shaikhhali 42 posts msg #43733 - Ignore shaikhhali |
5/15/2006 6:20:45 AM
Before this forum was so active but not anymore, I would like to invite every body to post their contributions here not only in the yahoo group.
In addition, the SF should do something to attract people like TRO and stop pushing them away, because they are a benefit to the forum.
I do not know what to say more, and I hope SF would listen to our voices.
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #43734 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
5/15/2006 9:20:47 AM
I don't think SF has done anything to push people away.
In fact, they seem to us plenty of rope to hang
I think they're doing a fine job of managing this forum.
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #43737 - Ignore petrolpeter modified |
5/16/2006 12:04:41 PM
The silent audience is just satisfied,buisily focusing on making money I guess.Bill Gross doesn't even own a cell phone!
And He does just fine for himself.
guru_trader 485 posts msg #43797 - Ignore guru_trader |
5/17/2006 1:06:59 AM
I know you missed me, shaikhhali; sorry, I was on vacation last week.