StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Use of color in SF<< >>Post Follow-up
616 posts
msg #158464
Ignore glgene
1/27/2022 3:18:28 AM

Is it possible with the statement “Add column separator” to specify a color of the vertical line (e.g., red)? If so, how would you color a vertical column red?

1,052 posts
msg #158465
Ignore nibor100
1/27/2022 12:23:23 PM

Not that I'm aware of.

An Excel workaround would be to create a spreadsheet with your column headers as they would be when you export a CSV file from SF, and then add the colored column seperators as colored one line column borders.

a. then download your filter results as a CSV file and select all data except the column headers and choose copy

b. then go to your colored column line spreadsheet and Paste Special 'values' into those columns so the colored column lines will be preserved.

Ed S.

616 posts
msg #158466
Ignore glgene
1/27/2022 12:38:09 PM

Ed, I was hoping for a more simplified SF approach, such as …

Add column separator (red). ** Colors could be red, green, blue, gold, black.**

If SF could give us 5 colors (or more) to choose from (with black as the auto default), it would give us visual clarity on 1 or more columns of our desire that we want to quickly focus on (such as the sort column, or whatever).

That ought to be a simple programming change by SF. How about it, SF?

Gene in FL

ps: Ed, I still think you’re a “genius” at SF coding! Glad I personally know you.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Use of color in SF<< >>Post Follow-up

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