as214 184 posts msg #50027 - Ignore as214 |
2/14/2007 7:13:23 PM
Hey Cord,
Last week when I ran MSNs scan of "Cheapest stocks of large companies that are growing", of the results QI had the lowest RT on Vector well as the lowest sentiment score on stockscores.. Using this methodoligy got me in AET at 32.50 in late July as it had the lowest RT rating on Vector Vest. In the past I would have bought QI immediately, as I know it will be much higher in the future. Now with the help of DMA 28,-14 I look to pinpoint my entries. I hope I didnt miss the boat by being too greedy waiting for QI to come to me on my terms..but oh well there will be many many more. This method is simple and was brought to my attention by a former Wall Street colleague of mine. So simple. Its made him about 389 % a year , but he trades options. With stocks its still good for at least 75 percent a year usually at a long term capital gains rate. Very simple too. Hold the stock for a one year minimum after purchase then re-evaluate. If the stock reaches it's intrinsic value prior to a year sell it. Otherwise hold and enjoy easy money..
cord1ell 8 posts msg #50029 - Ignore cord1ell |
2/14/2007 8:30:22 PM
Thanks as,
I'll check out this technique and let you know if I have success/failure. Good luck with QI and keep the thread alive with your results.
limestar 79 posts msg #51693 - Ignore limestar |
5/19/2007 12:01:08 PM
Vector Vest does have a survivorship bias. I'm using a real money strategy now that included a stock that got taken out. However, VV does not reflect the new company. Instead if you were to go back and run the search on the date I bought, it picked the next stock down. I have told VV which stock got taken out and by whom, but they never fixed it.
I don't know how common it is for portfolios to run into this problem, but it could definitely skew things big.
guru_trader 485 posts msg #56366 - Ignore guru_trader modified |
11/3/2007 1:59:56 AM
I've been tracking the "Cheap Large Growing" stock screen (stocks, not options) from MoneyCentral since February 2007 and my results are all over the place ... probably due to all the turbulence this year. I will continue to follow it for a while and keep you all posted.
I'm also tracking these other screens on a daily basis on MoneyCentral, since Feb 2007 ...
Stocks screens ...
Warren Buffett
Cheap Large Growing
Top Rated Stocks
Bottom Rated Stocks
Top 10
Top 50
Funds screens ...
Large Widely Held
Large Domestic
Safe and Steady
High Yield Bond
Hot No-Loads
Top Rated
ETFs ...
Top Performing
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #56377 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
11/3/2007 11:44:58 AM
" I hope I didnt miss the boat by being too greedy waiting for QI to come to me on my terms.."
How is that being greedy?
Sounds like being smart to me.
as214 184 posts msg #61333 - Ignore as214 |
4/10/2008 9:41:38 PM
SSL is up over 50 percent in a recession with much more to come since Jan 07! Have you sheep learned that value is the way to go. Have fun..keep chasing squiggles on charts..I'll buy pieces of companies!