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msg #43048
Ignore TheRumpledOne
4/18/2006 6:51:21 PM

A tiny northern California company
(with exclusive patents) is right now on the brink of a cancer breakthrough...

The total market for these products will be between $50 and $70 billion a year by 2010. And yet amazingly, you can buy this company's stock right now for $12 a share!

In fact, this stock shows remarkable similarities to Genentech in 1989 just as it began its historic climb - rewarding early investors with over 3,250% profits!

April 18, 2006

Good afternoon Investor,

In 1976, a 29-year-old venture capitalist named Robert Swanson and a 40-year-old biochemist named Herbert Boyer got together and created an industry over a couple of beers at a San Francisco bar called Churchill's...

Here's how it happened: The venture capitalist cold-called the scientist. Then stopped by his lab...

Their chat was so productive they soon retreated to the bar to sketch out a business plan. An hour later, each agreed to pony up $500 to start a company - and the biotech industry was born.

One of the greatest stock stories ever told
In 1980, Genentech went public. If you bought shares on that day in October - you've made over 10,000% profits on your investment!

But let's be realistic. You and I both know getting into a blockbuster stock like Genentech at its initial public offering would be near impossible, plus highly risky... as far more start-ups go bust than succeed.

Instead, let's suppose you got in years later... after Genentech built an impressive pipeline of drugs and developed important partnerships with major drug companies. In other words, when the major risk was eliminated.

A $6,000 investment in Genentech stock in 1989 would be worth more than $200,000 today
That's why I'm emailing you. To tell you about ONE STOCK that today looks more comparable to an early investment in Genentech than any other investment opportunity in more than 15 years.

My name is Charly Travers. I'm a Motley Fool senior stock analyst, dedicated to ferreting out a certain kind of "rule breaking" investment...

I'm talking about an investment in a small, sound, well-managed company with a unique product that's about to dominate a mass market. Finding these kinds of stocks has helped our tight-knit group rack up a stunning track record, including:

Vertex Pharmaceuticals up 225% in 14 months
PDL BioPharma up 81% in 13 months
Intuitive Surgical up 110% in 12 months
*returns as of 3/10/06
And across all stocks, our average return per pick is beating the market average by 25%! Over time, that could be worth an extra couple hundred thousand dollars to you, or even more!

But here's what's really important: The company I'm about to describe, I believe, has the potential to become...

One of the great stock market stories of the next decade
This stock shows remarkable similarities to Genentech. And it's already a step ahead of where Genentech was in the late 1980s!

In other words, this could be your second chance at a Genentech-like investing home run...

Here's the story. About a year ago, you could've gotten into this little company for less than you can now. Yet, as impressive as this stock has been recently, it hasn't even begun what I think will eventually be a meteoric rise, and today the risk is far less.

In fact, I project that IT WILL EASILY DOUBLE FROM HERE IN JUST A COUPLE OF YEARS... then become a 10-bagger inside of a decade - and this is the best time to get in!

What I'm about to show you proves this stock is poised to soar. And yes, it's already starting to climb - just like Genentech did by the end of the 1980s - so your timing couldn't be better....

Consider this for a second: In 1989, Genentech had smart management and an impressive pipeline of drugs that included Activase and future blockbuster, Herceptin. It also had partnerships with Boehringer Ingleheim and Roche...

You see, these partnerships were a key part of the Genentech strategy. They limited the company's financial risk by bringing in money and cutting down on the cash burn rate. Which gave this then-small company some breathing room while it developed its cutting-edge products...

Owning patents does 2 big things...
It gives a company exclusive access to breakthrough technologies that no other company has (often times eliminating competition) and...

If another company wants that access it has to pay you - in royalties...

Genentech - the $90 BILLION biotech giant - is a perfect example.

Genentech, like all other companies with a breakthrough technology, started out small. Early on, Genentech obtained key patents for its development of monoclonal antibodies - a breakthrough treatment for various diseases, including cancer.

Here's why these patents are so valuable...
In the 1990s, another company, Celltech Group, argued that it invented the same technology as Genentech. But in 2001, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruled that Genentech had gotten there first when it filed the "Cabilly patent" all the way back in 1983 - way before Celltech filed anything.

Now, Celltech wants to use the monoclonal antibody technology. But it has to pay royalties to Genentech. Total royalties for Genentech's patents over the past few years look like this:

2003: $500.9 Million

2004: $641.1 Million

2005: $935.1 Million

Early investors in Genentech saw profits as high as 10,000%!
Meanwhile, early investors of Celltech Group got in at around $39 a share. Today it trades for around $42.

The exclusive report, On the Brink of Breakthrough: The One EXCELLENT Stock to Own Now - gives you all the details on the tiny company (with exclusive patents) we project will be the next Genentech!

Partnering also allowed Genentech to speed up the drug development timeline by using broader and more comprehensive clinical trials...

The quicker Genentech could get good data behind its breakthroughs was a huge advantage in the highly competitive race to get cancer drugs into the marketplace.

And once to market, the sales just exploded. Of course that helped Genentech shareholders get rich!

Smart partnerships, key patents and an efficient pipeline - the simple strategy that built Genentech - are also the secret of the company we're talking about today...
And it could make you rich, too. Those who bought Genentech in 1989 have made 23% a YEAR for each of the last 17 years!

So what's it worth to you right now as a potential investor?

A $20,000 investment that grows at 20% will be worth $123,835 in 10 years!

And this small company I'm writing you about is doing it all over again, right now. Using the same simple strategy Genentech pioneered decades ago...

And it's in an even stronger position...

It's got a deeper pipeline of drugs than Genentech had in 1989 - by mid-2006, this tiny company will have a total of 10 different drugs in clinical trials! Plus as we speak, it has partnerships with Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth to name just a few...

So if you missed out on Genentech, now you have an opportunity to get in on a very similar opportunity, with the potential for explosive results.

So far mainstream Wall Street hasn't taken much notice. But that won't last for long. You see, this company is still small. With a market cap around $950 million in an industry where competitors are routinely as large as $90 billion and up.

And that's just what you want... because while a $950 million company can get 10 times bigger, a $90 billion company will be lucky to see 10% growth.

And just like Genentech in the early days - this company is managing its financial risk, while positioning itself for a breakout with a deep pipeline of drugs and a slew of major partnerships.

And now that it's proven it has the savvy to follow the brilliant strategy that built Genentech, it's only a matter of time before the herd on Wall Street finally catches on. In fact...

This stock is already starting to move
In the last year, this stock has shot up more than 80%. Meanwhile, how would you have fared holding shares in the NASDAQ? Over that exact same period, you would have made just 17%.

When a maverick investor with Master's degrees in Pharmacology & Physiology is breaking all the investing rules...
You get picks like these:

Vertex Pharmaceuticals up 255% in 14 months
Transkaryotic Therapies locked in 248% gains in 12 months
BioMarin Pharmaceuticals up 197% in 18 months
*returns as of 3/10/06
Now Charly Travers, senior stock analyst at The Motley Fool, wants to give you this FREE report...

On the Brink of Breakthrough: The One EXCELLENT Stock to Own Now - gives you all the details on what could be the next Genentech!

Plus, if you act right now through this email - because this offer is only available for a limited time - we'll also send you a FREE FAST ACTION BONUS (a $59 value!). Full details just ahead...

But why recommend a company that's already up this much?

Because it's just getting started! And I intend to prove that to you...

The best way I know to do this is to rush you a FREE report with all the details on this opportunity. I'll even show you how to download this report - if you like - instantly.

In return, I only ask one thing. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like that too...

I'm going to ask you to join an elite group who receive advance notice (way before the herd catches on) on those certain "rule breaker" stocks I mentioned. You'll discover what a "Rule Breaker" is in a moment. But first, let me tell you about our group...

How an exclusive group called Motley Fool Rule Breakers - led by Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner - has managed a stunning track record across all of our recommendations...
David's career track record is legendary. He recommended America Online in 1994 - up 3,600% ... Amazon in 1997 - up 620%... and Amgen in 1998 - up
395%... to name just a few.

And more recently, across all stocks we've recommended, the average return per pick is beating the heck out of the market by a good 25%!

If you'd like to start making profits like these, then you need companies we call "Rule Breakers!"

Why do we call them that? Because these investments break all of the rules! And it's in these stocks where the greatest opportunity lies. You see, Rule Breakers suddenly change the way the game is played. One day their competition wakes up and their markets are gone - poof.

The Rule Breaker company has stolen the competition's customers - with innovation. And taken their profits with a breakthrough!

Sadly, for backward-looking investors, the rule-following firm is suddenly obsolete. And their stock is doomed.

Meanwhile, the Rule Breaker company has created a new business and become the dominant player in the sector.

I'm sure you've seen this happen to different companies and their investors during the recent past. Consider the recent home movie revolution. Backward-looking investors never knew what hit them.

Companies like Netflix introduced a new, faster game with new rules. And suddenly investors with established stocks - like Blockbuster Video - were looking at losses instead of gains!

Once you discover how to identify Rule Breaking companies like Netflix, you'll begin to invest with great confidence. And more than likely, you'll also see your account growing much faster than before. To get started, look for:

A company using or creating a disruptive new technology or approach. By disruptive, I mean a superior solution that undercuts, or just plain bypasses, the way business is done
And then make certain that company isn't on Wall Street's radar yet
Companies like:

NetEase... we recommended 15 months ago - up 80%
NYSE... we recommended 14 months ago - up 265%
Akamai... we recommended 11 months ago - up 105%
*returns as of 3/10/06
Unfortunately, most brokers on Wall Street don't or can't offer you opportunities like these. Because these stocks aren't "flavor of the month" on the sales floor. Or because their investment banking buddies didn't take these stocks public. Or because the average punch-the-clock, happy-hour-going broker is unwilling to do the work it takes to uncover investments like these.

But our group doesn't believe in doing things the easy way. We believe to get the highest returns, you've got to put in a tremendous effort - whatever it takes to find the right opportunities... at the right times!

Let me tell you more about the kind of qualities we look for in a company... and what we found in the company I'm telling you about today...

The secret strategy behind "the next Genentech"
This tiny northern California company will have a total of 10 different drugs in clinical trials by mid-2006. That's a DEEP PIPELINE. In 1989, Genentech had only 7 drugs in the works...

This is where our blockbuster-in-the-making company is one step ahead of where Genentech was. (And remember, it has the same powerful partnering strategy to limit financial risk.) THEY HAVE MORE DRUGS! Why is this significant?

You've probably seen drug companies with one major product fail in trials... and then the stock, which had been rising on great hopes, suddenly tanks.

By contrast, this innovative and productive company I've been telling you about is not dependent on a single drug program. With many drugs in the pipeline, it can potentially absorb a few of the inevitable disappointments of clinical trials and still have enough drugs in the works to break through.

Another way of thinking about it is: Having a high number of drugs in clinical trials increases a company's "shots on goal."

But it's not just the number of drugs that caught my eye - it's the QUALITY of these drugs. Take a look...

The major trend in cancer-drug development over the past few years has been to inhibit receptors or enzymes known to be involved in the growth of tumor cells...

The idea is that shutting these down will stop the cancer from growing. It's like taking a piece of gum and plugging up the ignition switch of your car so you can't stick the key in and start it up.

And many of this company's drugs hit important "targets," while controlling cancer-cell growth. These include receptors such as VEGF, EGF, and HER2, as well as enzymes like Raf and Akt (don't worry if this sounds complicated... in a quick second, I'll show you the payoff!).

Investors who follow cancer companies may recognize these "targets" - some of the most prominent cancer drugs in today's market hit the exact same ones. Avastin, Herceptin, Erbitux, and Tarceva are all approved drugs that work the same way.

Bottom line in all this: We're avoiding even more risk because we're not left wondering whether this company's "targets" are the right ones to the treat cancer - we already KNOW they are.

So what's it worth to you right now as a potential investor?
This company's most advanced drugs could launch in just a few years. All it would take is a SINGLE FDA APPROVAL to make this stock double from its current share price!

And that would just be the beginning. With 10 drugs in clinical trials, I think the company will ultimately have several important drugs reach the market. And the markets for these drugs are going to be worth BILLIONS of dollars!

You know what happened to Genentech shares when their sales exploded...

That's why I want to get this FREE report called On the Brink of Breakthrough: The One EXCELLENT Stock to Own Now - complete with all the details on this Genentech-style investment - into your hands as soon as possible!

But let me put my money where my mouth is. I'm so confident about this recommendation, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you:

Your special "keep everything" & "lose nothing" - DOUBLE GUARANTEE
Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight and recommendation you'll get from this service - I'd like to offer you the opportunity to position yourself to make a pile of money and soak up all the recommendations that Motley Fool Rule Breakers has to offer - WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER.

You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give back every cent, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

And the full details of the company that could be the next Genentech... plus all the content you can access on the Rule Breakers members-only website: All the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of proven growth investing lessons... plus a valuable, fast-action bonus detailed below - are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS.

And if you decide you'd like to stop receiving this valuable advance information on Rule Breaking companies at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term.

But frankly, I seriously doubt you'll want to do that. I think once you have a closer look at what our exclusive, ultimate growth-focused investment group is doing, you'll want to stick around for the long haul. After all, that's how the bold fortune I mentioned at the beginning of this email was built.

Can I see into the future? No.
Nobody has a crystal ball. Anybody who says they can predict what's coming just isn't shooting straight. But just consider this: A few decades ago, nobody could've imagined Genentech would become a $90 billion company, making a few forward-looking investors a fortune.

But it happened! It's a big promise, I know. But I have absolutely no qualms about giving it to you.

This could be just such an opportunity!

How much is this kind of fortune-maker worth? How much is it worth to invest like a Motley Fool Rule Breaker... setting your sights on making life-changing gains?

Hiring a team of experts with our credentials might cost you tens of thousands of dollars or more. And those guys wouldn't work half as hard on your behalf as we will... piling up the research, building the contacts, poring over the financial books, and doing the key calculations.

Okay, now look at this...

You can gain access to every top recommendation in the Motley Fool Rule Breakers portfolio, plus get all our updates and reports, plus access the members-only website that archives everything covered by Motley Fool Rule Breakers... at the regular membership rate of $299 - a very fair deal.

. $299 « Regular subscription price
- $100
« Your new member discount
. $199 « Our best offer!
But when you join through this special email offer today...

You can knock $100 right off the top! And that's just about the lowest rate you'll ever see Rule Breakers offered. And look...

You'll get the FULL DETAILS of the tiny company with 1) the pipeline, 2) the patents and 3) the partnerships to become the "next Genentech"! It's the one stock you need to get into your portfolio now!
You'll get the Motley Fool Rule Breakers private newsletter, available only to members of our group, every single month - chock-full of the best moneymaking stock advice the industry has to offer!
You'll get a personal password to the members-only Rule Breakers website, where you'll find full archives of everything we recommend, plus a running portfolio that's kept up-to-date with our newest recommendations. And where you'll also find new special reports the moment we make them available!
PLUS, if you act right this instant. I'll rush you this fast action bonus:
A FREE copy of The Motley Fool International Stock Report: Around the World in 80 Minutes.
You'll get the top international stock recommendations from Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner and 12 more of The Motley Fool's top-rated equity and mutual fund analysts...

Page 15 - A visionary industry leader offering instant exposure to the white-hot global energy and alternative fuels market with a small fraction of the risk. You even get a dividend on top of the potential for market-beating capital appreciation.
Page 25 - A French upstart that's exploiting its patented nanotechnology to carve a niche in a $40 billion-plus specialty medical market. And unlike most big-potential players in its cutting-edge market, you'll find more than $90 million on the balance sheet!
Page 49 - A communications leader that dominates virtually every aspect of its island market, boasting sizable and growing market share in all key service categories and across all geographic areas. Commitment to generating shareholder value and its attractive price make for an extremely compelling investment opportunity.
In all, you get detailed research on 14 explosive overseas investment opportunities, including a detailed how-to guide to get you started!

But as with any truly great offer - it's only available for a limited time!

Start now

"The Motley Fool stands out as an ethical oasis in an area that is fast becoming a home to charlatans."
- The Economist

"You can find vast amounts of information and help here - all written in plain English instead of Wall Street jargon."
- Fortune

I can only guarantee the exclusive report of On the Brink of Breakthrough: The One EXCELLENT Stock to Own Now and your FREE copy of The Motley Fool International Stock Report: Around the World in 80 Minutes - if you join us RIGHT NOW and you join THROUGH THIS EMAIL.

There will never be a better or an easier time to position yourself for explosive profits from a trusted source - Motley Fool Rule Breakers!

So let me hear from you right now, so I can get this exclusive stock report into your hands while this tiny company on the brink of breakthrough is still just $12 a share.

What an opportunity!

Charly Travers

Senior Analyst, Motley Fool Rule Breakers

P.S. The recent biotech rally is your opportunity. In the last year, the Nasdaq Biotech Index is up over 29%! Please remember, I can only guarantee your FREE report, On the Brink of Breakthrough: The One EXCELLENT Stock to Own Now, and your FREE copy of The Motley Fool International Stock Report: Around the World in 80 Minutes if you join through this email today.

26 posts
msg #43053
Ignore elroz
4/19/2006 12:51:58 AM

Rumpled One;

The company is Exelixis (EXEL). Check out this article published in 2005.

6,469 posts
msg #43055
Ignore TheRumpledOne
4/19/2006 12:57:51 AM


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