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JohnyYuma 60 posts msg #42106 - Ignore JohnyYuma |
3/15/2006 10:25:22 PM Anybody knows which company he is talking about? Also, if you know other emerging companies in this BPL field, I would like to know Appreciate your help Thanks in advance __________________________________________________ Don't be fooled by AT&T's urge to merge.” "This breakthrough 120-year-old technology not only will turn every single electrical outlet in the world into a high-speed Internet connection... ...but could ultimately make DSL and wireless obsolete. Here's why. Plus how you can profit from this inevitable MegaShift" --Michael Murphy, Editor Dear Friend, I don't know if you own any telecom stocks, but I know this: If you do, I highly suggest you get out now. This 120-year-old breakthrough technology is about to turn the cable, DSL, and wireless industries upside down. I realize that what I am about to tell you may sound too good to be true, especially with the financial media hailing the merger of AT&T and BellSouth as a $3 billion financial juggernaut. But let me assure you as the editor of America's leading technology investment advisory, if you buy into AT&T's big merger with BellSouth --or any telecom for that matter--you're going to find the stock market a better place to lose a fortune than to make one. If you doubt what I say, you must remember that just 88 years ago the telephone was considered the next big thing when it replaced the telegraph...push-button dialing was considered revolutionary when it replaced the rotary phone in the 1960s...and digital processing was considered a quantum advance when it not only replaced analog processing in the 1990s but ultimately ushered in a new era of lightning-fast broadband communications. Today, this "new" 120-year-old technology is not only on the verge of supplanting DSL, cable, and wireless, but it is also joining the long history of advancing communication technologies that you now take for granted. Mark my words--if you buy into the AT&T hype, you are going to get burned. However, if you can take advantage of this MegaShift now, you could reap almost-obscene profits as the world rushes to adopt this breakthrough technology. Why Broadband Over Power Lines Could Ultimately Replace DSL and Wireless I'm Michael Murphy, and as the founder and editor of New World Investor, I'm not going to proclaim that the era of cable, DSL, or wireless broadband technologies is dead. That would be foolish. But if you'll take a few minutes to hear me out, I'll explain why today's high-speed technologies could not only go the way of the videocassette but take the telecoms with them. New Broadband Technology to Blindside Tech Investors America's #1 Investment Advisor on Powerful MegaShifts Predicts Broadband over Power Lines Could Make DSL and Wireless Obsolete By Dave Gilbert Editor, InvestorPlace Insights NEW YORK, NY--"There's a broadband revolution at hand, and there's no stopping it," says Michael Murphy, regarded by many to be technology industry's most accurate forecaster of technology trends--bar none. In fact, Murphy was one of the first investment advisors to introduce the investing community to Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, and Dell in the 1990s--before they handed investors up to $3-for-$1 profits--and to introduce the hybrid and biotech revolutions of 2003-2005 as well. Now Murphy sees broadband over power lines (BPL) as "the next big thing." As he puts it, "Broadband over power lines will not only turn the electrical outlets in every room of your home into a high-speed Internet connection that's twice as fast as DSL, but it also comes with broadband video, telephone, and, of course, POWER." According to Murphy, this new technology not only puts the utilities in head-to-head competition with the cable and phone companies, but it also has a massive cost advantage since the utilities don't have to invest a dime in infrastructure or franchise fees. "So, unlike the cable and telephone companies that need to string a cable or phone line to your house to give you Internet access," says Murphy, "BPL technology gives consumers more than half a dozen Internet access points in every room in every home, apartment, hotel, and commercial building--all by simply plugging a receiver into a wall socket." According to Murphy, "The real beauty of this development is that all the utilities need to do is send a simple carrier wave down the power lines to give their customers broadband access that's two times faster than cable and ten times faster than DSL." This New Patented Technology Could Make Early Investors Rich "To understand why this new technology will create a fortune for investors," says Murphy, "You need only look at the worldwide growth of broadband." According to the most recent published figures, broadband around the world is growing at a blistering 30% annual pace. Today, there are more than 200 million broadband users. Those numbers are expected to double in less than 3 years. Sign up for your risk-free trial. "What makes BPL so attractive over DSL and cable technologies is the fact that you'll gain high-speed Internet access through the power cord of your computer or TV--forever eliminating separate phone and cable lines." "So when you go to Starbucks or Shanghai and plug in your laptop," claims Murphy, "You'll not only power up but get direct Internet access that's twice as fast as cable and 10 times faster than DSL--potentially eliminating wireless." Murphy believes that when this technology is rolled out to China, we'll see the stock prices of select companies explode with profits. "The reason is simple," cites Murphy. "There is no infrastructure to build. The power companies send a simple carrier wave down the preexisting power cable and--viola--your high-speed Internet access." Where the Big Money Will Be Made According to Murphy, there is one company that will become the biggest profit-taker. "After all, this company has the patent on the plug-in technology that the utilities will use to make the system work. I hate it when people always claim a company is Ôthe Microsoft' of such and such an industry--but in this case, it's true." Says Murphy, "With this company you profit on both ends: on the utility side, where they send the signal down the electrical line, and on the consumer end, where their decoder box turns the signal into instant Internet access." Over the past three months, as this company continues to strike deals with utilities and private companies, its revenue has exploded by 683%t. According to Murphy, given the fact that BPL hasn't even been rolled out yet, even those numbers pale in comparison to what lies ahead. "For the past three months, I have been telling my readers that this company is not only insanely undervalued at just $4 a share, but could easily triple in the next twelve months and perhaps double every year after that." Current Recommendations Currently, Murphy is only recommending one company in this sector. However, he is following a number of ISPs and utilities because this new development could increase all their fortunes. "All the companies we are following are serious candidates for investment. We follow them monthly in New World Investor. However, for right now, we've made the patent-holder company one of our cornerstone holdings. When you fully understand the mammoth potential of BPL, you will too." According to Murphy, "By December of 2006, you'll see BPL making headlines as more and more utilities start to test this new technology and ultimately roll it out." Murphy's advice: "The big money is always made when you spot the trends early. Take a position in BPL now. You'll thank yourself a thousand times, five years from now." EDITOR'S NOTE: To help you take advantage of these opportunities, Michael Murphy has offered to send our readers his most recent profit forecast free of charge as part of a no-risk trial subscription to his New World Investor financial advisory. It's called Grow Rich from the Broadband over Power Lines Revolution. In it, you'll find an in-depth overview of one of the most exciting technology breakthroughs in five years, and Michael Murphy's complete list of the biggest profit-takers of this exciting new broadband over power lines revolution. To receive your free copy and no-risk trial subscription, click here. How so? Through a technological breakthrough called "broadband over power lines" (BPL). Simply put, BPL uses today's power lines to send data and voice communications. As a result of this innovation, every single electrical outlet in the world can not only become an Internet connection, but one that's twice as fast as cable and 10 times faster than DSL. Do you realize what this means? This one technology not only puts the utilities in head-to-head competition with the cable and phone companies, but it also has a massive cost advantage since the utilities don't have to invest a stinking dime in infrastructure or franchise fees. Let me repeat that. Because of this quantum breakthrough, they don't have to build new transmission lines or even rewire people's homes to offer high-speed broadband data or video content to their customers. Without getting too technical, all the utilities need to do is send a simple carrier wave down the power lines to give their customers broadband access that's two times faster than cable and 10 times faster than DSL--all by simply plugging a receiver into a wall socket. And I mean any wall socket! As a result, this BPL technology not only gives consumers more than half a dozen Internet access points in every room in every home, apartment, hotel, and commercial building, but also offers utility companies a major new source of revenue without the cost of building any infrastructure. So unlike the cable and telephone companies that need to string a cable or phone line to your house to give you Internet access, the utilities can offer you better service without the hassle or expense. In a world where you have to plug into a wall socket for electricity, a phone line for telephone communications, a DSL or cable line for Internet access, and a cable line for TV programming, BPL changes everything--and the repercussions are going to be dramatic. That's true not just for cable companies and telephone companies that derive their incomes from high-speed broadband communications and video, but also for utility companies, which will soon be able to offer the fastest and most convenient Internet access in the world. And it's all because BPL technology gives the utilities the opportunity to bundle electricity, broadband, and communications into one connection that's already been prewired around the world. Which is why I'm telling my readers... When this company's pioneering technology is rolled out nationally, you could see its share price explode from under $5 to $15 this year, and on to $30 in as little as 36 months. That's a huge claim, I know. But not when you think of how this one technology, using existing electrical wiring to deliver high-quality Internet and other data services, could change the landscape of the communications industry forever. Just think for a moment about what it would be like to use any wall socket in your house not just for power, but also for broadcast-quality TV programming, Internet access, and telephone communications. Then you'll begin to see the opportunity that's at hand. No more cable connections. No more separate Internet connections or phone connections. No more unreliable wireless connections. Just plug in and get everything--direct to you from your utility provider! Why do you think laptops outsell desktop computers by more than two to one? You simply get everything in one compact package: monitor, computer, speakers, Internet connection--all in one portable, easy-to-use device. Only this new bundle of communication services will one day give you high-speed Internet that's not only twice as fast as cable, but also comes with broadband video, telephone, and, of course, POWER! And that's just the beginning. When BPL is rolled out within the next few years, it will only be a matter of time before you are able to videoconference from the comfort of your living room by simply plugging into an electrical outlet. It's hard to overstate the impact that this breakthrough technology will have on the communications industry--or what the world will look like in the years ahead--as it offers convenient, secure, and reliable broadband Internet access from virtually any ordinary electrical outlet. It gets better: This breakthrough technology will be rolled out in China in the next five years. Can you imagine the kind of money that will be made? Think of a billion Chinese citizens gaining Internet access by simply plugging into wall sockets in their homes! I hope that gives you a clear picture. Because... Your Timing Couldn't Be Better! Here at New World Investor, we believe that the secret to profitable investing is to identify breakthrough technologies before they're widely commercialized. I don't mention this to boast, but over the last 20 years, my visionary profit forecasts have helped tens of thousands of investors make more money investing in leading technologies and trends than any other investment advisor or "guru" in the country. I was one of the first investment advisors to introduce the investing community to Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, and Dell in the 1990s--before they handed investors up to $3-for-$1 profits. Again, I mention none of this to brag, but only to establish my credibility and show you the kind of money you can make when you identify and invest in companies that are in line to profit from inevitable, locked-in trends. In all my years following the big technology trends, I've never seen a bigger ground-floor opportunity than I do today in Broadband over Power Lines. That's why the more you understand about BPL, the more you'll see how it will one day knock cable, DSL, and wireless off their perches as the world's fastest, most convenient, and lowest-cost Internet connections. This is why... This Company's Quarterly Revenue has not only Exploded by 683%, but is also Insanely Undervalued at just $4 a Share Thankfully, it's virtually unknown to most investors. However, the big money has started investing. Barclays, Vanguard, and Mellon Financial have already invested millions. Meet Michael Murphy, America's #1 Investment Advisor by Mike Bell, Publisher, New World Investor "A near legend in Silicon Valley for his stock picking prowess." -- Nation's Business Michael Murphy's visionary profit forecasts have helped more investors make more money in investing in leading technologies and trends than any other investment advisor or "guru" in the country. In fact, he was one of the first investment advisors to introduce the investing community to Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, and Dell in the 1990s, before they handed investors up to $3-for-$1 profits. For these reasons, New World Investoris considered by industry analysts, insiders, and high-net-worth investors to be the most accurate forecaster of world-changing trends. As a result, New World Investor has grown to be the most widely read technology-investing advisory in the world, with thousands of readers in dozens of countries. And in this special issue you'll see why. In it, Michael will explain why Broadband over Power Lines could make you a decade's worth of profits in the next two to three years. He'll give you an in-depth overview of one of the most exciting technology breakthroughs in five years, and also his complete list of the biggest profit takers of this exciting new Broadband over Power Lines revolution. Plus, he'll explain why these companies offer you the smartest way to profit as the Broadband over Power Lines revolution spreads around the world. When you look at his top recommendations, you'll see why Michael Murphy has become America's #1-ranked technology investing advisor. More importantly, you'll see how you can get a head start on this exciting race for profits. Try New World Investing Risk-Free. Even Donald Trump has taken a major position... But The Donald doesn't own shares in the company. He's purchased the company's BPL equipment to outfit his Trump Place. And he's not alone. Over the past two years, the company has slowly and quietly been installing its equipment in a number of major hotels around the United States. If you've traveled to a Quality Inn, Comfort Inn, Sandman, Holiday Inn Express, InSeason, Clarion Inn & Suites, or The Helmsley Middletowne, there's a chance that you've already used its system for broadband Internet access. When you consider that this one market segment was enough to catapult the company's quarterly revenues 683%, you can begin to see the profit opportunity in the making, as the company's patent-proven BPL moves from business to home use. But I'd hurry on this one if I were you. This company recently got an important patent on its technology that connects buildings to BPL-enabled power lines. When the word gets out, you will be sure to see this stock price soar as throngs of investors--and utility companies--beat a path to this company's door, and its unique position could give it Microsoft-like status in the new field. Let Me Send You This Free Report to Get Started With 70% of the 203 million Internet users in America still using low-speed dial-up connections, you had better believe Broadband over Power Lines will not only attract throngs of new customers in the months and years ahead, but also seriously cut into the market share of the cable and phone companies. After all, it offers cheaper, faster, and more convenient high-speed Internet, video, and data services--all accessed through an existing wall socket. If you'd like to cash in on this mammoth, world-changing, profit-making opportunity, I'll gladly send you a free copy of my special report, Grow Rich on the Broadband over Power Lines Revolution, along with a no-risk trial subscription to New World Investor. In your free report, you'll discover... How this breakthrough could not only double the world's 140 million broadband users by 2008, but also double the revenues of top utilities Why BPL-enabled electric lines will not only deliver full-motion, Internet movies and video years ahead of competing DSL technologies, but could ultimately make DSL obsolete How our top company in this sector is growing its quarterly revenues at a blistering 683% pace, and why its patented technology could push its quarterly earnings growth past 1000% for the next three to five years. Two big-name utilities whose fortunes could rise dramatically when BPL is rolled out over the next two to three years Which ISP is now testing BPL to its New York customers, and how they're using WiMax to connect to BPL-enabled electrical lines How the fortunes of our top companies will explode with profits when this new technology is rolled out to China and India in the next five years In all, you'll not only gain an in-depth overview of one of the most exciting technology breakthroughs in five years, but also my complete list of the biggest profit takers of this exciting new broadband over power lines revolution. Best of all, it's yours free for simply accepting a risk-free trial subscription to New World Investor. I Promise to Bring You the Most Profitable Breakthroughs of the Next Five Years For over 20 years now, I've been telling my readers about exciting new breakthroughs, and connecting the dots to the companies most likely to profit. I don't mention this to boast, but I was the first to tell my readers about If after finishing my long letter, you're still wondering... Is Broadband over Power Lines Truly the Next Big Thing? Picture this... An electrical outlet in every room of your home that not only doubles as a high-speed Internet connection that's twice as fast as DSL, but also comes with broadband video, telephone, and, of course, POWER! Dear Investor, If you can honestly answer "no," that Broadband over Power Lines is no big deal, then I would advise you to ignore my wealth-building offer today. However, if you believe, as I do, that this new technology will soon turn every single electrical outlet in the world into a high-speed Internet connection, then I suggest that you send for your free copy of Grow Rich on the Broadband over Power Lines Revolution along with a half-priced introductory subscription to New World Investor. I simply can't stress this enough: If you can get in on the ground floor now--before it's rolled out in the U.S.--you not only could turn $5,000 into $30,000 in the next three years, but double that again when it's licensed to China. Click here to read your free report instantly and get our up-to-date analysis and recommendations. I guarantee it will be one the best financial decisions you'll make in your life. Sincerely, Michael Murphy The Great Technology Boom of the late 1990s, leading my readers to as much as 350% profits in 12 months. The Chinese Internet Revolution of 2005, leading my readers to 60% gains in TOMO in four months, and The Hybrid Boom of 2005, again, leading my readers to quick gains of 37% in Toyota, and 121% in Energy Conversion Devices in just five months. If the performance of my new recommendations is just half that of my top visionary recommendations, you could grow 25% richer every six months, and see a $5,000 investment turn into $29,073 by December of 2009. If that sounds good to you, just click here and get immediate online access to Grow Rich on the Broadband over Power Lines Revolution, along with your risk-free trial subscription to New World Investor and complete access to our private Web site. As a regular reader, you'll continue to get the facts, depth, and analysis behind the breakthroughs that will change the world...along with the first opportunity to own the companies that could make your investments soar...and specific sell recommendations when the time comes. As you'll see, New World Investor is the only publication of its kind that specializes in bringing you ground-floor breakthroughs across a number of fast-growing sectors, including... --The biggest profit takers of the hybrid and fuel cell revolution. Get on board with companies like Energy Conversion Devices, which handed my readers 117% returns in just five months. --Explosive China stocks. In fact, my favorite company has already handed investors 3000% returns over the past five years. --Biotech breakthroughs. As you'll read online, we are also excited about a number of major developments in stem cell research and aging. Collectively, they could make you 50% richer in six months. --Personal security and identity theft. If you're nervous about having your identity stolen, you'll discover the companies that can protect and reward you at the same time. --MegaShifts in the making. We'll fill you in on the next big breakthroughs, like content on demand, WiMax, avian flu cures, and, of course, Broadband over Power Lines and the company we believe could become the Microsoft of the new broadband era. And that, my friend, is what New World Investor is all about: introducing you to the breakthroughs that will not only knock your socks off, but also create some of the biggest profit opportunities of your lifetime. I guarantee you'll find, as our past readers have, that New World Investor isn't just a fascinating read--it is extremely profitable as well. Or you'll get your money back. Take Six Months and Then Decide; You Won't Pay a Dime Unless My Recommendations Deliver My guarantee is simple. If after six months you don't see the kind of profits I've spelled out here, cancel. You'll receive a complete refund, no questions asked. Plus, you can keep all of the “Special Reports” I've provided free of charge as my way of saying "thanks" for giving New World Investor a try. Just Say "Yes" and You'll Save $151 or $401--Your Choice! A one-year (52-issue) subscription to New World Investor is regularly $350. However, by simply saying "yes" to my risk-free offer today, you can join us for just $199--a 44% savings off the regular rate. In addition to your special discount and free trial offer, we'll include a free copy of Grow Rich on the Broadband over Power Lines Revolution, 52 weekly issues of my New World Investor Radar Reports, unlimited access to my subscriber Web site, and my Flash Alert delivery service. You'll also receive access to all the Radar Reports that I've written to help you continue to take advantage of the hybrid and fuel cell revolution, explosive growth in China, and other MegaShifts in the making. However, when you say "yes" for two years, you'll save an incredible $401 and get 104 weekly issues for only $299, which will give you a panoramic overview of the opportunities now available in security, content on demand, and the video iPod revolution. When you realize that you can lock in our best price for two years and get all this groundbreaking research before you give us your final answer, how can you say no? Remember, you risk nothing if you don't make the kind of profits I've spelled out here. And it's your decision the whole |
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #42111 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/15/2006 11:59:12 PM Didn't we find this one already?? |
JohnyYuma 60 posts msg #42121 - Ignore JohnyYuma |
3/16/2006 7:47:59 AM Sorry TRO My apologies I might have missed it Can somebody post this name (and any other in the field), please Thanks |
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