heypa 283 posts msg #55026 - Ignore heypa |
9/21/2007 3:44:28 PM
When I saw your new start page I was reminded of a comment made to me by an Army Colonel about his Maintenance outfit. He said " my troops can F*!K up an anvil." Congradulations I haven't thought of that in years.Poor old me with my Dial up connection my self assembled old obsolete computer, and my small CRT display, my limited abstract memory (minimal new things please), my very strong desire to follow Alberts abvice "make everything as simple as possible,but not simpler." am now faced with an automatic download of sf 2.0 @ 20k max. which I have no desire to use. How the hell do I draw a trend line on such a chart with out it running away from me? How do I add to my filters? Sure is a great intuitive new interface. Where the hell is "go"Congratulations you have outdone the Colonels men.
guru_trader 485 posts msg #55042 - Ignore guru_trader |
9/22/2007 2:44:00 AM
Well, in many ways I understand. One of the reasons for google's success was that it was, and remains, a simple interface. Anyway, I guess we'll have to learn new tricks. While there are some nice new features to SF 2.0, I'd rather have the SF team work on some of our feature requests rather than developing new GUIs.
hscott 34 posts msg #55045 - Ignore hscott |
9/22/2007 8:18:51 AM
I don't like this new look. Even though I have DSL running SF on my older (ca 2000) computer is slow. I use SF heavily and access lots of data and I prefer fast to "pretty."
pocrane 10 posts msg #55047 - Ignore pocrane |
9/22/2007 8:41:55 AM
I agree with the speed issue. Is there a way to access the old GUI?
tomb 267 posts msg #55048 - Ignore tomb |
9/22/2007 9:02:37 AM
Thank you for the feedback. If possible, can you provide more details concerning the "speed" issues you are running into? Any information such as specific pages which are slow now, but were not before, would help us troubleshoot any issues.
We do realize that the chart on the front page does require a longer load time; however, that should not impact navigating to the rest of the content on that page and the site in general. If you are having trouble navigating the front page, please let us know.
Finally, if you are having a wide-spread speed issues with the site, please let us know what internet browser and operating system you are using so we can further test and iron out any issues.
Please feel free to send the information about to: support@stockfetcher.com.
StockFetcher.com Support
karennma 8,057 posts msg #55049 - Ignore karennma |
9/22/2007 9:18:15 AM
Oh come!
You've got the whole week-end to get adjusted to the NEW and IMPROVED StockFetcher!
Kudos to the SF team for doing such a great job.
"Change is Good" ....
TheRumpledOne 6,451 posts msg #55054 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
9/22/2007 12:18:30 PM
It would be nice if some of the CUSTOMERS were consulted during the process.
SF usually does a great job of implementing our requests.
Some requests just can't be done and I understand that.
But things like changing the interface impacts ALL CUSTOMERS.
It would not hurt to run MAJOR things by a few of us first, TomB.
Is there anyway to allow us to pic the font and font size? Some of us can't see!!
tomb 267 posts msg #55055 - Ignore tomb |
9/22/2007 12:23:12 PM
Thank you for the feedback. The font-size is a very good suggestion and we are planning to allow for customization of that in he near future.
Please don't hesitate to let us know other features that you feel are missing from the new interface.
StockFetcher.com Support
francgino 4 posts msg #55057 - Ignore francgino |
9/22/2007 12:47:42 PM
Is there anyway you can add Chandlier Exit to the Indicators in Settings? I suspect it'd be helpful to more than just me.
briheld 3 posts msg #55058 - Ignore briheld modified |
9/22/2007 2:43:23 PM
What visceral reactions here! :) As a sometime web designer myself, I've gone through this a bit, too. I must say, I admire SF admin's thick skin and ability to remain calm and polite about it all!
That said, I'm on DSL and thankfully haven't had any speed issues (unless a default chart is supposed to load automatically on the homepage -- that area is blank, although a GOOG chart did eventually show up, I wasn't sure if I had triggered that or not).
(On edit, I re-installed the Adobe Flash Player, and now the chart on the homepage works fine.)
I really like the new feature of the "New Highs" et al., chart filters being right there on the front page in a drop-down format. This makes it much easier and simpler to access the filtered results compared to the old format.
Overall, after the shock to the system from a completely different look, I would call the new design a good thing, especially since the charts from my custom filters still appear in their own window which can be maximized. (One of my favorite features that I'm glad didn't change.)
Looking forward to exploring more of the new look.