4/7/2006 9:53:11 PM
Check your Weekly, 3-MO., and 10-day 60-min. charts. The stars are aligned and the moon is facing Pluto and all that crap.....
stocktrader1989 11 posts msg #42912 - Ignore stocktrader1989 |
4/12/2006 4:27:10 PM
nice call.. would you mind explaining what method you used to find ICE??
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #42925 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
4/13/2006 12:55:11 AM
The same place I found stocks like NBIX, FSH, IIIN, LECO, SHU, and FFIV....
Start with a 2-3 day offset and when you see "green," make sure the jump start is also coming off the LRI(60)on your WEEKLY charts too, or at least resting on the weekly EMA(10). There's no better time to get into a long position than this. And nothing sweeter in life than pullbacks....
stocktrader1989 11 posts msg #42932 - Ignore stocktrader1989 |
4/13/2006 10:56:30 AM
thank you very much for your help!
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42934 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/13/2006 11:38:38 AM
So Riggs, you're liking LINEAR REGRESSION these days?
4/13/2006 8:24:52 PM
Steve -
Glad I could help.....
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #42942 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
4/13/2006 8:26:25 PM
"these days?" What do you mean? I've been using Linear Regression about 3-years B-4 I even found SF. In fact, it was in the very first filter I ever created. I'd love to give you credit for it, but that has to go to Prophet.net...BTW, how are you?
bes22 9 posts msg #43040 - Ignore bes22 |
4/18/2006 1:33:43 PM
Riggs info please. I am using this filter and according to what you wrote I seem to be missing something "as I follow to make sure the jump start is also coming off the LRI(60)on your WEEKLY charts too, or at least resting on the weekly EMA(10)." When I get the filter results in SF and click on the SF chart even though the filter says WEEKLY it does not look like my WEEKLY Prophet Chart and they do not look alike unless I change the Prophet Chart to daily. One of these two charts is not correct. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks Eddie S
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #43056 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
4/19/2006 1:53:13 AM
Eddie -
How could I possibly know without an example? Anyway...you're missing the whole point. "ICE" has gone from $53 to $66 in a week! Just wanted to give everyone a heads up BEFORE it actually happened. And I did....
Listen....don't make this harder than it is. Forget about using SF charts! They will always mislead you. Just use SF filter results, and then use prophet.net charts. It's simple, when BOTH daily & weekly charts are touching LRI(60), find yourself an intraday buy point. Good luck.
bes22 9 posts msg #43057 - Ignore bes22 |
4/19/2006 9:07:26 AM
Riggs, Got it, and it is working thanks again, Eddie S