powermob 19 posts msg #38145 - Ignore powermob |
9/22/2005 9:01:55 PM
I am trying to search for the low and high of a custom variable over a 20 day time frame. The following command doesn't produce results but times out.
set{loindic,smoothindic2 20 day low}
set{hiindic,smoothindic2 20 day high}
I also tried to use the following finishing line but the answer doesn't correspond with the answers shown for hiindic and loindic.
set{calcrange,smoothindic2 20 day high - smoothindic2 20 day low}
I am new and just can't seem to find the right syntax. Help!
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #38146 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/22/2005 10:02:11 PM
What is smoothindic2?
MikeB60046 43 posts msg #38149 - Ignore MikeB60046 |
9/23/2005 5:57:24 AM
Try this
set{lo,low rsi(14) 5 day low}
insert your own indicator and time frame
powermob 19 posts msg #38151 - Ignore powermob |
9/23/2005 10:37:27 AM
Thanks guys,
smoothindic2 is a custom variable. I assume there is some syntax similar to the CMA for a custom average for finding low and high of a custom variable.
I tried to use:
set{loindic,low smoothindic2 20 day low}
and did the same thing with hiindic to set the range but the calcrange still gives a different value than hiindic - loindic show.
Any other advice?
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #38153 - Ignore nikoschopen |
9/23/2005 2:19:38 PM
In order to use a set{} command, you need to define each syntax within the set (set{variable,measure [+-*/] measure})
e.g., set{myset, rsi(14),1}
price crossed above myset
Likewise in order to utilize "smoothindic2", you need to first define it. For example,
powermob 19 posts msg #38159 - Ignore powermob |
9/23/2005 6:37:33 PM
Thanks for your help. I previously defined smoothindic2 with set statements and I believe it may be just a case of having too many nested set statements that causes the issue. I just thought it might be a syntax issue caused by SF reading low as a universal variable that was always identified by SF as low price and the same for high. But, if no one else has had issues with using low and high over a time frame applied to variable names, then I would guess I'll just have to rework my set definitions and see if I can get rid of some nesting.