bturner 4 posts msg #57725 - Ignore bturner |
12/6/2007 10:55:31 PM
Hey all, I have been reviewing the Muddy screens and have visited his chat room but am having a hard time finding the entry and exit rules for his methods.
I have reviewed the blog and read dozens of posts here but cannot seem to get the specifics.
Where can I find this info?
marine2 963 posts msg #57726 - Ignore marine2 |
12/6/2007 11:04:35 PM
Maybe, that's why they call him Muddy. Just a guess.
13th_floor 724 posts msg #57727 - Ignore 13th_floor |
12/6/2007 11:23:49 PM
Email contact on his blog is:
He has answered me many times.
Or leave a comment on :
Where you in the chat today when he called JADE at 2:08 p.m at just under $4?
Look at a 1 minute chart,he caught it absolutely on the first breakout candle,in 22 minutes it hit 5.38!
Tro, if you read this ,JADE ranked very high on the stat scan with 10-19% hits 8% of the time and 20%+,5% of the time.
I think I saw you in the chat earlier in the day but I think you had left before JADE ran.
bturner 4 posts msg #57728 - Ignore bturner |
12/6/2007 11:46:54 PM
13th, thanks for the help. I didn't want to pester Muddy if there was existing documentation floating around.
......but I will if I have too!
Are you using the 8% up/down scans plus a Run Forest Run scan? Which RFR scan are you using? TRO has built about half a dozen(we love you TRO!).
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #57754 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
12/7/2007 11:28:41 PM
Yes, I was offline watching CNBC and I noticed JADE was green.
Watched it run up over a buck.... oh well.
Google "wait for green" and you should find most of what Muddy/Wallman has posted.
Remember traders there are those who will WARN you to NOT use my methods. Meanwhile, some who do are raking it in. Interesting, huh?!?!
13th_floor 724 posts msg #57759 - Ignore 13th_floor |
12/8/2007 9:04:29 AM
"Are you using the 8% up/down scans plus a Run Forest Run scan? Which RFR scan are you using? TRO has built about half a dozen(we love you TRO!). "
Yes I run the 8% up/downs every night and the first filter RFR filter posted on the RFR thread.
I run it once a week as the matches change very little from day to day.
The other RFR I run every night is the 8% lost 1 day/10% lost 2 day/failures stat scan ranked in order of times gained 10%+ in the last 100 days.
bturner 4 posts msg #57930 - Ignore bturner |
12/10/2007 11:54:45 PM
When viewing these charts what other criteria do you use to further filter them?
1. Do you filter by volume (say only stocks above 200K shares)
2. Average Daily range(with long candles)
3. Candle pattern of some sort?
EWZuber 1,373 posts msg #57960 - Ignore EWZuber |
12/11/2007 12:02:42 PM
bturner, I'm sure you can find Muddy's methodology here on SF if youy do a search. He used to poste here frequently years ago.
If memory serves me, he would screen for stocks with a jump in volume then the next day jump in after two green candlesticks.
I'm guessing that was on the 5 minute chart.
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #57965 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
12/11/2007 12:33:26 PM
EWZuber... Muddy doesn't use charts.
EWZuber 1,373 posts msg #57974 - Ignore EWZuber |
12/11/2007 4:33:21 PM
What turns green then?
I mean, a stock can go from green to red in seconds then back again.