StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · TRO CROCK POT - SLOW COOKERS FOR SWING TRADERS<< 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 26 >>Post Follow-up
980 posts
msg #126071
11/5/2015 9:34:02 AM

We are currently reviewing whether or not this message/restriction is still valid.

Thank you,
StockFetcher Support

5,087 posts
msg #130425
Ignore four
8/14/2016 11:12:49 PM

958 posts
msg #126071 11/5/2015 9:34:02 AM

We are currently reviewing whether or not this message/restriction is still valid.

Thank you,
StockFetcher Support


732 posts
msg #133788
Ignore snappyfrog
1/18/2017 9:28:55 AM

Anyone else still using this filter. I got great results from it in 2016 and continue to use it on a weekly basis?

732 posts
msg #133790
Ignore snappyfrog
1/18/2017 9:31:58 AM

My picks this week: AROC, CDE, CLF, GORO, and SN.

I mistakenly posted this in the 5% filter by Kevin.

1,089 posts
msg #133799
Ignore graftonian
1/18/2017 4:16:43 PM

/* TRO STAT SCAN for SWING TRADERS - use only on Saturday and Sunday */
/*set up for 2.5% gain 9.5% loss*/
/*find weekly profit*/
set{whiop, weekly high - weekly open}
set{Long_Profit, whiop / weekly open }
set{wkProfitPct, 100 * Long_Profit }

/* find weekly losss */
set{wloop, weekly low - weekly open}
set{Long_Loss, wloop / weekly open }
set{wkLossPct, 100 * Long_Loss }

set{win, count(long_profit > 0.0249, 1)}
set{win_count, count(win > .9, 52)}

/*define the gray area*/
set{gray01, count(Long_Profit < .025, 1)}
set{gray02, count(Long_Loss > -0.095, 1)}
set{gray03, gray01 + gray02}
set{ties, gray03 - 1}
set{gray_count, count(gray03 > 1.9, 52)}

set{loss, count(Long_Loss < -0.095, 1)}
set{loss_count, count(loss > .9, 52)}

add column separator
add column win_count{wins}
add column gray_count{ties}
add column loss_count{losses}

set{Win_loss_ratio, win_count / loss_count}
add column separator
add column win_loss_ratio
sort on column 10 descending
draw win
draw loss
draw wkprofitpct
draw wkprofitpct line at 2.5
draw wklosspct on plot wkprofitpct
draw wklosspct line at -9.5
draw win_loss_ratio
draw win_loss_ratio line at 50

Average Volume(30) > 123456
close > 1
chart-display is weekly
chart-time is 2 years

229 posts
msg #133804
Ignore risjr
1/18/2017 9:48:46 PM

Hi Snappy

What do you use as final selection info?

Thanks in advance


19 posts
msg #133805
Ignore Eltonm45
1/18/2017 11:26:27 PM

This last filter looks great. I will give it a try for next few weeks/months. Thank you.

1,089 posts
msg #133812
Ignore graftonian
1/19/2017 9:35:12 AM

Elton, Just a different way of looking at the results. Thanks to TRO, for the "guts" fo the filter.

732 posts
msg #133820
Ignore snappyfrog
1/19/2017 10:33:35 AM

risjr - i looked at the scan by 5% this week.

graft - interesting twist on how to sort these

1,089 posts
msg #133837
Ignore graftonian
1/20/2017 3:50:31 PM

I changed the sort calculations of the previous filter to work around the division by zero problem and include "ties" in that process. Also working on using past weekly results in setting the profit and loss limits. any thoughts on that.
/* TRO STAT SCAN for SWING TRADERS - use only on Saturday and Sunday */
/*set up for 4% gain 8% loss*/
/*find weekly profit*/
set{whiop, weekly high - weekly open}
set{Long_Profit, whiop / weekly open }
set{wkProfitPct, 100 * Long_Profit }
set{Avg13WkProfit, CEMA(wkprofitpct, 13)}
draw Avg13WkProfit
/* find weekly losss */
set{wloop, weekly low - weekly open}
set{Long_Loss, wloop / weekly open }
set{wkLossPct, 100 * Long_Loss }

set{win, count(long_profit > 0.04, 1)}/*set profit limit here*/
set{win_count, count(win > .9, 52)}

/*define the gray area*/
set{gray01, count(Long_Profit < .04, 1)}/*set profit limit here*/
set{gray02, count(Long_Loss > -0.08, 1)}/*set loss limit here*/
set{gray03, gray01 + gray02}
set{ties, gray03 - 1}
set{gray_count, count(gray03 > 1.9, 52)}
set{loss, count(Long_Loss < -0.08, 1)}/*set loss limit here*/
set{loss_count, count(loss > .9, 52)}
add column separator
add column win_count{wins}
add column gray_count{ties}
add column loss_count{losses}
add column separator
set{sort01, win_count - loss_count}
set{x, gray_count / 2}
set{sortnum, sort01 - x}
add column sortnum
sort on column 10 descending
add column wkprofitpct
add column Avg13WkProfit
draw win
draw loss
draw wkprofitpct
draw wkprofitpct line at 4/*set profit limit here*/
draw wklosspct on plot wkprofitpct
draw wklosspct line at -8/*set loss limit here*/
draw EMA(13)
/*set{HighHopes, weekly open * 1.04}
draw highhopes on plot price
plottype{highhopes, dot}
set{ohshit, weekly open * .92}
draw ohshit on plot price
plottype{ohshit, dot}*/
Average Volume(30) > 123456
close > 1
chart-display is weekly
chart-time is 1 year

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · TRO CROCK POT - SLOW COOKERS FOR SWING TRADERS<< 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 26 >>Post Follow-up

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