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6,469 posts
msg #42622
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/29/2006 12:37:34 AM

Can we find these stocks?

Of the 15 current holdings, 12 are up. And the total portfolio return since last year is 92.7%.

Company Price Current Status Percent
Organic Food Stock #1 8.81 $18.96 open 115.2%
Renewable Energy Stock #1 0.30 $0.40 open 33.33%
Organic Food Stock #2 .90 $2.58 open 186.6%
Organic Food Stock #3 20.67 $24.97 open 20.80%
Renewable Energy Stock #2 2.95 $3.84 open 30.16%
Sustainable Living Stock #1 5.90 $16.03 open 171.6%
Renewable Energy Stock #3 7.18 $8.22 open 14.48%
Renewable Energy Stock #4 16.28 $39.30 open 141.4%
Supplement Stock #1 9.23 $8.13 open -11.9%
Supplement Stock #2 15.27 $15.23 open -0.26%
Renewable Energy Stock #5 10.82 $18.06 open 66.91%
Hybrid Stock #1 1.05 $1.06 open 0.952%
Renewable Stock #6 8.50 $13.90 open 63.52%
Hybrid Stock #2 4.22 $3.95 open -6.39%
XSUNX Inc $0.36 $2.53 closed 564.55%

Total Portfolio (+/-) : 92.741 %

6,469 posts
msg #42749
Ignore TheRumpledOne
4/5/2006 12:41:51 PM

In my inbox:

First Renewable Energy Stock Trade Up 65% In 7 Weeks!
Dear Reader:

What a week!

Last Thursday, I sent you an invitation to join my new trading service. One that takes advantage of the several short-term and explosive plays in the red-hot renewable energy market.

Hopefully you took me up on my offer. You see, as of today, the stock featured in that trade report has made a new record high of $8.40. Take a look:

This stock is my #1 ethanol play for the year. And it's not done going higher.

In fact, when the dust finally settles, I think this baby will be sitting at $40 a share.

And it's all because the renewable energy industry is lubed at the joints and red-hot for fast trades. This is your chance to get in, get rich, get out - time and time again. And ethanol is leading the way.

Here's what I mean...

In the past week and a half, here's just a sampling of headlines and news items to come across the wire:

IPO market eyes ethanol
Aventine, VeraSun to go public

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Ethanol producers VeraSun Energy and Aventine Renewable Energy Inc. both filed to raise a total of $200 million as alternative energy makes its way into the market for initial public offerings.

Brookings, S.D.-based VeraSun filed to raise $150 million as the larger of the two deals after inking pacts in February with both General Motors and Ford to install ethanol fuel pumps in the Midwest.

Bush reportedly regrets global warming, energy policy decisions

"Being addicted to oil is a problem for our economy. In a global economy, when burgeoning economies like India and China use more fossil fuels, it affects the price of gasoline here in America. In a world in which sometimes people have got the oil we need, or don't like us -- it's kind of a undiplomatic way of putting it -- it means we've got a national security issue.

We will invest in new technologies that will enable us to use fossil fuels in a much wiser way. And what does that mean? Well, it means that we've got to figure out how to use ethanol more in our cars. Ethanol is produced mainly by cane and corn. But we're near some breakthroughs that we can use sawgrass and biomass to be able to produce ethanol." -President Bush, March 30, 2006

By 2013 the World Market for the Fuel Cell Industry is Expected to be worth USD18.6 Billion
Tuesday April 4, 12:20 pm ET

DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 4, 2006--Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Fuel Cell Technology and Market Potential 2006 to their offering.

"The global fuel cell industry is expected to generate more than $18.6 billion in 2013. Fuel cell sales will come from three main market applications: automotive, stationary, and portables. projected sales could generate nearly $35 billion if market conditions improved for automotive fuel cells."

Asia Increasingly Turning to Renewable Energy

By Claudia Blume
Hong Kong
03 April 2006
Rising energy demands due to rapid industrialization, combined with soaring oil prices and worrying levels of pollution leave many Asian countries but one choice: diversify their energy sources.The region is increasingly turning to renewable energy.

Government cars in Malaysia run on bio fuel made from palm oil. The Philippines uses sugar cane waste to produce power. More than 30 million Chinese get their hot water from solar heaters. And India is Asia's leading user of wind energy.

Ex-CIA head: Alternative fuels needed
Sunday, April 2, 2006

Demand for ethanol grows, prices surge
Associated Press

And that's just the beginning.

The renewable energy market has just burst wide open - thanks to ever-rising oil prices, dangerous dependence on Mideast oil, pollution and the President's 2006 State of the Union Address.

Over five million cars in the U.S. were made in 2005 that are ethanol ready...with many more pumping off the assembly line right now, faster than our oil prices can spike.

And ethanol filling stations are planned to be popping up left and right, covering the Mid-West and making, billions for the ethanol companies that are soon to be filling the tanks for our nation's daily drivers - and filling the pockets of the investors who know how to time their trades like a Swiss watch.

But while all this is going on, I want to take the time right now to tell you about the opportunity that's already made my readers 65% gains. And there's still plenty of room for you to see the same, if you act now.

Read on...

Right now, shares of this company are trading for just $8 a share... less than 1/5th the value of its biggest competitor.

But thanks to a remarkable government "secret" these shares will soon take off!

I'm predicting this stock will gain 623%

Plus - I'm going to show you how this company's revolutionary technology gives it an ENORMOUS advantage over the competition

Dear Investor,

If you had made a modest $10,000 investment in one cutting edge renewable energy company on January 10 of this year, you'd have been sitting pretty just three weeks later.

That's because your $10,000 investment would have been worth $26,043...a remarkable gain of better than 160% in just three weeks' time.

Take a look at the chart to see just what I mean...

But here's the good news: over the course of the next eight months, this revolutionary young company will present us with several more opportunities for significant short-term gains - just like the one we saw earlier this year.
And thanks to a little-known "government secret" it's possible for us to make quick, easy short-term trading profits from this company...and several others in the renewable energy sector.

Jeff Siegel is the managing editor of Green Chip Stocks, an investment advisory service that has had stunning success in 2005 with portfolio returns of over 39% for the year... and for 2006 he's already up more than 60%. Jeff focuses on stocks in the emerging and lucrative organic food and renewable energy industries.

Jeff is a new breed of investor. Part entrepreneur, part Renaissance man, Jeff is an accomplished musician and writer, having recorded and performed all over the world - from London to Rome to New York. He was even called upon to score part of the latest Exorcist prequel.

From 1994 to 2001, Jeff worked for Agora Publishing, one of the largest financial newsletter publishers in the world.

In the past 4 years, he traveled across America searching for mega-trends that'll usher in a new generation of wealth.

Once a week in Green Chip Stocks, Jeff highlights investment opportunities in the fast-growing "Green" market.
In fact, the next opportunity for a significant spike in share prices - as a direct result of legislation that is currently being debated on the floor of one of this nation's most oil-dependent states - could come at any time within the next two weeks.

And if it's anything like the last spike - a three-week surge that saw investors nearly triple their money - you won't want to miss out.

Just what is this "government secret" - and how are we able to turn it into consistent trading success?

I'll answer that in just a moment. But first I need to tell you more about...

The $8-a-Share Company That Could Become
the Dominant Name in Ethanol Before this Summer
Over the past few years, soaring oil and gas prices - as well as federal and state clean fuel programs - have pushed demand for ethanol to record highs.

As recently as 1996, the U.S. ethanol industry was producing just over 1.1 billion gallons of ethanol each year. By 2002, that figure had nearly doubled - to 2.13 billion gallons.

Then it began to take off - production reached 2.8 billion gallons by 2003...and had climbed all the way to 3.4 billion by 2004...and 3.9 billion by 2005!

But demand for ethanol is about to climb at an even faster rate...which means an incredibly bright future for the $8 stock I'm recommending right now.

And remember - this is a company that has already delivered three-week gains of 160% earlier this year.

Just how hot is the ethanol industry right now?

Hot enough for Bill Gates himself to invest $84 million just last November.

And hot enough for President Bush to specifically mention it during his State of the Union Address on January 31...
"We must also change how we power our automobiles...We'll also fund additional research in cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol, not just from corn, but from wood chips and stalks, or switch grass. Our goal is to make this new kind of ethanol practical and competitive within six years."

Remember, the energy bill passed by Congress just last year requires an increase in ethanol use to 7.5 billion gallons by the year 2012. That's nearly double the current total of roughly four billion gallons per year!

At this very moment, ethanol - and the entire renewable energy market - are exploding with interest, venture capital money, Wall Street funds, and incentives by state, local and federal governments.


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