fokane 74 posts msg #58590 - Ignore fokane |
12/28/2007 3:34:06 PM
Has anyone got any tricks to get over the 100 day limitation of the count() function? i.e. to count further in the past?
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #58591 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
12/28/2007 3:49:19 PM
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #58594 - Ignore nikoschopen |
12/28/2007 4:04:06 PM
A quick fix to the overarching problem of 100 day limitation is to nest one set statement that utilizes the "days ago" modifier within another set statement. First, you define the length of period over and above the 100 day limit and then plug that into the count(). For example, suppose you want to reach back to 120 days.
fokane 74 posts msg #58603 - Ignore fokane |
12/29/2007 7:53:33 AM
thanks.. i will check those ideas out.