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6,468 posts
msg #45499
Ignore TheRumpledOne
7/6/2006 4:32:30 PM

From the Desk of: Jeff Siegel

Subject: My 2-for-1 stock recommendation

Get my next Green Chip Stocks recommendation... and I'll throw in one-month of my Green Trader at no charge

Dear reader:

In the past 10 months, I've recommended 2 stocks that have gained more than 400%, each.

The first one was XsunX. I recommended it in October 2005 for $0.36 a share. We sold in March for $ was a gain of 564%.

Lately I've been telling you about the "motor of the future." About the time we were selling XsunX, I was recommending shares of this "motor" stock. We got in around $0.50 a share.

That stock reached a new 52-week high this week of $2.60 a share. We're sitting on a gain of 300%.

However, I know a lot of my readers didn't participate in these 2 plays because the stocks were just too darn small. And that forced a lot of investors to sit on the sidelines.

Not a day goes by that I don't get an email from a reader looking for a "less risky" way to play the renewable energy bull market.

And aside from GE or BP, which seem to have their fingers in a lot of renewable energy ventures, there's really nothing out there.

Until now.

That's because I've found the sweet spot of the solar energy market.

Diamond in the Ruff

You've heard of SunPower and SunTech Power, right? I've talked about these guys numerous times before in this letter. These are your traditional photovoltaic (solar) manufacturers.

SunTech Power went public in December 2005. It's up 39% since then. SunPower is flat since going public 9 months ago.

But guess what?

I've never recommended SunPower or Suntech Power. Never.

Know why?

Because, quite frankly, that's not where the solar profits are.

The profits are in companies you've never heard of... in companies that are behind the scenes... supplying SunPower and SunTech with the necessary material to conduct their businesses.

That's the sweet spot.

Companies like MEMC Electronics Materials (WFR - NYSE). MEMC Electronics is probably the best performing solar energy stock of the past 12 months.

But you probably have never heard of them before. Or maybe you have... but not until recently...well past its explosive rally.

But, MEMC isn't your traditional solar energy company. They supply PV manufacturers with silicon wafers, which are used in solar panels to convert sunlight into energy.

To give you an idea of how far MEMC Electronic has come, in 2001, when oil prices started to rise, the company's stock was trading for $1.50.


Well, take a look for yourself:

MEMC's market cap was less than $500 million in 2001. Now it's nearly $8 billion... that's more than the market caps of SunPower and Suntech, combined!

Had I told you MEMC was going to rally from a low of $1.50 to over $40 a share within 5 years, you would've thought I was nuts. But it happened.

Quite frankly, I don't think the run in MEMC is over. With solar energy booming, we're looking at a long bull market that could last a full decade or more. And MEMC will be right there booming the entire way.

I know what you're thinking, I'm recommending MEMC Electronic. I'm not.

The company I'm recommending is a ground-floor opportunity. And we're getting in at the right time.

But don't let "ground-floor" scare you away. As you'll see, this play is super safe.

It's like buying MEMC back in 2001 when it was trading for $1.50 a share... but assuming the low risk of buying Microsoft.

Last week, I told you all about the new stock that I discovered at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum, Nanosolar, and how venture capitalists were asking to throw money at the company and the technology.

That's all I needed to hear. I went back to my list of companies also selling this technology, and decided to take the plunge. It's time we play the technology. I'll be issuing a recommendation on this stock on Thursday, July 13.

Mark you calendars. My new recommendation will be released on Thursday, July 13, after the market close.

Like I said, at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum in New York City, venture capitalists were literally asking to throw money at this technology.

I hope you will take a position in the stock because I think it could return triple-digit gains real soon... and quadruple-digit gains in the long-term. But you have to hurry.

The company is under everybody's radar screen as a solar player. But as you'll soon see, the technology this company is involved with is the hottest thing since sliced bread.

That's because this company - and its technology - is emerging as one of the most important players in a vital niche segment of the solar energy industry. Some are saying it'll save the solar energy industry from disaster.

The Picks and Shovels of the Solar Energy

In 1980, photovoltaics cost about $1.00 per kWh. In 2006, PV cost about $0.20 per kWh. And in 2010, PV is expected to cost about $0.10 per kWh.

Making PV cheaper means greater market penetration for solar energy.

But some of the newer solar companies that will soon launch their own IPOs could drop that cost even further (and faster) with what's known as thin-film solar technology. (Thin-film technology has the potential to deliver solar power at a much lower cost by using solar cells requiring little or no silicon)

Thin-film is going gangbusters because it doesn't rely on silicon. And right now there's a massive silicon shortage. So much so that PV manufacturers, who don't have access to vast supplies of silicon, can't deliver on their orders.

Think about it. If you're an ice salesman, and you can't find water, you lose business. It's the same with the solar industry. No silicon means you can't sell PV... unless you turn to thin-film. And that's what's happening.

The stock I'll be recommending on July 13 supplies the solar industry with thin-film.

The company has plants in the US, Germany, Belgium, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and China. So they're in all of the major solar markets. And their fundamentals are absolutely stellar.

In the year 2000, the company posted revenues of $42 million. Three years later, sales hit a record $154 million. A year later in 2004, another record: $228 million!

On a trailing-twelve-month basis, sales are currently holding steady at $208 million.

As much as I like the rising sales numbers, the company's profit growth has me doing back-flips. Between '06 and '07, the company's earnings per share are estimated to go from $0.18 a share to $0.63 a share.

Do the math, dear reader. That's a growth rate of 250%.

But listen, this isn't the whole story. The story gets better. For those of you looking for a safe way to play the renewables market, this fits the bill perfectly.

In other words, even though this company is a true microcap, it really isn't. So by playing this stock, you won't be assuming the same risk as buying a Xethanol. You'll be buying a blue chip with microcap style growth.

Here's What You Need To Do...

Sign up to my Green Chip Stocks today. It only costs $199 per year.

Or better yet, sign-up using my quarterly-bill program. It only costs $55.

For $55, you get 3-months to Green Chip Stocks, you'll get my next blockbuster renewable energy recommendation (the thin-film superstar stock)... and I'll throw in one-month of my Green Trader absolutely free. That's how important I think it is for you to buy this thin-film stock.

I mean, I'm willing to give away a full month of my Green Trader.

Consider this. My Green Trader costs $1995 per year. If I were to charge Green Trader on a monthly rate, it would cost $166.25.

But you're getting it absolutely free when you sign up to this special offer.

And how about this.

If, for any reason whatsoever, you decide within the first month that Green Chip Stocks isn't for you, you can get your entire membership fee back. No if's, and's or but's. So as you can see, there's no cost to you.

If you don't like the service, simply cancel in the first month. But with my track record, I know that's not going to happen.

So sign up today. That way you'll ensure your spot on the list that'll be getting my recommendation next week.


Jeff Siegel

P.S. As I write this letter today, my Green Chip Stocks portfolio is up 94%. Out of the 17 stocks I've recommended so far, 13 are winners with only 4 losers. But listen to this. 8 of these stocks have doubled in value since my recommendation. That's how you build a fortune.


Look, I'm serious when I say I'll do anything to get you on board for my thin-film solar stock. Anything.

If you sign up today, I'll send you my report Instant Gains: The Tiny Engine that Could, which talks about the $2 engineering company that's built the most versatile motor in the world.

The stock is up more than 300% since March 2006... but I think it'll gain more in the coming months.

Sign up Now!

27 posts
msg #45505
Ignore futuremoney
7/6/2006 11:53:41 PM

United: Not sure what you mean about not understanding the program. I suggest you call them and ask for a free sample newsletter. If they will not send you one, post your mailing address and I will make a copy of the latest report and mail it to you. The July report will be mailed out on 13th., therefore I will be able to give you the stock of the month next weekend.

983 posts
msg #45511
7/7/2006 2:01:59 AM

"Lately I've been telling you about the "motor of the future." About the time we were selling XsunX, I was recommending shares of this "motor" stock. We got in around $0.50 a share.

That stock reached a new 52-week high this week of $2.60 a share. We're sitting on a gain of 300%."

I don't know if some of you ever figured out the company with the "motor of the future," but if you still care to's (RGUS).


6,468 posts
msg #45524
Ignore TheRumpledOne
7/7/2006 1:53:03 PM

Urgent New Buy from Mike Schaefer By Mike Schaefer

Print this Article

Refer a Friend to Wealth Daily

Baltimore, MD * Jackson, WY * Missoula, MT Friday, July 7th, 2006

I know by the massive number of emails I get every month that Storm Cat Energy TSX-V:SME ; AMEX:SCU has made a lot of money for a lot of subscribers.

Now, as you know, Storm Cat is one of my favorite coalbed methane (CBM) companies. And it's not just because we've made a mind-numbing return on our investment -- although that's certainly a feather in our cap. Rather, I love this company because of its spectacular production potential and its brilliant management team.

When I originally recommended Storm Cat, CBM was something that was only known to a radical minority of petroleum geologists and an elite group of far-sighted investors. Today it's not uncommon to hear about CBM from the talking heads in the main stream financial media.

But what those empty suits on CNBC don't seem to know -- or simply don't care to investigate -- is this: There is another type of producible unconventional gas out there.

It's called shale gas and it's a bit different than CBM. And the most exciting difference is this: Recent estimates show that there is upwards of 1 QUADRILLION Cubic Feet of trapped shale gas in North America!

Today, shale gas is at the stage where coalbed methane was five years one is talking about it. But that's not going to last long.

The CBM of Tomorrow
Shale gas is essentially natural gas contained reservoirs predominantly composed of shale with lesser amounts of other fine grained rocks rather than from more conventional sandstone or limestone reservoirs.

Shale gas plays are considered area plays since shale gas, similar to CBM, is often found over large contiguous areas.

Now, another undeniable difference between shale gas and CBM is the recovery rates. Shale gas reservoirs generally result in recovery rates of only 20% of original gas in place. That's much less compared to CMB reservoirs which can recover up to 90%.

But here's the thing: that doesn't matter!

From the desk of: President of the United States
Executive Order 13149 Mandates:

Sec. 201. Reduced Petroleum Fuel Consumption. Each agency operating 20 or more motor vehicles within the United States shall reduce its entire vehicle fleet's annual petroleum consumption by at least 20 percent by the end of FY 2005, compared with FY 1999 petroleum consumption levels.

The US Military is now in a race to replace 29.2 million barrels of oil per year with new fuel sources.

Last Friday, a tiny $2 ethanol company announced a deal with the Department of Defense to do exactly that. Get our report on this ethanol company: Visit this Link


You see the organically rich shale gas reservoirs, once ignored by drillers seeking easier plays and faster returns on their investments, are now beginning to spark the interests of producers around the world for one simple reason: The 1,000 trillion cubic feet of in place shale gas resource in North America!

Shale gas production also has a few upsides to CBM production. Shale gas reservoirs have long production lives (up to 30 years) as well as having low decline rates -- generally less than 5% per year.

So, you can easily see why any producer would be interested in tapping into this reserve.

The major oil and gas companies are already starting to sniff around for shale gas properties. But I've found a nano-cap junior that is focused on the shale gas market. In fact, I'm billing this stock as ‘Storm Cat 2'.

Buy Leroy Ventures TSX-V:LRV ; $1.55

Leroy Ventures is an emerging natural resource company engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring and developing shale gas properties, both in Canada as well as abroad.

Now, we're going to start with a 50,000 foot view of Leroy and then we're going to go into a lot more detail in subsequent issues of Wealth Daily.

The plan for Leroy right now is to get some sort of production, be it oil or conventional gas. They just want to get some cash flowing in the door in order to build the company and support the month to month operations.

The company already has some prospects that will help them achieve this. But these projects are not part of the big picture.

The goal is to get the ball rolling and then go after the real money makers, the shale gas projects.

Here's the thing: Leroy is basically where Storm Cat was three years ago. They're young, excited, and hungry to make money...just the way I like them

Leroy is also still working toward getting the right people on board.

Now, I know I talk about the people behind these resource companies a lot. But the fact is that this a paramount issue. Especially in shale gas arena as there are only a handful of people that know what they're doing because shale gas so new.

One of the big names that Leroy has lined up for their board of directors is Rudy Cech.

Cech has spent more than 30 years of his life in the research and development of unconventional gas. What's more is that he is currently the senior vice-president of Sproule Associates Limited. Having someone like that on board is like Barry Bonds on a little league team.

Bottom line: Shale gas is going to be huge...and Leroy Ventures will be producing gas from shale while the rest of the resource companies are just hearing about it.

I can foresee this becoming another long ball home run for us.

24 posts
msg #45599
Ignore ScenicRoute
7/9/2006 1:52:12 PM

Schott is also another manufacturer of thin films
can find info at

Also found more info - but these companies might not issue stock YET
Nanosolar Gets $100M for PV

Thin-film startup aims to build world’s largest solar factory.
June 21, 2006
Nanosolar announced Wednesday it has completed a $75-million Series C round of financing and will use the money, plus government subsidies, to build the world’s largest photovoltaic solar factory.

Combined with the subsidies, the total funding actually amounts to $100 million, the thin-film company said.

“This means that we now have eliminated the financing risk and are fully executing on all our plans,” said Martin Roscheisen, chief executive of Nanosolar Inc. “Our investors are people really tuned in to the PV business, so we’re going to have a really awesome extended team to help us build our company. These are people who extend our network in very meaningful ways.”

Existing investors Mohr Davidow Ventures (MDV), Benchmark Capital, OnPoint Technologies, and Mitsui participated in the round.

New investors include investment funds SAC Capital and GLG Partners, insurance firm Swiss Re, photovoltaic power plant system integrator Beck, Grazia Equity (which was an original backer of Conergy, the world’s largest PV system integrator), Christian Reitberger (who was an original backer of crystalline solar cell giant Q-Cells), SAP founders Klaus Tschira and Dietmar Hopp, and Jeff Skoll, eBay’s first president and chief executive of media company Participant Productions (through his investment company, Capricorn Management).

‘Vote of Confidence’
“These are seasoned PV investors that have already made money in PV,” said Erik Straser, a general partner with MDV. “That tells you that the opportunity is very unique because the people already know the business—and who have proven they can make money in this business—are putting money into Nanosolar. It’s an informed vote of confidence.”

Nanosolar, a Red Herring 100 company, raised $20 million in a Series B round in June, and previously received government grants, including $10.5 million from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), part of the Department of Defense (see Nanosolar Raises Funding, The Top 100 Private Companies: Nanosolar).

The Palo Alto, California-based company, formed in 2002, got its seed funding from Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and Mr. Page’s brother, Carl Page.

The factory that will bring Nanosolar’s thin-film technology to the market will have an annual capacity of 430 megawatts once it’s fully built, will churn out about 200 million cells per year, and will be located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Nanosolar has begun ordering parts for the fab, which will be completed in 2007. The company previously told Red Herring it expected to commercialize its cells by 2006.

Nanosolar is also building a panel assembly factory designed to produce more than 1 million solar panels annually, which will be located in Berlin.

Mr. Roscheisen said most of the capacity is already spoken for in supply agreements, but he wouldn’t disclose who the buyers are (or if investors Conergy, Q-Cells, or Beck are among them).

The Technology
Nanosolar has a thin-film solar technology that it claims is 10 times as efficient as traditional cells, and a printing-based manufacturing technique that it says will bring the price down to less than a dollar per watt, competitive with natural gas and peak electricity prices.

Thin films use little to no silicon—an advantage since the high-grade silicon needed for PV is scarce. Even without today’s shortage, silicon has been the costliest part of a traditional cell. And light, flexible thin films could tap into lucrative new applications like consumer electronics and clothing.

But researchers have been developing thin films for years, with little success. Michael Rogol, an analyst for CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, said they have “a history of potholes, unkept promises, and disappointments” (see Solar’s Going Thin).

They have historically proved difficult and expensive to manufacture on a large scale, says Mr. Rogol. In addition, they didn’t convert sunlight into electricity as efficiently and decayed quickly.

The first generation of thin films used slow, vacuum-based processes, Mr. Roscheisen said. The second generation is focused on faster, cheaper process technology.

“The first-generation process technologies were just not the right ones,” he said. “What’s to blame was vacuum-based deposition techniques that just led to the wrong economics for this industry. That’s why HelioVolt and others are going for processes not based on the vacuum. That’s what we’ve been working on, too—really high throughput and high efficiencies, and that’s something that we’ve achieved.”

The Bigger Picture
Nanosolar isn’t the only company working on thin films, of course. A number of thin-film startups, including Innovalight, Konarka, Miasolé, and HelioVolt, have also received funding in the last year (see Nano Solar Firm Gets Funding, Konarka Raises $20M in Funds, Energy Innovations Gets Cash).

In February, Royal Dutch Shell sold its crystalline silicon business to SolarWorld, choosing to focus on thin-film technology instead. In December, Honda Motor said it will enter the thin-film business and mass-produce cells by 2007. And Ron Kenedi, head of North and South American operations for Sharp, the No. 1 solar manufacturer, told Red Herring he sees thin films becoming mainstream in two to three years (see Sharp’s Key to Success in Solar).

Materials like cadmium telluride and copper indium gallium selenide have made thin films more efficient and longer-lasting. Startups have begun to apply manufacturing processes from other high-tech areas—like disk drives—in an effort to scale up and lower costs.

“People are excited about thin films because they see the inadequacies and limitations of PV on silicon,” Mr. Straser said. “They see an industry price that isn’t dropping that fast, in an industry where price directly affects the size of the market.

“It’s a place for startups to get involved, because they are not going to compete against Sharp,” he said. “It’s a way that startups see they can build a technology advantage.”

Contact the writer:

27 posts
msg #45899
Ignore futuremoney
7/15/2006 2:44:45 PM

Browser Report Pick for July 06: Ace*Com ticker: ACEC

2 posts
msg #45901
Ignore hack
7/15/2006 6:59:13 PM

TIE 26.65

You may want to watch this stock on Monday......

187 posts
msg #45914
Ignore markcrisp
7/17/2006 4:20:31 AM

why do we need hot tips? If you have your method...what else do you need?

INSIDER I'd be interested in this.

187 posts
msg #45915
Ignore markcrisp
7/17/2006 4:24:49 AM

I made a stack of cash betting on Feders to win Wimbledon again. Seems like a sure thingt o me. ONE guy in England (not me) placed a £1 million bet on Federer to win. Now the odds were poor...I was actually surprised the bookies took the bet. But he walked away with almost £300,000 profit. (about $550,000)

The moral of the story: Bet on "almost" sure things regardles sof the odds with a big stake.

Same with stocks?

BUT no, avergae Joe loves the rank outsider. the 1000-1 shot. The lotto crowd. :-) (penny stocks, tips, B*S* stocks)

187 posts
msg #45919
Ignore markcrisp
7/17/2006 10:24:16 AM

TIE 26.65

You may want to watch this stock on Monday......
for more downside? nice.

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