Cheese 1,374 posts msg #154307 - Ignore Cheese |
10/13/2020 8:50:37 AM
Thanks for the "shares to buy" idea.
Thanks for the ANGLE DMA filter.
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #154329 - Ignore Cheese |
10/14/2020 3:58:46 PM
graftonian 10/14/2020 2:22:54 PM
my feeble attempt to code for Weekly Reversal Candidates. No sorting yet, however will try to add my recent "Momentum Angle BS"
I don't think your works on ANGLE are BS
I think of many indicators as a sort of first derivatives of prices, namely SPEED
and your ANGLE as derivatives of the underlying indicators or a sort of second derivatives of prices,
A weakness in some of the filters posted so far is that they do not draw the underlying indicators,
and ruthlessly purse anything that does not offer an edge.
What we are doing in this forum is essentially akin to mining.
Some traders and trading websites outside of this forum noted that the principle of mining for trading
and investing is no different from physical mining. For every tonne of dirt, we are lucky if we get a
nugget, if we are in a good mine.
Thanks again for starting this ANGLE work.
dangreene 229 posts msg #154341 - Ignore dangreene modified |
10/15/2020 9:14:11 PM
VirginTrader 73 posts msg #154342 - Ignore VirginTrader |
10/15/2020 11:11:48 PM
thanks dangreene; nice code! I haven't come across TSI yet.
dangreene 229 posts msg #154356 - Ignore dangreene |
10/17/2020 12:23:11 PM
It's a pity that this thread died after only 7 days.
So sad that no one can see the value in the basic premise.
It seems to me that the angle between indicators is an indication of strength (especially if given the right indicator.)
VirginTrader 73 posts msg #154357 - Ignore VirginTrader |
10/17/2020 1:34:34 PM
...may not be dead yet; probably being fiddled around.
i was curious about the optimal angles/ values of the angles crossing but I:
- don't have any back testing experience or the tools and
- am not a good enough coder yet to understand the nuances
I wonder about..
set{MomentumAngle, CrossingAngle + angledegind1}
if...a steeper divergence btw ang1 and ang2 would show any diff?
snappyfrog 732 posts msg #154359 - Ignore snappyfrog |
10/17/2020 8:13:32 PM
nibor100 1,050 posts msg #154361 - Ignore nibor100 |
10/18/2020 1:39:00 PM
@ snappyfrog,
I got 1502 results.
Ed S.
snappyfrog 732 posts msg #154363 - Ignore snappyfrog |
10/18/2020 7:50:49 PM
Thank you nibor100
nibor100 1,050 posts msg #154388 - Ignore nibor100 |
10/20/2020 12:39:15 PM
I made some mods to your Graftonian based Angle filter for Weekly/Daily Macds and pasted it below.
Let me know if you can run it on your SF basic subscription.
Ed S.