StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Help transitioning from TC2000<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up
2 posts
msg #156393
Ignore JLXV0708
4/5/2021 8:02:52 AM

Hi everyone,
I don't know if this is the right section but I'm trying to transfer this TC2000 filter for spotting breakouts in SF.
Does anyone have any tips on how to translate it?

MAXC45.1 < 1.1*AVGC45.1 AND MINC45.1>.90*AVGC45.1 AND O>MAXC45.1 AND O>MAXO45.1 AND O <1.05*AVGC45.1 AND C>O AND C>5 AND ABS((10*(46*(C1+O1)/2/AVGC45.1 +41*(C6+O6)/2/AVGC45.1 +36*(C11+O11)/2/AVGC45.1 +31*(C16+O16)/2/AVGC45.1 +26*(C21+O21)/2/AVGC45.1 +21*(C26+O26)/2/AVGC45.1 +16*(C31+O31)/2/AVGC45.1 +11*(C36+O36)/2/AVGC45.1 +6*(C41+O41)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C46+O46)/2/AVGC45.1 )-235*((C1+O1)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C6+O6)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C11+O11)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C16+O16)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C21+O21)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C26+O26)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C31+O31)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C36+O36)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C41+O41)/2/AVGC45.1 +(C46+O46)/2/AVGC45.1 ))/(10*(7585)-55225))<.001 AND AVGV60>150000

224 posts
msg #156403
Ignore compound_gains
4/5/2021 4:47:31 PM

Do you understand the TC2000 code or are you flying totally blind?
It can be converted to StockFetcher but it would involve creating and then combining a number of set statements and then conditional statements.
The ABS chunk is the most challenging (at least in keeping all of your ducks in order)...everything else is straightforward. For example,
MAXC45.1 < 1.1*AVGC45.1...
set{x1, 1.1 * ma(45) 1 day ago}
close 45 day high 1 day ago below x1
set{x1, .9 * ma(45) 1 day ago
close 45 day low 1 day ago above x1
[I'm using x1 would change for each set statement]
So, it would take some work so it was synced properly, but the same can likely be said for whomever originally created the TC2000 screen.
I notice that AVGC45.1 is a common metric and, for example, that could be condensed to one set statement: set{x1, ma(45) 1 day ago} and repeated where need be.

2 posts
msg #156406
Ignore JLXV0708
4/6/2021 6:26:15 AM

Hi, compound_gains, thanks for your reply.
I know what the filter should do, but I can't translate all the variables from TC2000 text.

I was hoping someone knew both languages and could translate easily back and forth.

I'll try it myself in the meantime. Thanks!

22 posts
msg #156408
Ignore bushynose
4/6/2021 10:06:34 AM

/* MAXC45.1 < 1.1*AVGC45.1 */
set{MAXC45.1, close 45 days high}
set{1AVGC45.1, 1.1 * ma(45)}
MAXC45.1 is below 1AVGC45.1

/* MINC45.1>.90*AVGC45.1 */
set{MINC45.1, close 45 days low}
set{2AVGC45.1, 0.90 * ma(45)}
MINC45.1 is above 2AVGC45.1

/* O>MAXC45.1 */
open is above MAXC45.1

/* O>MAXO45.1 */
/* ? should be MINC45.1? */
open is above MINC45.1

/* O <1.05*AVGC45.1 */
set{3AVGC45.1, 1.05 * ma(45)}
open is below 3AVGC45.1

/* C>O */
close is above open 1 day ago

/* C>5 */
close is above 5

/* 10* */

/* (46*(C1+O1)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C1O1, close 1 day ago + open 1 day ago)
set{46C1O1, C1O1 * 46}
set{46C1O12, 46C1O1 / 2}
set{46C1O12AVGC45.1, 46C1O12 / ma(45)}

/* 41*(C6+O6)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C6O6, close 6 day ago + open 6 day ago)
set{41C6O6, C6O6 * 41}
set{41C6O62, 41C6O6 / 2}
set{41C6O62AVGC45.1, 41C6O62 / ma(45)}

/* 36*(C11+O11)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C11O11, close 11 day ago + open 11 day ago)
set{36C11O11, C11O11 * 36}
set{36C11O112, 36C11O11 / 2}
set{36C11O112AVGC45.1, 36C11O112 / ma(45)}

/* 26*(C21+O21)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C21O21, close 21 day ago + open 21 day ago)
set{26C21O21, C21O21 * 26}
set{26C21O212, 36C21O21 / 2}
set{26C21O212AVGC45.1, 26C21O212 / ma(45)}

/* 21*(C26+O26)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C26O26, close 26 day ago + open 26 day ago)
set{21C26O26, C26O26 * 21}
set{21C26O262, 21C26O26 / 2}
set{21C26O262AVGC45.1, 21C26O262 / ma(45)}

/* 16*(C31+O31)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C31O31, close 31 day ago + open 31 day ago)
set{16C31O31, C31O31 * 16}
set{16C31O312, 16C31O31 / 2}
set{16C31O312AVGC45.1, 16C31O312 / ma(45)}

/* 11*(C36+O36)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C36O36, close 36 day ago + open 36 day ago)
set{11C36O36, C36O36 * 11}
set{11C36O362, 11C36O36 / 2}
set{11C36O362AVGC45.1, 11C36O362 / ma(45)}

/* 6*(C41+O41)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set(C6O6, close 41 day ago + open 41 day ago)
set{6C6O6, C6O6 * 6}
set{6C6O62, 6C6O6 / 2}
set{6C6O62AVGC45.1, 6C6O62 / ma(45)}

/* (C46+O46)/2/AVGC45.1 ) */
set(C46O46, close 46 day ago + open 46 day ago)
set{ C46O462, C46O46 / 2}
set{ C46O462AVGC45.1, C46O462 / ma(45)}

/* 235* */
/* (C1+O1)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F1G1, close 1 day ago + open 1 day ago}
set{F1G12, F1G1 / 2}
set{F1G1245, F1G12 / ma(45)}

/* (C6+O6)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F6G6, close 6 day ago + open 6 day ago}
set{F6G62, F6G6 / 2}
set{F6G6245, F6G62 / ma(45)}

/* (C11+O11)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F11G11, close 11 day ago + open 11 day ago}
set{F11G112, F11G11 / 2}
set{F11G11245, F11G112 / ma(45)}

/* (C16+O16)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F16G16, close 16 day ago + open 16 day ago}
set{F16G162, F16G16 / 2}
set{F16G16245, F16G162 / ma(45)}

/* (C21+O21)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F21G21, close 21 day ago + open 21 day ago}
set{F21G212, F21G21 / 2}
set{F21G21245, F21G212 / ma(45)}

/* (C26+O26)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F26G26, close 26 day ago + open 26 day ago}
set{F26G262, F26G26 / 2}
set{F26G26245, F26G262 / ma(45)}

/* (C31+O31)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F31G31, close 31 day ago + open 31 day ago}
set{F31G312, F31G31 / 2}
set{F31G31245, F31G312 / ma(45)}

/* (C36+O36)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F36G36, close 36 day ago + open 36 day ago}
set{F36G362, F36G36 / 2}
set{F36G36245, F36G362 / ma(45)}

/* (C41+O41)/2/AVGC45.1 */
set{F41G41, close 41 day ago + open 41 day ago}
set{F41G412, F41G41 / 2}
set{F41G41245, F41G412 / ma(45)}

/* (C46+O46)/2/AVGC45.1 ) */
set{F46G46, close 46 day ago + open 46 day ago}
set{F46G462, F46G46 / 2}
set{F46G46245, F46G462 / ma(45)}

/* SUM1 */
set{x1, 46C1O12AVGC45.1 + 41C6O62AVGC45.1}
set{x2, x1 + 36C11O112AVGC45.1}
set{x3, x2 + 26C21O212AVGC45.1}
set{x4, x3 + 21C26O262AVGC45.1}
set{x5, x4 + 16C31O312AVGC45.1}
set{x6, x5 + 11C31O312AVGC45.1}
set{x7, x6 + 6C31O312AVGC45.1}
set{x8, x7 + C46O462AVGC45.1}
set{10x9, x9 * 10}

/* SUM2 */
set{y1, F1G1245 + F6G6245}
set{y2, y1 + F11G11245}
set{y3, y2 + F16G16245}
set{y4, y3 + F21G21245}
set{y5, y4 + F26G26245}
set{y6, y5 + F31G31245}
set{y7, y6 + F36G36245}
set{y8, y7 + F41G41245}
set{y9, y8 + F46G46245}
set{235y10, y9 * 235}

/* (10*(7585)-55225)) */
set{10758555225, 20265}

/* /1 */
set{var1, 10x9 / 235y10}

/* /2 */
set{var2, var1 / 10758555225}

/* ABS */
set{var3, ABS(var2)}

/* ABS <.001 */
var3 is below 0.001

/* AVGV60>150000 */
Average Volume(60) is above 150000

1,055 posts
msg #156440
Ignore nibor100
4/8/2021 2:17:31 PM

@ JLXV0708,

I'm just a bit curious as to where your TC2000 PCF came from because when I search the Worden Forum I can't find it, and since you don't know the PCF language you obviously didn't write it.....

Ed S.

By the way, it appears there are some normal parentheses in the Set statements that Bushynose provided in his SF translation of your TC2000 PCF, and they need to be curly brackets, and I have not checked any further as I got sidetracked.

22 posts
msg #156445
Ignore bushynose
4/8/2021 2:35:20 PM

my scanner is not perfect, it was just done in a hurry. if I have time, I'll check it out

304 posts
msg #156530
Ignore fotchstecker
4/9/2021 9:17:31 AM

Ed, there is lots of TC2000 code not in the forums, however (and it's shame they shut the forums down). Bruce in the forums was an absolute legend, one of the most competent "bridges" between the customer and a software platform that I've personally come across in decades of using commercial tech.

I have a lot of TC2000 code and there are snippets throughout the web.

304 posts
msg #156531
Ignore fotchstecker
4/9/2021 9:35:18 AM

Also, this TC2000 breakout code looks similar to the "double bottom" pattern output on SF, but it also appears to have some continuation after the last resistance level. Just eyeballing.

Here's this morning's output using ETFs:

Symbols from TC2000

1,055 posts
msg #156535
Ignore nibor100
4/9/2021 5:09:17 PM

at 5:10pm I got only these ETFs on TC2000 version 20.775421230:

Ed S.

1,055 posts
msg #156536
Ignore nibor100
4/9/2021 5:14:15 PM


I agree that the Worden forum was exemplary, I used to refer other stock sw companies to look at it to see a true example of being responsive to your customers.

I almost left TC2000 when they discontinued it and discontinuing their periodic webinars also.

I'm close to finishing cleaning up the Bushynose version of that PCF, all that's left are variables 1 thru 3.

Ed S.

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Help transitioning from TC2000<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up

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