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TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #44825 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/10/2006 12:50:22 PM ENERGY ASSETS WORTH $5 BILLION Right Now Valued At Only $90 Million! Stake Your Claim Today And You Could Turn $5,000 Into a $50,000 Windfall... Dear ETR Readers, Right now there is a company with billions of dollars in assets, and yet its market value is only $88 million. Invest in this company today, and you should make at least six times your money. In fact, that’s my most conservative estimate. Your return should be much higher than that. This may be the most important financial information you get in your lifetime – vital intelligence that could protect your wealth and more than double your net worth in the years to come And It Won’t Cost You a Dime... Click Here And because the company is sitting on so much unrecognized value, this stock comes with a HUGE margin of safety. It’s like buying a hundred dollars with a ten spot. What are the chances you can make some money on a deal like that? By all calculations, this company would be deeply undervalued at $60 a share. And yet you can buy it today for just over $6. This is going to be a grand slam for investors. The Raging Bull Market of the Coming Decade The company operates in the hottest investment sector of the decade – energy. And I probably don’t have to tell you that energy and commodity stocks have been soaring. Just two years ago, one of the largest diversified commodity companies – BHP Billiton – was going for around $16. BHP recently hit $45 a share. Experts agree that the growth of this sector will be the single most powerful investment trend of the next 10 to 20 years. This latest correction in the natural resources and energy stocks is nothing but a speedbump, or rather a dip in the road, on a long-lasting and very profitable run. It’s natural that hot money will get shaken out of the markets on the way up. But this is no bubble based on hype. The prices of energy and commodities are rising due to an insatiable demand and short supply. And the growth we’re seeing throughout Asia will only fuel the imbalance. If you want to make big money in the years ahead – no matter what’s happening to the Dow or NASDAQ – the name of the game is commodities. The company I am about to tell you about is right in the middle of this trend. Yet Wall Street is clueless to its true value (and this latest dip in the markets has created an extraordinary buying opportunity). But not for long... Natural Gas... “The Other Oil” You can hardly pick up a newspaper these days without reading about the price of oil. And the price is nowhere near done going up. But you don’t hear a whole lot about natural gas. Don’t worry... you will. The demand for this clean-burning fuel is growing every year. In the last five years almost all of the new power plants built in the United States have been designed to burn natural gas. There are also thousands of factories around the world that are converting to natural gas. In fact, even oil industry insiders admit that liquefied natural gas (LNG) will surpass oil as the world’s primary fuel source within 25 years. Right now, compared to oil, natural gas is about as cheap as it gets. In normal weather the historical oil to gas price ratio is around 6:1. To return to this average oil would have to fall by around 50%... or natural gas will have to make steady climb. Of course, there is a chance that oil will fall... but lose almost half its value? Don’t count on it. The safe bet is that “natty” will rise. And don’t forget about hurricanes. At the end of last year, the price of natural gas was almost three times higher than it is right now. If natural gas supplies are disrupted again, even in the least, you’ll see the price of gas double... or possibly more than triple by the end of the year. And the company I’m writing to you about is sitting on some of the most sought-after gas-producing real estate in the country. But that’s not even half the story... A Home Run Stock... With a HUGE Margin of Safety This company is sitting on more than 70,000 acres of Barnett Shale property in the Fort Worth Basin of Texas. This area holds stunningly productive natural gas reserves and dozens of companies (including the big boys) are already there. So why does this company stand out from the crowd? This company bought property that was undeveloped. And it bought that property during a very soft spot in the natural gas market. The company paid $75 an acre for part of the property, and $100 an acre for the rest. Yes, you read that right: it paid less than $100 an acre on average for 70,000 acres of natural gas producing property in Texas. Since then... the gas reserves on the property have been proven AND the price of the gas is significantly higher (although not nearly as high as it will get). So, how much are those acres really worth? Well, there’s no need to guess. The market has already told us. Chesapeake Energy recently paid $15,000 per acre. XTO Energy paid $11,000 per acre. A company called Carrizo Oil and Gas got a steal. They paid only $5,000 an acre. That’s an average value around $10,000 an acre. The company I’m telling you about has only 14 million outstanding shares. That means for every $10,000 you invest, you’ll get about six acres of this property... some of the best natural gas property in the United States. And those six acres are actually worth around $60,000. Consider the value of that property as natural gas prices begin to rise. But this isn’t a real estate play, this is about hydrocarbons. Based on existing production, this property has the potential to produce 500 billion cubic feet of gas. At today’s prices, that’s $3.5 billion. Never mind if we have another rough hurricane season. That number represents the potential for this property. But let’s assume the company falls way short and only produces 25% of that number. In that case, you’re still looking at almost $900 million. As you remember, this company is valued at less than $90 million today. You’ll settle for a $10 return for every dollar you invest, won’t you? I thought so. But that’s not all this company has up its sleeve... Another Billion Dollar Asset Hidden in the Rockies This company also controls another 80,000 acres of natural gas property in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I can tell you right now: this will not be as productive as the property in Texas. But the company already has proven reserves, so we know the gas is there. And according to estimates the potential for this property is around 250 billion cubic feet. In that case, you can add another $1.75 billion to the bottom line. But let’s again assume the worst. Let’s say the company only produces 25% of that number. That is still almost $450 million... at today’s prices. In a perfect world, between Texas and Colorado, this company will pull $5.25 billion out of the ground. If we lowball the estimate, you’re looking at “only” $1.35 billion. All that wrapped up in a company valued at $87 million. And regarding actually pulling the gas out of the ground, this company’s daily production is already on track to do much better than the average that other companies are producing in the same geologic formations. But that’s not everything this company has going for it. I told you that there is a HUGE margin of safety with this company. Wait until you hear what’s next... A Few Billion Barrels of Crude... Thrown in for Free! In addition to the natural gas properties, this company recently reached an agreement with the Nicaraguan government’s department of energy to explore and develop two properties off the coast of that country. The entire concession amounts to almost a million and a half acres, and the geologic formations are highly promising. Several test wells have already shown hydrocarbons. In fact, Shell is already successfully producing in the vicinity. Right now the company is courting partners to explore and develop the concession, beginning in the next 12 months. As you can imagine, there is a risk that the company will not be able to get profitable production from this property. But the reward if they do is immense. According to the company’s own estimates, the concession has the very real potential to produce BILLIONS of barrels of oil. At over $70 a barrel, pretty soon you’re talking about some real money. Five years from now, this company could literally be drowning in petro-dollars from this operation. Not too shabby for a business that is just “thrown in” for free. And guess what? That’s not all you get when you invest in this company. I know, I know. I sound like a car salesman. “But wait...there’s more!” But there really is more... Another $30 Million a Year... Thrown in for Free! I haven’t even mentioned the company’s “other” business yet... a business that is growing like crazy. This company also operates one of the oldest and most established oilfield services businesses in the U.S. heartland. This part of the company has been around for 50 years and has serviced more than 250,000 wells. The company operates widely in Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Colorado, and as you can imagine, business is BOOMING. In 2005, revenues increased 47% over the year before. And the first quarter of this year, the company brought in double the revenue for the same period last year. With prices driving up production and exploration, let’s just say it’s a pretty good time to be in the oilfield services business. Worst Case Scenario... Six Times Your Money! The price of this company astonishes me. I have never seen a company with so much to offer go for so little. And when you consider that this company is operating in one of the hottest investment sectors of the decade, I can hardly believe its valuation. I can tell you one thing. You won’t see it at this price for very long. Things are really starting to come together for this company... Their oilfield services business is hitting on 12 cylinders... they are just getting their first production from the Texas property... the Colorado property is not far behind... and there is a potential in Nicaragua that could dwarf all of these projects put together. In a worst case scenario I estimate that you should make more than six times your money with this company. Where does that number come from? Well, let’s say they run out of money and can’t develop the property in Texas. All they would have to do is sell the property at going rates and the company will bank $600 million. That’s more than six times the current value of the company. But a scenario where the company has to sell this land is pretty far fetched considering they already have wells producing in Texas, and a $25 million a year (and growing) oilfield services operation to finance the drilling. If you assume a better outcome than “worst case scenario” but still a conservative estimate of the production from Texas and Colorado... you should make 10 times your money. And just for fun... if you assume an even better outcome in Texas and Colorado – combined with even a fraction of what Nicaragua has to offer – you could make 100 to 1 on your investment in this company. I want you to get in before the crowd. But it means that you have to act NOW. I expect you will never see this company priced so low again. In fact, I’m amazed that you’re seeing it now. Here’s how you can get a complete analysis of this once in a lifetime opportunity... Introducing The Wealth Advantage... Superior Returns with a Wide Margin of Safety It doesn’t get any better than a low-risk investment... with the strong possibility to make five to ten times on your money (or more). And that’s what Andrew Gordon’s newest investment advisory service – The Wealth Advantage – is all about. It’s about helping you realize big gains, without taking big risks. Andrew and his team scour the investment landscape for companies just like the one I have described in this letter. Some months he may recommend natural resource companies... US stocks... foreign stocks... energy... emerging technology... real estate... transportation and shipping... services... you name it. The bottom line is that Andrew seeks out and reports on companies that have massive hidden assets... value that the stock market has overlooked for one reason or another. As a subscriber to The Wealth Advantage you will learn about these companies when they are just beginning their uptrend. Once Wall Street gets in and drives the price through the roof, that's when you'll take your profits off the table. And you won’t have to invest a lot to make a lot. Most of the stocks he recommends will have a huge upside potential... so even a modest amount invested can return a sizable sum. Just imagine turning $10,000 into $100,000 in one stock. It can happen. And The Wealth Advantage can help you do it. The Exclusive Privileges of Your Membership Here’s what you will receive as a member of this exclusive service: Monthly Advisory – Each month you will receive The Wealth Advantage Monthly Advisory delivered via email. Each Monthly Advisory will give you a complete overview of one opportunity with the potential for tremendous gains and limited risk. You will learn everything you need to know about the company and the profits you could expect. Your first advisory will be a full report on the company I have just told you about, and you will receive it as soon as your membership is accepted. Flash Alerts – Whenever Andrew spots an opportunity that just can’t wait, you’ll be the first to know. Whether it is breaking news, an immediate buy recommendation, or a turnaround stock that is just starting to make its move, you will get a Flash Alert. The Flash Alerts will not be as in depth as the Monthly Advisory, but you will still receive a report on all the vital information you need to take action. Weekly Report – As a subscriber to The Wealth Advantage you will also receive a regular weekly email alerting you to developments in the market, and news about the portfolio. The weekly wrap-ups are delivered on Friday. Investigative Report – Several times a year you will receive a detailed report spotlighting a particular emerging market, global trend or market sector that is ripe for profits. Not only will you learn exactly where these exclusive opportunities lie, you will learn which companies will benefit the most. Here’s the Bottom Line... This is a premier research service for investors who are serious about achieving 1,000% gains without incurring undue risk. As you might guess, this kind of research can be very expensive to produce. To give you a high margin of safety, Andrew and his research team must know EVERYTHING there is to know about the companies he recommends. He must determine exactly how much hidden value is there, and calculate those assets. When it comes to investing, you can NEVER have too much information about a company. That’s why Andy often boards a plane to visit the companies he writes about. He wants to meet with the leaders and talk to the marketers. He must understand the company’s products. And if the company has had “problems” that have caused its stock to become undervalued, he wants to know how they are being addressed... and how long they will last. He consults with industry experts... independent third parties... patent attorneys... banking references... and he seeks the counsel of a wide network of trusted advisors. In short, Andrew and his staff will do WHATEVER it takes to get to the bottom of the story. And I can assure you, that when it is all said and done, YOU will know everything that he knows about the companies he recommends. Very few research and advisory services can offer you the depth of research... the frequency of contact... and the potential returns that you can expect with The Wealth Advantage. Off hand, I can think of only three services that you could compare to this. Two of these services are priced at $5,000 and the other would set you back $7,500 a year. But the good news is you won’t pay $5,000 to subscribe to The Wealth Advantage. You won’t even pay half of that. The price for this elite advisory is only $1,000. For this price, you will receive a full year’s subscription to The Wealth Advantage. That’s a minimum of 12 (and probably more) high return, low risk opportunities. At this price, by even the most conservative estimate, The Wealth Advantage should pay for itself many times over. In fact, if you invest only $1,000 in the company I have described in this report... you could easily make back six times the purchase price for this service. I expect you will do A LOT better than that, though. But I don't want you to have even a second thought about this. So here’s what I propose... My 100% Money Back Personal Guarantee To You Go ahead and give The Wealth Advantage a try. The moment you subscribe you will have access to Andrew’s report on what I believe is the world’s most undervalued natural gas and oil play. I suggest you read this right away and consider how you would like to participate. Thereafter, Andrew will be in touch with you on a regular basis to share additional ways to grow your money safely. Go ahead and review everything for a full 90 days. If you decide to cancel your membership for ANY reason during that time, no problem. Just let us know – and you will receive a 100% refund, no questions asked and no hard feelings. I think you'll agree: That's about as fair as it gets. Go ahead and claim your first monthly issue by selecting the “Order Now” button below. Or, if you prefer to do business by phone, you may call my associates at 866-344-7200. They are available Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm Eastern Time. On behalf of Andrew Gordon and the staff of The Wealth Advantage, we look forward to serving you and helping you to dramatically increase your net worth! Safe and Profitable Investing, Will Bonner Publisher Early To Rise P.S. When you subscribe The Wealth Advantage, you will receive three free bonuses. First you will automatically and immediately get The 1,000% Report... Three Stocks That Can Make You a Fortune. This report includes a complete overview of three blockbuster stocks that can put a fortune in your pocket. And all three of these companies are selling for fire-sale prices, while sitting on massive unrecognized value! Andrew describes one of these companies as having “Brighter Prospects than Any High-Tech Company on the Planet” He says this is without a doubt a multi-billion dollar technology firm in the making. And after reading his report, I believe it. You wouldn’t believe what this technology can do. Amazing! The 1,000% Report also includes two complete overviews of additional companies that offer a tremendous upside potential with a minimal downside risk. Next, you’ll get Andrew’s the free weekly e-letter, Money Insight. In this letter, we don’t just recap the financial news, that’s for other publications. Instead, we tell you what that news means to YOU... and we give you at least one major investment recommendation that you can take to the bank. We have only been publishing this service for one month, but what a successful month it has been! As of April 2006, out of 18 investment recommendations 15 are winners with gains of 23%... 22%... 21%... 16%. And finally, if you are not already subscribed, you will also receive Early To Rise, the Internet’s most popular publication dedicated to wealth, health and success! Order Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, Click here To change your email address, Click here To cancel or for any other subscription issues, write us at: Order Processing Center Attn: Customer Service P.O. Box 925 Frederick, MD 21705 _____ Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. |
contrahawk 68 posts msg #44833 - Ignore contrahawk |
6/10/2006 3:11:52 PM Looks like it might be Infinity Energy Resources (INFY) which announced back in mid-May that it had signed contracts with the Nicaraguan government for off-shore exploration and (if the exploration proved out) 30 years of production rights. Jim |
6/10/2006 3:50:41 PM Nope....try again. I'll announce it if Avery doesn't, later tonight. - RIGGS - |
contrahawk 68 posts msg #44837 - Ignore contrahawk |
6/10/2006 4:22:57 PM No, thanks. I'll stick with my first: 1) Price is right ($6 neighborhood) 2) No. of outstanding shares is right (ca. 14M) 3) 70,000A in Ft Worth Basin is right (per Company website) 4) Colorado/Wyoming holdings and operations is right (ditto) 5) Nicaragua is right 6) Oilfield service subsidiary, area of operations and 2005 revenue from service subsidiary is right Yeah, I guess I'll stick with my first. Jim |
jbesr1230 28 posts msg #44839 - Ignore jbesr1230 |
6/10/2006 4:33:41 PM My guess is: Infinity Energy Resources Inc. (IFNY) I don't know anything about this Co. I was taking a break and decided this "hunt" was worth 10 min while sipping coffee. Am I right TRO? |
6/10/2006 4:39:37 PM Contrahawk, Here's the ticker you quoted.... "(INFY) which announced back in mid-May that it" _____________________ IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE (IFNY)! The ticker you quoted is over $60.00 a share. That's why I said "nope." But I see you had the company name right. I just looked at your ticker symbol and knew it wasn't Infosys Tech. But nice work all the less. - RIGGS - |
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #44851 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/10/2006 7:00:50 PM besr1230 - Ignore jbesr1230 - Report offensive post 6/10/2006 4:33:41 PM My guess is: Infinity Energy Resources Inc. (IFNY) I don't know anything about this Co. I was taking a break and decided this "hunt" was worth 10 min while sipping coffee. Am I right TRO? ============================================================================== If I knew the answer, I would just post it. This isn't meant to be a game or riddle. It's a puzzle to be pieced together. The email authors give us enough clues to figure it out. Most people too lazy or don't have the skills. It's about cracking code/reverse engineering these emails so we can make a profit. Since there is a pool of us here, there is a pool of resources. I don't subscribe to every stock service but someone else may have one that I don't and have access to information that I don't. The emails I post under the Detective Work headings usually prove to be profitable if we can crack it in time. And the sooner you post what you think is the answer the better. That keeps people from wasting time. Thanks for helping. |
contrahawk 68 posts msg #44857 - Ignore contrahawk |
6/10/2006 10:12:58 PM @ the WSG: Ooops! My bad. Jim |
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #44859 - Ignore nikoschopen |
6/10/2006 11:54:48 PM "The emails I post under the Detective Work headings usually prove to be profitable if we can crack it in time. " ______________________ To crack "code/reverse engineer" the emails in question is one thing, to make money on what you crack is another. What is the time frame within which you can expect to make money? What guarantee do you have that it's high time these stocks will fly? I would appreciate if you can shed some light on whether any of the previous uncovered stocks bore the fruit of collective labor. |
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #44874 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/11/2006 2:09:08 PM Profits can be collected in 1 - 3 days after the emails are released. Many people received the emails and that causes a rush to buy. Of course, some emails, like the green report, have a huge following and carry more weight. The "trick" is to put the stocks on your live quotes and watch the price/volume action. In other words, you have to trade these stocks just like any other. The only reason you are trading these stocks is because of the nature of people... GREED/FEAR. People wanting to make money (greed) and not wanting to miss the boat (fear). But that's what driving you to trade these stocks too...LOL! MAY ALL YOUR FILLS BE COMPLETE. |
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