Newbie help w/Stoch global draw | jnlwdc | 1 | 5/24/2005 10:06:39 PM |
Why no results with Muddy 10% Down? | ab12sa | 1 | 5/21/2005 5:46:56 PM |
holy grail or his trading buddy i have a question | eyoung | 25 | 5/21/2005 5:44:00 PM |
Filtering watchlist from scan ? | trmachine | 0 | 5/15/2005 6:34:01 AM |
Question for TheRumpledOne | xplayerx22 | 6 | 5/13/2005 11:22:30 PM |
What is the right filter for Muddy 10% Down ? | ab12sa | 1 | 5/13/2005 7:06:28 PM |
Why is crossing of MACD Zero Line Important? | jbesr1230 | 1 | 5/13/2005 6:09:25 PM |
Need help with building a new Bearish filter | mattman | 2 | 5/12/2005 11:12:27 PM |
Can anyone beat this filter? ROI=1489.8 % | shelupinin | 24 | 5/12/2005 10:08:29 PM |
New to SF, need help with a filter | thegapper | 6 | 5/8/2005 7:28:01 PM |
sector indexes list | comandante | 0 | 5/8/2005 6:52:47 PM |
Reletive Strength in relation to S&P or another Index | ssmike123 | 3 | 5/8/2005 4:15:26 PM |
ADDICTED to BACKTESTING - SHORTS RULE ! me ! | xplorer | 8 | 5/5/2005 8:46:11 AM |
Looks like there is nobody to accept this challenge | rarshi | 4 | 5/5/2005 2:27:17 AM |
.. if anyone is from Canada... | kanuk | 4 | 5/4/2005 10:55:34 AM |
Backtesting help | jficquette | 0 | 5/2/2005 9:19:35 PM |
My new backtested filter that works!!! 150% gains!! | Noahedwinbeach2 | 11 | 5/1/2005 6:24:56 PM |
Help with Watch list Filter | outlaw69 | 2 | 4/28/2005 5:07:41 PM |
Newbie wants to know.. | ddfridd | 8 | 4/26/2005 11:05:20 PM |
full syntax for this filter | rarshi | 0 | 4/26/2005 10:12:03 PM |
Following the trend | Noahedwinbeach2 | 1 | 4/24/2005 4:06:26 AM |
DHC I love it | Noahedwinbeach2 | 12 | 4/24/2005 4:05:50 AM |
need help cretaing filter | jjm1237 | 1 | 4/22/2005 8:16:39 PM |
TradeStation Real Time - easy to use? | scvidar | 10 | 4/17/2005 12:07:22 PM |
Basic to add column to show % price change fo... | RocketFetcher | 3 | 4/16/2005 9:21:10 PM |
Volatility2 | gudway | 0 | 4/16/2005 12:15:31 AM |
COMPX AND OVERSOLD / OVERBOUGHT INDICATORS | corsino | 2 | 4/14/2005 5:26:24 PM |
"Bullish Match" | bvonmoss | 0 | 4/14/2005 6:16:52 AM |
bouncing stocks | shelupinin | 1 | 4/13/2005 11:39:46 PM |
Visually how to compare a stocks performance to it's Index | mktmole | 0 | 4/12/2005 9:07:00 AM |
Strategy testing | TraderEyal | 7 | 4/12/2005 5:01:00 AM |
how much higher can GTEL go?..anybody? | woofys | 7 | 4/9/2005 12:26:39 PM |
Need Help with DeMarker Indicator | Rick | 4 | 4/9/2005 7:08:36 AM |
Trend Following From Weekly Charts | wantonellis | 1 | 4/8/2005 3:56:47 PM |
Quick question on Metastock | sunnyD | 2 | 4/6/2005 9:28:17 PM |
OFFICE DEPOT (ODP) = WEINSTEIN STOCK. BUY BUY BUY!! | mewzaq | 4 | 4/5/2005 1:38:57 AM |
High Flyers about to crash and burn | pimpgangster | 0 | 3/29/2005 10:54:09 AM |
Where can I find list of All 18 'bullish' indicators? | ddfridd | 8 | 3/29/2005 4:44:14 AM |
Help needed | Szimba | 0 | 3/27/2005 10:47:24 AM |
Can someone share their thoughts with me re:QQQQ | kmegeff | 2 | 3/25/2005 8:44:14 PM |
Any site/Data Co. to get historical bid/ask intraday?? | woofys | 8 | 3/24/2005 11:58:08 PM |
backtesting a formula | kmegeff | 0 | 3/24/2005 8:30:33 AM |
re:long-legged doji | raven4ns | 3 | 3/15/2005 8:30:23 AM |
What's up with DNA | PeterJerome | 0 | 3/14/2005 8:49:26 PM |
Just a Heads Up II | EWZuber | 96 | 3/14/2005 8:29:51 PM |
filter to tinker with ... | rsarno | 7 | 3/14/2005 2:00:24 PM |
Stocks that will gap up in the morning | khar123 | 3 | 3/13/2005 10:08:46 PM |
Multiple Technical alerts | scvidar | 0 | 3/10/2005 7:16:58 PM |
how to set time ? | meirc | 1 | 3/10/2005 7:02:59 PM |
Robert Lichello's AIM | bartt59 | 0 | 3/10/2005 12:32:44 AM |