WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #42051 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
3/14/2006 10:05:15 PM
What a bunch of negative old bald guys you are! "wait for trendlines?" "peaks and valley's?" ROFLMAO!!! This is why short term investors like myself, will ALWAYS outrade scared and conservative traders. For all of you that aren't taking part in this "Lynch Mob." Just take a look at about 20 or 30 charts tonight and see for yourselves what happens on a chart when MY version (true) of divergence takes place. Why do you think EVERYDAY there is nothing but "green" in the performance column? Ask yourselves that. Don't listen to these clowns! They are just trying to get attention on my threads. This is nothing new here. LOL...The numbers speak for themselves. Good luck everyone & enjoy my gifts to you from THE MIGHTY RIGGS! As for the rest of you....YOU KNOWWWW!!!
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42055 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/14/2006 10:21:43 PM
I did NOT call my filter display BULLISH.
It just tells me if and when there was positive divergence.
I agree with your clear definition of BULLISH POSITIVE DIVERGENCE.
3/14/2006 11:00:00 PM
Oh....but of couse you do Avery. LOL...
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42069 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/15/2006 6:09:50 AM
How's this:
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #42080 - Ignore nikoschopen |
3/15/2006 12:59:02 PM
My sole intention was to define what divergence is (with typos and some more) and certainly not to criticize anyone's filter. Having said that, if I may comment on your filter I still find it to be lacking.
To illustrate why the above line is inadequate, let me provide an example. Suppose the 6 day low reading is above 70, and has been meandering above 70 for the last 6 days. Suppose further that price actually went up rather than down, which isn't all that unusual when an oscillator is in the overbought zone for an extended period.
Additionally, today's RSI being equal to RSI 6 days ago isn't enough. Just as with any valid chart patterns, or candlestick patterns if you prefer, there needs to be a confirmation. How do I know that RSI will not go lower tomorrow?
As a pointer, I ask that you look at the filter I posted above [3/14/2006 8:14:39 PM].
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #42081 - Ignore petrolpeter |
3/15/2006 2:07:09 PM
It's pretty slim pickings trying to find and indicator that diverts from price dropping and creates tradable follow through,if they even exist at all.Maybe price diverging from lagging,falling inicators would be easier.Or would this be convergence,or remergence,or re-emergence,I don't know?!What I do know is that such filters should be benchmarked against or or other basic rolling filters to assess their effectivness.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #42082 - Ignore nikoschopen |
3/15/2006 2:17:06 PM
Errata: the pointer to which I was alluding in the last line should be [3/14/2006 4:34:27 PM]
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42089 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/15/2006 4:17:17 PM
- Ignore nikoschopen 3/15/2006 12:59:02 PM
My sole intention was to define what divergence is (with typos and some more) and certainly not to criticize anyone's filter. Having said that, if I may comment on your filter I still find it to be lacking.
To illustrate why the above line is inadequate, let me provide an example. Suppose the 6 day low reading is above 70, and has been meandering above 70 for the last 6 days. Suppose further that price actually went up rather than down, which isn't all that unusual when an oscillator is in the overbought zone for an extended period.
Additionally, today's RSI being equal to RSI 6 days ago isn't enough. Just as with any valid chart patterns, or candlestick patterns if you prefer, there needs to be a confirmation. How do I know that RSI will not go lower tomorrow?
As a pointer, I ask that you look at the filter I posted above [3/14/2006 8:14:39 PM]."
I have been using my divergence display for years.
It puts me in the ballpark.
Of course, I look at the chart BEFORE I enter the trade.
You have to remember, SF has programming limitations.
judgetrade 107 posts msg #42127 - Ignore judgetrade |
3/16/2006 3:24:40 PM
RIGGS, this post is sick. Put you on ignore again!
alf44 2,025 posts msg #42128 - Ignore alf44 |
3/16/2006 4:19:33 PM
...was there a deleted post ?
Did I miss something ?