Albyco 7 posts msg #50543 - Ignore Albyco |
3/12/2007 10:52:07 AM
Hi guys, I know that you all are much better at this than i am. I have tried to set up some backtesting and don't think I am am getting it right. I know the rumpled one could put this together in his sleep. I am trying to set these parmeters. Entry is an ema (7) cross above the ema (47). Volume must be at least a million and stock prices ranging from 10-55. I think I'm messing up the Exit. I want to exit the move after the first part happens, we exit on the (13) day simple moving average. I don't need to hold it for any certain time as long as that criteria is met. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Albyco 7 posts msg #50545 - Ignore Albyco |
3/12/2007 1:52:42 PM
I think where I could be going wrong is in the filter. I need to show stocks that are trending higher for this to work correctly. Is there a way to indicate High highs on the search filter. I noticed that when i back tested this filter it was taking short positons as well and that was throwing off the results.
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50547 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
3/12/2007 7:08:13 PM
LOL... I couldn't figure out the backtest.
Backtesting this way is a waste of time in my opinion.
I do STATISTICAL TESTS of the STOCK DATA not the strategy.
I look for stocks that give me a chance of victory more often than not. Just look at my GAP FILL STATISTICS FILTER. Easy pickings.
It's simple... just draw a couple of horizontal lines and sooner or later the price has to cross one of them. It's simply a matter of GEOMETRY.
That's why I daytrade AAPL. So simple to make AAPL juice.
Albyco 7 posts msg #50552 - Ignore Albyco |
3/13/2007 10:45:47 AM
Thanks, I thought you would have the answer. The backtest is skued by the fact that my exit strat is not really bogus, it's that I cant't get it to understand not to take bear positions. When I back test it always takes a short position to exit when my entry is for a long position only. I will try i TS and see if i can get that to understand. If anyone else could help......and i know your'e out there, lend a hand so we can put this one to rest.
Niagara 49 posts msg #50555 - Ignore Niagara |
3/13/2007 11:34:00 PM
"I look for stocks that give me a chance of victory more often than not. Just look at my GAP FILL STATISTICS FILTER. Easy pickings.
It's simple... just draw a couple of horizontal lines and sooner or later the price has to cross one of them. It's simply a matter of GEOMETRY."
You make it sound so easy. How do you choose where to place the horizontal lines? You will probably say above and below the present price. How do you choose in which direction to place the trade? You will probably say in the direction it is now moving. Any advice on how to manage stops?
BTW, I love your postings.
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50558 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/14/2007 12:40:42 AM
Sounds like you already have the answers. Where to place the lines? Just read my MILK THE COW threads.
STOPS? Stops are for sissies...LOL! Actually, just use the MONEY MANAGEMENT SPREADSHEET I have posted on and make sure your stops don't wipe out your profits.
Don't you just love how they hand out FREE MONEY everyday??!!?!?!
astroanalyst 48 posts msg #50647 - Ignore astroanalyst |
3/23/2007 1:44:37 AM
"...Actually, just use the MONEY MANAGEMENT SPREADSHEET I have posted on"
TRO, I've searched the Kreslik site and have not been able to locate the spreadsheet. Is it still available? If so, any chance of a direct link or where on I should look for it...
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50665 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/24/2007 9:12:59 PM
Here's the link:
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