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6,468 posts
msg #46146
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/1/2006 11:20:56 PM

From the Desk of: Jeff Siegel, Publisher
Subject: Tiny $1.09 Geothermal Company has the only geothermal power plant in the state of Idaho: Buy!

Date: August 1, 2006

It was about 3 PM when I touched down in Boise, Idaho.

After I checked into the Marriott, dropped off my luggage and freshened up, I was escorted to downtown Boise, where I was to meet the top brass of my next blockbuster renewable stock play.

I met them at the Basque restaurant Leku Ona, which means "good place."

I was pretty excited to meet the officers of the company because single-handedly these guys sealed the deal to construct and operate the first-ever geothermal power plant in the state of Idaho. This is huge considering the DOE ranks Idaho 3rd in the nation in potential geothermal energy capacity. Only California and Oregon are bigger.

So I knew these guys were top-shelf, all the way.

As an aside, if you're ever in Boise, go to Leku Ona. It's one of the best restaurants in the city. Be sure to try the paella. It's served in a metal skillet, where saffron-spiked rice mingled with tender pieces of rabbit, chicken breast, small pork ribs, sliced chorizo and sweet bell pepper. Delicious.

"Even if only 1% of the thermal energy contained within the uppermost 10 kilometers of our planet could be tapped, this amount would be 500 times that contained in all oil and gas resources of the world."
-U.S. Geological Survey
Now, the next day - on Saturday, July 29, I attended the groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the new power plant, which is situated in a town known as Raft River.

Raft River is the most unlikely place to find the early stages of the American geothermal revolution. It's a jerkwater outpost that's a 3-hour drive from Boise. When I say "jerkwater" I mean this place is isolated from civilization. I counted only 6 residential homes and just one diner on our way in.

But I couldn't care less. This was an historic day for the state of Idaho and for the entire geothermal energy market.

You see, the geothermal power plant at Raft River will be the only geothermal power plant in the state of Idaho. So this tiny $1.09 company has a virtual stranglehold on the Gem state.

And this is huge. Why?

Because according to the U.S, Department of Energy, the Raft River region has an estimated capacity as high as 1,000 MW.

That's enough to provide for roughly 1 million households!

Ironically, according to U.S. Census data, there are only about 370,000 single-family homes in the entire state.

So Raft River could potentially provide for nearly three times as many single-family homes in the entire state of Idaho!

And were talking about a mountain of cash in return. This one single project has a potential worth of about $140 million in annual revenue!

Now here's the best part...

This thing is so far below the radar, hardly anyone even realizes it exists. Sure, top institutional investment firms sent representatives to the ceremony, including one from Goldman Sachs.

But that's it. And I wasn't surprised. Not many over-fed, spoiled Wall Street analysts are willing to take an 8-hour flight to Boise, Idaho and then drive 3 hours to no-man's land to check out a bunch of geothermal wells.

But I did. And I loved every minute of it.

Now comes the pay off...

We have an opportunity to grab shares of this company at an incredibly low price - before the stock takes off.

And mark my words...that's exactly what's going to happen. It's already happened to Ormat Technologies, the world's largest geothermal company. Green Chip Stock investors are sitting on near-100% gains in just 2 years in Ormat.

Take a look:

And considering that Ormat has a partnership with this tiny $1.09 geothermal company, I expect that Wall Street attention will come very soon. But even that doesn't matter.

Because geothermal has an even bigger admirer: The US government.

A Gift...From the DOE!

From 1974 to 1982, the Department of Energy spent over $40 million on the discovery of this particular geothermal reservoir and the construction and operation of a 7 MW binary cycle geothermal power plant.

But in 2002, right before the renewables industry really exploded, this $1.09 company acquired the project - and now it maintains 100% control of the 8.2 square miles of geothermal rights.

Even better - the company also landed contracts to sell 10 MW of electricity to the Idaho Power Company (the 10 MW power plant is scheduled to begin production in mid 2007), and is now in final negotiations with Eugene Water and Electric for a 13 MW contract and yet another group for a second 13 MW contract.

"The answer to the world's energy needs may have been under our feet all this time, according to Jefferson Tester, professor of chemical engineering at the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment. Tester says heat generated deep within the earth. has the potential to supply a tremendous amount of power -- thousands of times more than we now consume each year."
-Technology Review, August 2006
But this is just the beginning. Because according to the DOE, US Geological Survey and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), just this site alone could produce 200 MW.

That's enough to power 200,000 single-family homes!

Again, according to the U.S. Census data, there are only about 370,000 single-family homes in the state.

This one site has the potential to power more than half the single-family homes in the entire state!

Of course, this is just one geothermal power plant. And compared to a behemoth like Ormat (ORA), with its global dominance...this company is miniscule.

Nonetheless, this one project has the potential to generate enough juice to push this company into 'major player' status in the geothermal game.

Plus, it doesn't hurt that, unlike many renewable energy companies - this one's already got money in the bank - about $20 million... and is debt free!

And while Ormat trades around $36.00 a share - you can grab shares of this company for just $1.09.

Granted, Ormat is certainly a safer play - but there's no way it's going to produce the kinds of 'quick' gains we could potentially see with this smaller stock.

Think about it, 4 days ago, this company broke ground at the location of Idaho's first geothermal power plant.

In less than a year, the company will begin its power production and sales.

By that time, I expect the stock to be trading between $3 and $5 share.

Again - this is all about getting in on the ground floor. And in the geothermal industry, ground floor opportunities are few and far between.

That's why I'm recommending this stock right now. I've already recommended it to my readers. I want you to enjoy the same opportunity as them.

So here's the deal...

Sign up to my Green Chip Stocks today. It only costs $199 per year.

Or better yet, sign-up using my quarterly-bill program. It only costs $55.

For $55, you get 3-months to Green Chip Stocks, you'll get my next blockbuster renewable energy recommendation (The Tiny Geothermal Stock That's Set To Go Gangbusters)... and I'll even throw in one-month of my Green Trader absolutely free. That's how important I think it is for you to buy this $1.09 geothermal stock.

I mean, I'm willing to give away a full month of my Green Trader.

Consider this. My Green Trader costs $1995 per year. If I were to charge Green Trader on a monthly rate, it would cost $166.25.

But you're getting it absolutely free when you sign up to this special offer.

So sign up today, and get immediate access to my latest geothermal play.


Jeff Siegel

P.S. As I write this letter today, my Green Chip Stocks portfolio is up 68.5%. Out of the 20 stocks I've recommended so far, 14 are winners with only 6 losers. But listen to this...8 of these stocks have doubled in value since my recommendation. That's how you build a fortune.

Get the Report Now!

32 posts
msg #46168
Ignore jbrtrader
8/3/2006 2:06:02 AM

U.S. Geothermal Inc. UGTH

6,468 posts
msg #46710
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/1/2006 12:38:34 AM



Dear reader:

Last Monday, I told you about an emerging opportunity in the fast-growing solar energy industry.

In fact, I recommended this same stock a month and a half ago on July 13th. The stock is already paying dividends. Take a look at the charts:

Since Monday...

Since July 13...

The stock is up 10% since my initial recommendation on July 13. But that's just a drop in the bucket to what my readers are going to enjoy. You see, I consider this stock to be the #1 energy play of the 21st Century. And I think this stock is headed to $96 a share in the next 3 to five years, representing a gain of 465%

But here's why I'm really writing to you today.

The rally to $96 starts next Tuesday, September 5, when the company holds a webcast. On this webcast, the company is going to reveal to stock analysts, current shareholders and prospective investors how they plan to transform and revolutionize the booming solar energy industry using its nanotech-manufactured thin-film solar.

As you can see by the stock chart, investors are already anticipating a "company making" announcement.

In fact, this past Monday, Forbes said the company's new "power technology could potentially be a major boon for its growth."

Growth, indeed.

Check out these numbers...

Solar energy is expected to grow from $12 billion last year to over $19 billion this year, $39 billion in 2008 and $72 billion in 2010.

The lion's share of that growth will come from solar companies with new technologies. And thin film solar is at the top of the heap.


Thin films use little to no silicon-an advantage since the high-grade silicon needed for PV is scarce. Even without today's shortage, silicon has been the costliest part of a traditional solar cell. And light, flexible thin films could tap into lucrative new applications like consumer electronics and clothing.

Again, this is my #1 energy investment for this century. Please take a moment to read the free report I've prepared: [click here]


Jeff Siegel
Editor, Green Chip Stocks

high 4 days ago above 16.4
high 3 days ago above 16.4
high 2 days ago above 16.6
high 1 days ago above 16.8

close is between 16.8 and 17

add column industry
add column sector

32 posts
msg #46714
Ignore jbrtrader
9/1/2006 12:52:48 AM

Yep AMAT again!Got a long way to 96..

6,468 posts
msg #46724
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/2/2006 12:19:04 PM

41 posts
msg #46871
Ignore radovan.arendas
9/12/2006 10:06:55 AM

- Ignore jbrtrader
- Report offensive post 9/1/2006 12:52:48 AM

Yep AMAT again!Got a long way to 96..

Seems like AMAT is stretching another arm up

24 posts
msg #47148
Ignore ScenicRoute
9/24/2006 8:42:56 AM

From the Desk of: Michael Schaefer, Editor
Subject: A Chance To Make 6,639%?

Date: September 23rd, 2006

Mike Schaefer here.

I've got an urgent stock pick. One I think is a fortune maker. It trades for about $0.90 a share.

But as you're about to see, the company has a gold property right next door to one of the largest gold discoveries in years. And it was made earlier this year.

The company that made that discovery saw its stock price rally from $0.50 a share to a current price of $31. It looks like lightning might strike twice.

This coming Sunday, I will send out an Extreme Opportunities memorandum recommending this new gold play. This stock is about as sure as it comes. So I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say.

I'm inviting you to participate with me and my investors in this recommendation.

Let me explain...

This stock play fell on my desk a few days ago. Truth be told, I was about to pull the trigger on this stock this past Tuesday.

But the company came out with a press release that shot the stock up 29% in a single day.

But I didn't want to put out a trade during this euphoric buying. I wanted to wait... see if the stock would cool off. It did.

And now I'm ready to back up the truck.

So here's the deal.

The company owns a gold property in South Eastern Ecuador.

The property consists of 242 hectares of mineral rights within 2.5 miles south east of one of the biggest gold discoveries in years. And it was made by a company that, until May 2006, was largely unknown. I can't mention the name of the company that made this discovery, because it would ruin the trade. But for our purposes, I'll just called it Company Gold.

Why do I bring up Company Gold?

Because Company Gold's drill results on their property have returned some of the best gold results ever.

As you might expect, when those results were announced, its stock went nuts. Take a look:

Company Gold is up 6,639% this year.

And that's what has everybody looking at this other company now. Their property is within the same geologic unit as Company Gold's discovery.
According to the company's report...
"This concession is fully covered by strongly altered and oxidized intrusive rocks with presence of limonite veins and some fully brecciated sections with sericitic alteration, angular alluvial gold in placers covers 70% of the area.

The property is underlain by strongly altered intermediate porphyritic intrusive rocks containing weathered sericitic / chloritic alteration. Veins up to 4m wide of tectonically brecciated crystalline quartz with iron oxides have been intersected in nearby trenches by Company Gold. Additionally, 1m float boulders discovered in the area have assayed up to 6.62g/t Au."
This could be a blockbuster.

And if the stock experiences just 10% of the feeding frenzy Company Gold experienced, this tiny $0.90 will rally to $7 a share. And quick.

Lateegra Gold Corp.'s "El Condor" property consists of two hundred and forty two hectares of mineral rights within 4000 meters south east of Aurelian Resources Inc's recent Fruta del Norte high grade gold discovery and just south and sharing Aurelian's El Tigre gold anomaly at it's Condor Project, South East Ecuador.

One of Lateegra Gold's properties, La Guadalupana is by near Glamis Gold's +2 Million oz El Sauzal gold mine. High grade copper, silver values of 20-30% copper and 32 oz silver and 2.65 g gold/tonne bulk sample values.

Symbol: LRG on the Toronto Stock Exchange

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