jprowe 17 posts msg #32545 - Ignore jprowe |
7/10/2004 8:20:47 PM
MIRA compliments StockFetcher by allowing users to automatically match and rank dozens of filters in a single pass in a matter of seconds. MIRA currently works from the StockFetcher email and direct integration is in the works compliments of the new StockFetcher API. The new StockFetcher API is a great tool for individual investors who want to access StockFetcher filter results and backtesting information through their own applications. As a third party developer we are very impressed by the ease of use and functionality in the new StockFetcher API. There are even examples of how to access Stockfetcher data through Microsoft Excel which provides even novice users a way to build applications.
To look learn more about MIRA you can visit
To learn more about the StockFetcher Developer Program go to the Announcements forum
Jon Rowe
daytrader1711 1 posts msg #45527 - Ignore daytrader1711 |
7/7/2006 2:44:27 PM
This site is no longer accesible. Does it exist elsewhere?
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #45530 - Ignore nikoschopen |
7/7/2006 3:03:48 PM
Check out this thread:
It seems to me that the StockFetcher API is still work-in-progress!
glm47 51 posts msg #45546 - Ignore glm47 |
7/8/2006 1:42:39 AM
The guy who wrote the tool is now charging $150.00 for it if I recall. If you Google the title of the thread you should find it without a prob.
I would like to have it but there is no way I would pay that much for what is essentially a few Excel macros...
TheRumpledOne 6,468 posts msg #45580 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/8/2006 6:08:09 PM
You wouldn't pay $150?
What if the tool made you $1000?
or $10,000?
or $100,000?
Don't be cheap when it comes to tools.
Can you write those Excel macros?
This is one reason I give my stuff away for free.
I refuse to spend my time trying to convince someone to pay me for my work.
I know it works.
I know what it is worth.
I would rather be on a Mexican beach enjoying my profits from USING what I code rather than wasting my time trying to convince someone to purchase my code.
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #45592 - Ignore petrolpeter |
7/9/2006 9:26:47 AM
The successful Know the Way,Show the Way,and Go the Way.
gocats 22 posts msg #47238 - Ignore gocats |
9/30/2006 12:35:54 AM
I am not able to download it. All the links I can find on Google are broken. Can someone send me a link that is working.