novotny75 6 posts msg #98278 - Ignore novotny75 |
12/28/2010 9:55:51 PM
Frequently stocks gap up (or down) when resuming trading the next day. I'm interested in adding some % qualifier for how large a gap can be between successive days. Ideally I wish to create a filter that will show stocks that have gained over 10% in the last 5 days where the average gap between days is less than 1% for instance.
Thanks, Jason
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #98284 - Ignore Eman93 |
12/29/2010 2:44:45 AM
See the never loose again thread.. all things gap.. or do a search on gap.
taylorsk 106 posts msg #98290 - Ignore taylorsk |
12/29/2010 11:08:16 AM
Chetron Helped me with this one. NOt exactly what you are looking for, but it may help point you in the right direction. THis filter finds stocks that have gapped down at least 8% but not more than 30%
This is mor for finding larger gaps usually around a fundamental event( earnngs etc) and then playing either the fill or shorting once it does fill...
I have set a colum for ALERt that calculates the price when price approaches filling the gap. This is when I would pook for a turn in the 5 EMA and look to go short.
As I said not exactly what you are looking for but perhaps might give you some gap ideas. Notice how X is A+B?
THis is how I specify that it must be between the 8% and 30% gap range....
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #98316 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
12/30/2010 8:04:48 AM
"See the never loose again thread.. all things gap.. or do a search on gap."
LOSE not loose!!
NEVER LOOSE AGAIN sounds like a Loctite commercial.
straken 469 posts msg #98318 - Ignore straken |
12/30/2010 9:52:30 AM
Ha! Or a kegel exercise video.
taylorsk 106 posts msg #98329 - Ignore taylorsk |
12/30/2010 3:29:08 PM
HAha! God damn that is funny stracken!
Perhaps TRO has the statistic filter for % trades winners while doing kegels in the buy zone???