xarlor 590 posts msg #152174 - Ignore xarlor |
5/12/2020 9:40:22 PM
I picked up TORC for $1.71 myself when my original filter flashed it. Selling the Jun2020 $2.50 calls against the shares. If it gets up to $2.50 by expiration, my shares get called away at that price, but it's still a 46% profit plus the premium of the sold calls.
I know you said a few months out, but I'm excited to see what you've come up with kossvet!
Mansor 78 posts msg #152176 - Ignore Mansor |
5/12/2020 9:59:58 PM
xarlor - is your original filter the same as the one posted in this thread? or the one that doesn't have "-" in 3 month as suggested by nibor on a different thread (pvi nvi thread)
kossvet 147 posts msg #152177 - Ignore kossvet |
5/12/2020 10:11:25 PM
Xalor, Mansor good luck to both of you.
I'm holding 6k shares.
Despite a 400+ drop today all the stocks shared so far fared well.
3 were up, and Gnpx was down 3 cents.
Bought 1000 UAVS at close $1.23
Mansor, I know your out of work right now, you can never go broke taking a profit.
Wish both of you the best
shillllihs 6,050 posts msg #152178 - Ignore shillllihs |
5/13/2020 12:20:44 PM
Thank you for protecting all on SF.
xarlor 590 posts msg #152179 - Ignore xarlor |
5/13/2020 1:21:32 PM
Mansor, at the time, 05/05/2020, it was the filter kossvet has been posting with the "-" still in it. I've since updated that filter to take out the "-". For me, both the "-" version and the one without seem to return the same tickers.
kossvet 147 posts msg #152180 - Ignore kossvet |
5/13/2020 1:29:11 PM
Fed needs new printers.
Capable of printing quadrillions
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #152181 - Ignore nibor100 |
5/13/2020 1:30:05 PM
1. I've been going thru some of your prior posts, and as usual I have some questions:
a. Back in late Feb, in the General Discussion thread "What is the best way to write this filter" where Xarlor provided his first couple of filters, you stated that "I also stumbled on to CLSD, and GNPX. Both of these stocks were played without the aid of a filter", then apparently you got out of those 2 trades at some point.
b. Then you pointed out on 4/25 that you had found GNPX with a slighty modified Xarlor filter and had been buying some shares for the past week and a half.
That would make your first GNPX share purchase on or about 4/15.yet if I look at GNPX on a chart produced by Xarlor's filter it show that GNPX did not have the 3 moving averages stacked properly and beginning to diverge until 4/29.
Does your slight filter modification negate the importance of those 3 moving averages?
c. As of 5/8 it appears you intend on holding GNPX much longer than the first time due your research and future expectations for GNPX.
Is researching these medical stocks a new technique for you since you did not stay with GNPX previously?
Ed S.
kossvet 147 posts msg #152182 - Ignore kossvet |
5/13/2020 3:09:40 PM
Hi Ed
You are correct in posting Gnpx and Clsd.
I sold all my shares back then.
Which prompted me to ask if someone could create a filter based on my observations
Back then I traded many more medical stocks and had phenomenal success.
To name a few, SAVA, AQST, TNXP, CYDY.
I held SAVA, and then realized if I didn't sell the others so quickly my profits would have doubled in some of them.
My background is micro-biology.
So it is a perfect fit for me to do deeper research in these outfits, instead of blindly teading them.
I'm closing in on retirement, and I don't want to continue trading actively.
Would rather own substantial shares in a variety of researched companies and engage in covered writing.
As for the filter, I modified the entry signal, based on volume statistics I gleened from some of my prior successes.
The MA are my sell signal now.
I have added more shares of GNPX and I'm currently sitting at 15k.
This stock alone, given 2-3 years will be over 100.
They have some awesome technology, from a micro-bio perspective.
I promise if this pans out, like I believe, everyone on stockfetcher will profit.
Nobody 404 posts msg #152183 - Ignore Nobody |
5/13/2020 4:59:51 PM
@kossvett / @ mansor
Can you kindly direct me to the filter being discussed? Or if you can confirm its same as on first page.
BTW - Took some off this today:

kossvet 147 posts msg #152184 - Ignore kossvet |
5/13/2020 5:46:59 PM
This is the original Xalor filter
The catalyst filter.
average volume(5) > 100000
set{diff1,ma(5) - ma(10)}
set{diff2,ma(10) - ma(20)}
set{vol2,average volume(5) 5 days ago * 2}
set{var1,count(volume > vol2,1)}
set{var2,count(ma(5) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var3,count(ma(10) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var4,count(ma(20) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var5,count(diff1 increasing for the last 2 days,1)}
set{var6,count(diff2 increasing for the last 2 days,1)}
set{var7,count(atr(30) 3 days ago < .2,1)}
set{var8,count(reached a new high 3-month high,1)}
set{buy1,var1 * var2}
set{buy2, buy1 * var3}
set{buy3, buy2 * var4}
set{buy4, buy3 * var5}
set{buy5, buy4 * var6}
set{buy6, buy5 * var7}
set{buy, buy6 * var8}
buy > 0
buy 1 day ago equals 0
/* Comment out the 2 lines above and uncomment the 2 lines below to see all hits within the last year */
/* chart-time is 14 months */
/* count(buy > 0,251) > 0 */
draw ma(5)
draw ma(10)
draw ma(20)