klynn55 747 posts msg #54195 - Ignore klynn55 |
8/18/2007 9:57:49 PM
All: i asked because it's a question of ethics not idiocy, when someone purchases an item, isnt there an inherent promise that it works, that it does what is promised in large print. Should not horse handicapping software pick winning
horses, and should stock picking systems pick winning stocks? Why else would i purchase same. There is a right and a wrong, and it is damn crooked, wrong, unethical to sell anything that does not work. There should be a special place in hell....!
TheRumpledOne 6,454 posts msg #54202 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
8/19/2007 10:37:23 AM
What is a "winning stock"?
I don't think such a thing exists.
Stock prices don't move in a straight line, they "wiggle".
They best that a teacher or author of a system, method, strategy or filter can offer is a higher percentage of winning trades vs. losing trades. But it's up to the trader to trade.
Check out the "GAP FAD STATISTICS" thread on SF. That filter will show the gap fill percentage of stocks. Some stocks fill the open gap over 75% of the time. That's 3 out of 4 wins. However, you can still lose money if you blindly enter the trade. If a stock gaps down and you go long at the open while it is still going down, don't blame the system. You need to wait for signs the price is GOING UP!
My main trade for past year or so was AAPL. I switched to RIMM a few weeks ago because RIMM has a larger daily range and usually runs $1 or more between support and resistance. I don't consider either of those "winning" stocks. They are stocks that exhibit behaviour that can be taken advantage of.
alf44 2,025 posts msg #54205 - Ignore alf44 modified |
8/19/2007 1:34:29 PM
What is a "winning stock"?
I don't think such a thing exists.
If you truly believe that...why are you spending time writing scans with weekly updates..."Trying to find the next NTRI" ???
My take is that the term WINNING STOCK...implies a stock that is poised for LONG TERM GAINS...based on positive FUNDAMENTALS !
This is far different than a TRADING STOCK that maybe "fills the opening gap" X% of the time...or, one that exhibits a daily trading range that lends itself to intra-day scalps...or, whatever !
Two entirely different animals...two entirely different approaches...two entirely different disciplines !!! imo
Let me just add though that a great "trading stock" can obviously be a long term "winning stock" as well. The two aren't neccesarily mutually exclusive.
AAPL would have been a nice long term position...BUT...if that's not your cup of tea...the stock also offers lots of short term trade set-ups.
TheRumpledOne 6,454 posts msg #54206 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
8/19/2007 2:17:10 PM
"If you truly believe that...why are you spending time writing scans with weekly updates..."Trying to find the next NTRI" ??? "
Just wanted to see if I could do it.
I agree that investing and trading are NOT the same.
But you still have to trade "investing" stocks, too. If you don't exit properly, you exit with a bigger loss than necessary.
klynn55 747 posts msg #54208 - Ignore klynn55 |
8/19/2007 2:58:32 PM
All: semantics, i'm talking making money,trading ,investing who cares what you name it. I quote Mark Crisp:
" So you might say, "So show us all your losing trades." My method only trades 4-10 times MAXIMUM every Year. It is only right about half the time. So for every BIG winner I have a losing stock. But I cut my losses at 5-10%. Unlike many other advisory services that use the "muck on the wall approach" I do not throw 5+ stocks at you every week and then "cherry pick" my winners. YOU WILL NOT TRADE OFTEN WITH THIS METHOD. If it's lots of action you desire....then go elsewhere. If you want to trade 2-3 BIG winning stocks every year and 3-4 small losing stocks then sign up.
I don't listen to anyone else and I don't follow the averages. I simply let my stocks tell me what to do.
My method is very selective and I don't select dozens of stocks each day for you to choose from. I recommend an average of three to ten stocks to you per YEAR.
If you want to win big on Wall Street, don't worry about winning every time ~ just make sure that when you win, you win BIG!" So , says M. Crisp.
So, what should I infer from this Ad? Is Mark lying, should I expect these returns if I buy his service. Should he be jailed if his service does not deliver? If not why not, I'm actually for the death penalty in such cases!
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #54209 - Ignore nikoschopen |
8/19/2007 3:33:22 PM
First, nobody's sticking a gun to ure head and forcing you to buy the system against ure wishes. Second, why don't you just ask Mark Crisp for a X-day (eg. 10-day) free trial of his system for a test drive or, better yet, ask him to produce an audited record of his previous trades based on his system?
It also flies in the face of reason to expect the same outlandish results as advertised by these system vendors, which are solely based on backtests and never on real trading. Worst yet, it's an overkill to think that history repeats itself, which gullible investors are prone to think, although there are disclaimers everywhere that warns "Past performance is no guarantee of future results".
karennma 8,057 posts msg #54456 - Ignore karennma |
8/30/2007 11:50:40 AM
Hey Mark:
I saw your ad on youtube!