TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #50451 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/6/2007 10:52:22 AM
Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 7th March 2007
The Western tradition of argument insists that we try to move forward by means of position-taking and argument. "A" has a point of view and "B" disagrees. The ensuing argument is supposed to give adequate exploration of the subject. Too often the protagonists get locked into their positions and become more interested in winning or losing the argument rather than in exploring the subject.
The six hats method allows us to get right away from argument in order to get more productive discussions. Instead of adversarial thinking there is cooperative exploration.
© Edward de Bono, 1992. "Serious Creativity"
Published by Harper Collins Business, 1996.
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #58702 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
1/2/2008 1:19:09 PM
Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 3rd January 2008
One of the dangers of creativity is that a lot of time may be wasted looking for the "ultimate" idea. Because creative people tend to be dissatisfied and tend to look beyond the adequate, they sometimes feel there is an ultimate idea toward which they are groping. While they wait for this ultimate idea to be found they are disinclined to use ordinary but effective ideas. In the same way, a creative person shown an ordinary idea will always feel obliged to change it or improve it.
© Edward de Bono, 1971. "Lateral Thinking for Management"
Published by Penguin Books