senators did even better than mutual fund managers, by a 2-1 margin! The good news is that I know what the savviest Senators are buying right now with their own money. And it turns out that they’re exact same Congressmen who sit on the Energy committee I told you about above. One of these Senators is loading up on a Canadian oil and natural gas company… with major reserves in Alberta, Saskatchewan and the United Kingdom. Why? Because when you’ve worked on the new U.S. Energy Bill like these guys have… you know that America’s reliance on foreign oil will only increase each year. And you also know the best way to play that trend… Since 2004, this Canadian oil company has been on an acquisition rampage – with 109 separate transactions in that time! Likewise, their revenues grew every single year for the past 7 years – up 7-FOLD. Plus, this Canadian energy company I’m recommending has 40 YEARS worth of reserves… located within a stone’s throw of the most oil-hungry nation in the world. This company is a great play… and a pretty safe one too. Endorsed by US Senators (the best money managers in the world), fueled by America’s growing demand for foreign oil… and with an incredible growth rate… this company could easily double your money in the next 12-24 months. It would be a good idea to pick up shares immediately. I’ve written a Special Report just on this opportunity. It’s called: A U.S. Senator’s Investment of a Lifetime. Inside this report, you’ll get the full details on this Canadian oil company. And you’ll also get the full story on the investing prowess of U.S. Senators… including why their investments perform better than those of some of the world’s highest paid fund managers. I don’t sell this report to the general public either. In fact, I don’t sell it at all. But I’ll send you a copy, free of charge, when you try my research advisory, The Inside Strategist. Keep in mind, you’ll get this report – which is very much like a glimpse into a U.S. Senator’s portfolio – in addition to the Special Report I described on Uranium, called: The Only TWO Ways to Invest in China’s Secret Energy Source. Between these two reports, you’ll learn how to give your portfolio the perfect amount of exposure to the energy sector… with the right kinds of stocks. And all that I ask in return is that you try my research service – Inside Strategist – for 6 months. Is Inside Strategist right for you? Let me tell you a little bit about my investment research style and philosophy so you can decide for yourself... Make $58,000 or More on Just One Trade I got my degree at Oberlin and Oxford University in England. After school, I went directly into the world of finance and took a job at a well-known investment research club. Quickly, I realized no matter how much information you have or how quickly you can get it… the men and women who work at the companies you’re following – the insiders – always get it faster and make more money investing on it than the average investor. Numerous academic studies prove this phenomenon: One of my subscribers – Chuck Ayers, a Park Ranger from Deep Creek, Maryland – wrote into say he made $58,000 on just one of our recommended trades… A study by Univ. of Michigan finance professor H. Nejat Seyhun found that you can basically double your returns by purchasing stocks with heavy insider buying. The investment firm Tweedy Browne published a report that proved buying stocks with heavy insider buying beats the stock market as a whole by as much as 300% over a five-year period. Carr Bettis, a professor at the Arizona State University Management School, found that investors who bought stocks that were popular among insiders earned, on average, annual total returns that were 100% more than the S&P 500 (source: Fortune Magazine, May 1, 1995). The Insiders at Nvidia Were Up to Something… You’ll often see insider trading at the smaller companies… in stocks the average investor has no idea about. In companies like Nvidia. In August 2004, our insider trading system alerted us to major insider buying at this company. Four major insiders – all directors of the Board – started buying shares. They bought $20 million worth of Nvidia stock in less than a month. There was no earnings announcement on the horizon. No major news reported. In fact, the stock was on a decline. The insiders knew something the rest of us didn’t… We plugged the company’s data into our insider trading system. All 5 criteria were in place. So we rated the company a “buy.” Two months later, Nvidia announced a deal with Intel. A month after that, they inked another major deal. This time with Sony. When this information became public, shares of Nvidia took off very quickly. Check out the chart below. The insiders made money. But so did handfuls of average investors – “outsiders,” so to speak. Dave Stimson – a steelworker from Pittsburgh -- made $8,661 on the deal. Richard Dunbar, a retired biology teacher from Pomona, CA profited $5,600. Tracey Wagner, a dentist from Jacksonville, netted $4,000. Did these folks know about the Intel and Sony deals in advance? No, of course not. But heavy buying from the Directors was as good as insider information. Tracking insiders is the best way to make money in the markets. And that’s exactly what I do in Inside Strategist. Check out the order form at the end of this letter to see how you can get started with your 6-month trial! Other respected financial journals reported similar findings, including The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Portfolio Management, and The Southern Business and Economic Journal. Graduate school studies at Michigan State, Ohio State, and the London School of Economics proved similar results. In short, the Insiders always know more. And they, like you, invest their own money on what they know. So I sought a place where I could create an advisory based on that idea. I joined Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, an investment firm headquartered in Baltimore, MD. We also have affiliate offices in Seattle, Florida, Wall Street, South Africa, Ireland, London, and Germany. We’re not a mainstream Wall Street firm. In fact, that’s our big advantage. We’re not beholden to investment bankers who need to cut deals, institutional sales people who need to push stocks… we have none of the trappings of an institutional firm. The only advertising we do and accountability we have is to you, our subscriber. And we now have subscribers in 127 countries around the globe. Two years ago, at Stansberry & Associates, I created my own research service – Inside Strategist. So far, I’m quite proud of my work… Take a look at a few recent examples: In 42 days, Smith & Wesson (SWB) shot up 38% Spectranetics (SPNC) rose 28% in 4 months In an 89-day tear, Edge Petroleum (EPEX) rose 68% NGAS Resources (NGAS) soared 63% in 24 days Lojack (LOJN) went up 54% in 7 months In just 20 days, Convera (CNVR) shot up 21% In 13 months, (STMP) rose 28% Of course, I’ve had a few laggards along the way, and every investment is a risk… but the losses have been small, thanks in large part to a protective strategy I teach my subscribers to use. Bottom line, I simply find great investment opportunities by tracking the insider activity of corporate executives... then I invite people like you to have a look at my research. If it works, you'll probably keep reading... if not, you can simply cancel and can even get your money back. So far, the response from my readers has been enthusiastic. Here’s what a few of them wrote in to say: When my subscribers make money, they’re happy – and so am I. As soon as you take a 6 month trial of Inside Strategist , I’ll rush you the two Special Reports I told you about earlier – at absolutely no cost or obligation to you. As soon as you sign up, I’ll send them to you: RESEARCH REPORT #1: The Only TWO Ways to Invest in China’s Secret Energy Source. RESEARCH REPORT #2: A U.S. Senator’s Investment of a Lifetime. You’ll also receive the next 6 issues of Inside Strategist, my monthly advisory, which we publish the third Wednesday of every month. In each issue, I recommend the top insider investment at that moment. The sector and industry don’t matter. When the Insiders buy, I pay attention. Stocks jump after insiders load up on shares. It’s that simple. Right now, for instance, my portfolio is heavy with Tech and Energy companies. Because that’s where most of the inside money is now. And that’s where yours should be too. You'll also receive my weekly e-mail updates, and you'll have access to all of the research I've done over the past 2 years, on our subscribers-only website. “Inside Strategist is a Steal…” “For the price, Inside Strategist is a steal. If I get just one fantastic performing stock a year such as NVDA, it’s worth the price of this advisory. ~ Ralph Deng, San Francisco, CA Over the next six months, take your time and decide if Inside Strategist is right for you. If not, simply let me know before your six-month trial period has expired. I'll send you a full refund, and you can keep everything you've received up until that point. How much does Inside Strategist cost? I think it's ridiculously cheap, especially considering all you receive... and the fact that just one of the investment ideas I'll share with you can help you make 100-times the subscription price, in just a matter of weeks. But before I give you these details and tell you how to start your own trial subscription, let me tell you about one more thing I'll send you – free of charge. This opportunity also involves China and very heavy insider buying… but in a completely different industry. Let me explain… FREE Special Report No. 3: How to Capitalize on China’s Internet Boom The Internet is about to explode in China… “iResearch estimates that the Chinese paid search market will grow by… 60 percent in 2006 to pass $690 million by 2007; Piper Jaffray reckons the market will pass $1 billion by 2010. ” ~ Red Herring magazine Right now, only 103 million Chinese use the Internet. That puts them second only to the United States. But that’s a ridiculously low percentage when you consider how big China is – they have over 1 billion people! Even in the midst of an electricity crisis, the Chinese are getting online in record numbers. Every single month, China’s Internet users grow by about 1.5 million – more than the entire population of Idaho! I found a tiny Internet search engine company that should capitalize on this amazing growth. (It’s not the overhyped either.) The current CEO founded the company when he was still a PhD candidate at MIT. He came up with a business idea so compelling, that Nicolas Negroponte – the head of MIT’s world-famous Media Lab – personally helped him start a company around it. Negroponte secured the backing of two U.S. corporations – Intel and Dow Jones & Co. as investors – as well as some venture capitalists. Today, this company is the official search engine for both NASCAR and the NBA in China. Plus, the Chinese government supports this company – they just made it the official Internet company for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. You can only be successful in China’s search engine market if the government backs you. Why? Because censorship is their biggest concern. The government has 30,000 full-time computer specialists patrolling the Internet. Put simply, if your company plays ball, so does the government. But here’s what I like the most about this company as an investment: The CEO of this company is on a buying rampage! Several months ago, he bought 132,000 shares of his own stock. Later – the same week – the Photon Group, an investment group where this CEO sits as Director, also bought 2.8 million dollars worth of stock. Red Herring magazine calls this company one of the “ most innovative and most promising technology companies in the small-cap segment.” Keep in mind : These are not stock options or grants. This gentleman is using his own money – which he could invest anywhere in the world – and he’s buying millions worth of his own company’s stock. You don’t invest that much money unless you expect a positive return on your investment. And that’s exactly what I expect from this company… This stock should triple its value in 2006… and continue to rise all the way through 2008, as the Olympics approach… I had to tap all of my Asian and technology contacts to get the real story on this company. Recently, I documented my research in a Special Report called: China’s Internet Boom, which I’d like to send you, free of charge. Inside, you’ll get my full analysis on this company, including: -How to buy shares (Even though it’s a Chinese business, you don’t have to buy shares in China) -Why it will outlast and outperform all of its Chinese competitors, Yahoo!, even Google to become the only Internet search engine in China by 2008. -How this stock could turn your $5,000 stake into $30,000 or more in less than 2 years. I’ll send this report to you, along with the other two I told you about, as part of your trial of Inside Strategist. You can get started with a trial subscription to Inside Strategist for $99. For this price, I’ll rush you a package that includes: RESEARCH REPORT #1 : The Only TWO Ways to Invest in China’s Secret Energy Source RESEARCH REPORT #2 : A U.S. Senator’s Investment Tip of a Lifetime RESEARCH REPORT #3 : China’s Internet Boom If you decide in the first 6 months that Inside Strategist is not for you, simply let us know by phone, e-mail or regular mail, and you'll receive a full refund. Plus, the reports are yours to keep, either way. Gary Warner, a retired electrician from Decatur, Illinois, made $100,000 in investing profits this past year… simply by investing in my recommendations. Try my research… see if I’m right about China’s Secret Energy source… see if it doesn’t become the best investment you make over the next two years. To get started with these companies right away, and to begin receiving my Inside Strategist research, select here. Sincerely, Graham Summers Editor, Inside Strategist P.S. There's another gift I'd like to send you, free of charge. It's called The Book of Money, a 288-page volume loaded with our best investing, real estate, gold, options, and money secrets from 22 of the rich and successful investors I know. Inside, you'll learn: How to earn a 135% dividend with a regular stock The best way to buy junior gold stocks 6 things you need to know before opening an offshore bank account Where to find a beachfront retirement home with a terrace and gardens for less than $150,000 How to make $220,000 as the U.S. dollar falls in value The best investment during high-inflation periods... and much, much more. |
itrademan 70 posts msg #42413 - Ignore itrademan modified |
3/24/2006 11:10:26 AM TRO, If I am not missing anything the email provides us the name of the company 'BHP Billiton' (BHP). They have acquired WMC in November 2005. Which has mining center at Olympic Dam, South Australia the site of an extremely large (world class) deposit of copper, uranium, gold and silver.;jsessionid=4ts0jcscp3r0f?method=4&dsid=2222&dekey=Olympic+Dam%2C+South+Australia&curtab=2222_1&sbid=lc05a&linktext=Olympic%20Dam Resistance at $39.75 (2 month) at $37.50 (1 month approx) The Stochastic shows overbought ?? (Will wait a little) The major moving averages are converging (using the Rainbow Trend Filter) kind of a temporary pull back. I believe in Oil, Gold and now Uranium as long term investment. Good stock for me to watch. Not sure about short term trading. |
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42439 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/24/2006 7:47:18 PM Thanks for the DD! |
itrademan 70 posts msg #42746 - Ignore itrademan |
4/5/2006 10:35:08 AM TRO, Your mail helped me to find a longterm gold mine (Uranium mine). The stock gained 7% since the entry 31st March. It looks stronger for long term gain.I will try to lock profit from a short pull back. As I am not an active trader I am worried about the Wash-Rule. If I purcharse a different number of stocks for BHP during the nest rally will it trigger the Wash rule scenario? Learning a lot from the pros. |
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42751 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/5/2006 1:43:37 PM I don't worry about that... only have to be concerned Dec - Jan. JUST TRADE! |
knowsenough 54 posts msg #42752 - Ignore knowsenough |
4/5/2006 2:17:35 PM RumpledOne, here's a site for ya... *I wouldn't get too excited till I checked up on the below headline... China wants to explore for uranium in Australia "Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer has confirmed that China has asked the Federal Government for permission to conduct uranium exploration activities in Australia. But Mr Downer says China would have to sign a nuclear safeguard agreement with Australia before it could conduct uranium mining or exploration activities. (ABC Oct. 17, 2005)" |
itrademan 70 posts msg #42754 - Ignore itrademan |
4/5/2006 2:42:55 PM TRO, just posted the original link. But I don't think TRO is trying to tell that this stock looks hot. Here is the latest news that I have read. All I know Uranium mine takeover by BHP looks hot and I am currently riding on the trend. Will follow TA to exit my trade and following the next trend. News: China says IAEA will monitor Taiwan amid reports that it will buy uranium from Australia By AP Worldstream Last Update: 4/4/2006 8:56:48 AM Data provided by BEIJING, Apr 04, 2006 (AP Worldstream via COMTEX) -- China said Tuesday that it has made arrangements with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency to monitor Taiwan amid reports that Australia had plans to sell uranium to the island. The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reported that BHP Billiton Ltd. and Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. have agreed to supply uranium to Taiwanese electricity producer Taipower. It cited Taiwanese officials. "We have taken note of the report," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao. "The Chinese government has made arrangements with the International Atomic Energy Agency on safeguards and the monitoring of Taiwan's nuclear activities." He did not give any details but said the IAEA has "all along monitored and safeguarded Taiwan's activities ... to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear energy." China and Taiwan split civil war in 1949. Beijing considers the self-governing island its territory and insists it should not have official diplomatic relations. It has threatened war if its rival declares formal independence. Taiwan, meanwhile, has been trying to bolster its arsenal against a decade-long Chinese military buildup. Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer confirmed the Taiwan uranium deal, saying it was negotiated with the United States in 2002. The deal was done through the United States because Canberra does not have diplomatic relations with Taipei. The report came as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao wrapped up a visit to Australia after clinching a landmark deal that clears the way for Canberra to sell billions of dollars worth of uranium to Beijing for use in its nuclear power stations. Energy-hungry China has been negotiating for months to buy uranium from Australia, which has 40 percent of the world's known uranium deposits. |
knowsenough 54 posts msg #42755 - Ignore knowsenough |
4/5/2006 2:47:40 PM There's easier ways to make money... Than chasing Uranium around the globe. Just play the daily returns you get from SF. Here's last nights total return count... CCBL,DIL,INTN,MVCO,TASR,DTPI,NMKT.OB,CVM,AIDO.OB,AFOP,BSIO.OB,IBAS.OB,ALLP.OB,TLCO.OB,IMSI.OB,VSHI.OB,VLTS You can see that the only big loser was yesterday's Bird Flu runner that got it's wings clipped immediately from the starting bell. Some decent spreads, and no real account killers. Another day at the office....FWIW |
itrademan 70 posts msg #42757 - Ignore itrademan |
4/5/2006 3:31:51 PM Congrats for your great returns on your picks. This clue posted in this thread helped me to find great stock to look for my style of trading. If you are going to be really helpful then discuss what made you select those stocks. Else show your success to the big bulls who are smarter than you and pay more taxes than you earn. |
knowsenough 54 posts msg #42782 - Ignore knowsenough |
4/6/2006 4:36:45 PM re: itrademan...Day 2 and many are still running... One can measure value of screens with positive vs. negative return totals in day 2 we get +$2.55 and negative -.34 off yesterdays list. Who needs Uranium? LOL OT: ALLP was a nice hit last night....weeeeeeee! |
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