roycentanni 4 posts msg #48431 - Ignore roycentanni |
12/6/2006 9:58:50 PM
Thanks again;)
TheRumpledOne 6,468 posts msg #48439 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
12/7/2006 1:26:13 PM
Not everyone is vocal.
Just keep doing what you are doing and let the chips fall where they may.
Thank you for your contributions.
peacock 16 posts msg #48448 - Ignore peacock |
12/7/2006 6:44:22 PM
So far, I have traded stocks recommended by the market guru including Motley Fool, Gorilla Trade, IBD and Vector Vest. The results overall have been less than stellar. There is a set of trading rules from MetaTrade that have been helpful but for me its best to keep the process straight forward and simple.
I have had success trading what we call 'clock stocks.' These are stocks that have dropped in price and are on their way up. Generally, these stocks have RSIs, Full Stochastics and MACDs below 25. The premise here is that the bad news is out of the stock and management is taking action to improve the bottom line even if its rounded.
In studying these stocks, the infamous 'rounded bottom' seemed to provide the best returns over several months. The other issue is that not all 'round bottoms' reach the previously mentioned criteria indicating that a more comprehensive method is needed to screen for this pattern. Also, when the 'Fast Money' guys mentioned the 'rounded bottom' thing several times, it added credence to the method which has significantly outpaced the market.
By the way, it also pays to apply fundamentals before buying any stock. This is especially true when dealing with 'clock stocks.' So the buy low sell high rule might better be said as buy low, buy value then sell high. This usually keeps me on the plus side.
Your recommendations and methods have been very helpful and given time, I will try some of the suggestions. If several of you are interested, we can track the different methods to see how they work over time. And TRO, I like the recommendation of trading just one stock for a month before jumping in and trading. Thanks again.
oldfox 16 posts msg #48454 - Ignore oldfox |
12/8/2006 4:09:35 AM
Let your guard down to ASK a question and you might have your face slapped by RIGGS. To wit:
11/22/2006 1:08:26 AM
Dear Sir,
If you NEED to ask....then it's probably not for you. And if you are having problems "reading this"....then most likely you are way in over your head here to begin with....because this filter is rather elementary when it comes to others around these here parts.
Evidently, Riggs popped from his mother's womb with all the knowledge and information that he will ever need. I am not so fortunate. I learn things by asking questions and if I were not able to ask questions I would appraoch no new paths of learning.
According to you I can save $8.95 a month. Thanks for nothing, big shot.
peacock 16 posts msg #48456 - Ignore peacock |
12/8/2006 8:27:07 AM
Oh, oldfox of eternal wisdom, please impart your experience and knowledge upon this meer mortal.
heypa 283 posts msg #48466 - Ignore heypa modified |
12/8/2006 12:15:04 PM
as214 Reference your post 12,6,06.
Ever since the general tone of the group shifted toward emphasis of trading short term and rapidly rolling profits to get the advantages of compounding profits holding long term has lost its allure.I don't know which is best,but I do know and ascribe to "different strokes for different folks". Each of us must find his or her own way and strive to perfect it. Just copying anothers method or approach is folly and trying to convert others to your approach is mostly futile.
TheRumpledOne 6,468 posts msg #48468 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
12/8/2006 1:14:58 PM
"Just copying anothers method or approach is folly and trying to convert others to your approach is mostly futile."
I don't agree with the "copying" part of your post but FULLY AGREE with the "convert others" part.
To me, copying success is a smart way to learn. I learned (copied) RSI(2) < 1 and Linear Regression from HolyGrail. I learned (copied) WAIT FOR GREEN from Muddy. Others are learning (copying) my idea of WHO'S IN CONTROL BUYERS OR SELLERS from me.
But trying to convert someone is futile... leave that to the religious zealots.
as214 184 posts msg #48471 - Ignore as214 |
12/8/2006 1:53:49 PM
You're right you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. All I can do is keep posting my real time buys and keep making money.
heypa 283 posts msg #48472 - Ignore heypa |
12/8/2006 2:12:19 PM
TRO I think you verified my statement. YOU PICKED AND CHOSE PARTS OF OTHERS METHODS THAT FIT THE WAY YOU WERE MOST COMFORTABLE WITH. Pardon the caps--unintended. You then, over time, developed your method which I'm sure you will continue to refine to adapt to future market changes.No one should consider completely following anothers method without seriously considering whether it fits their basic make up. BY the way I greatly admire your exceptional analysis and filter writing abilites. You must be in the top 1%. Please keep sharing.
TheRumpledOne 6,468 posts msg #48474 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
12/8/2006 3:01:25 PM
"You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think"