glgene 618 posts msg #37264 - Ignore glgene |
8/2/2005 4:25:45 PM
Here is an ETF (Exchange Trade Funds) filter I wrote, and in the 1-line output it shows RSI(14) for today and the 3 previous days. Sort is on RSI(14) today. By visualizing four successive days of RSI numbers, it quickly shows which ETF baskets of stocks are making steady progress. Look at EWW (Mexico). The best of the ETFs (4 straight days of increased prices). By the way, it went up again today for the 5th straight day.
Question: What kind of minimum volume would you suggest in the filter?
Also, would you recommend any other improvements? Would you DRAW any more charts?
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #37266 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
8/2/2005 7:36:28 PM
Column rxr will tell you how many days rsi(14) has been going up (+) or down (-).
glgene 618 posts msg #37269 - Ignore glgene |
8/3/2005 12:09:13 AM
To: TheRumpledOne
I don't understand your two lines of SF scripting (but I certainly enjoy the results):
set{rrb,days(rsi(14) is above rsi(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{rra,days(rsi(14) is below rsi(14) 1 day ago,100)}
"1 day ago, 100?" Please elaborate ... please. I don't get it.
GL Gene
jclaffee 81 posts msg #37270 - Ignore jclaffee |
8/3/2005 12:15:11 AM
Re: volume and charts
You're into areas of personal preference, I think. I would set a volume criterion that caused SF to pull up only those issues I'd be interested in trading. . .I wouldn't be interested in trading EWW because of the skimpy true daily range. IWM, IBB and XLF are about the only ETFs that THIS individual is interested in along with SMH and OIH on the Hldrs side. (SPY, DIA and QQQQ are the playground of traders who are a lot more adept and well-heeled than I and I don't choose to give them a shot at my money!)
As to charts, I'd ask myself the question that a Sales Manager ought to ask himself when he requires another daily activity report from his salesmen: what action am I going to take based on this when I get it? There's a point at which one risks "paralysis by analysis"! Is there any other chart which would provide information essential to your making an entry/exit decision?
Koronbock 201 posts msg #37281 - Ignore Koronbock |
8/3/2005 12:25:01 PM
rump is trying to make your life easier and giving you some examples. But he is a VERY experienced programmer and SF wizzard, thus this may intimidate you.
I will give you the "plain English version" of the last statement:
Original: set{rrb,days(rsi(14) is above rsi(14) 1 day ago,100)}
Plain English:
1. Create a variable called RRB
2. Check if RSI(14) of today is above RSI(14) of yesterday
3. DAYS will give you the number of days since that event has occured
4. The total period you are looking at is 100 days
(Only the last 100 days are checked for this event).
In other words: If the above statment returns a 10, you know that the above has ocurred 10 days ago.
Hope this helps.
, which is comparing the RSI(14), namely
glgene 618 posts msg #37286 - Ignore glgene |
8/3/2005 3:13:44 PM
I understand #1, #2, and #3. I don't understand #4 (what does a 100-day lookback mean? Do you mean the chart is showing 100 days instead of the default 3 months? Or what? Please elaborate ... and thank you for your kind response.
GL Gene
Koronbock 201 posts msg #37305 - Ignore Koronbock |
8/4/2005 3:46:17 AM
Since we are dealing with the DAYS function here ("How many days have passed since the event in question") you have to tell SF a period to look at. It could be 50 days (SF will then look at the last 50 days) or any other period. It is simply looking at the last 100 days to check the DAYS condition.
Hope this helps.
Also if you want to learn programming I would suggest you start with simple syntax (no "nested statements" = statements within statements). Most filters can be written in very simple language. Nested statements will make the code shorter, but also more complicated.
Cheers and happy learning.
glgene 618 posts msg #37308 - Ignore glgene |
8/4/2005 9:31:52 AM
You're talking to a newbie SF scripter. You said, "simple syntax (no "nested statements" = statements within statements). Give me an example of each so I can fully relate to what you're saying. My BASIC programming days were 30 years ago, and they ARE basic. But I'm willing to expand, and I'm working on improving my SF scripting skills.
Koronbock 201 posts msg #37330 - Ignore Koronbock |
8/5/2005 3:51:00 PM
What I am trying to say is, try to simplify things, especially in the beginning.
Let me give you an example: The above statement:
set{rrb,days(rsi(14) is above rsi(14) 1 day ago,100)}
can be broken down into smaller and more intelligible parts. For example:
set {rrb1,rsi(14) }
set {rrb2,rsi(14) 1 day ago }
set {rrb, days(rrb1 is above rrb2, 100)}
You will get the same results. Just experiment, write your own simple filters and look at other peoples code. We hav all been there, you can also make it.
Hope this helps.