StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · DETECTIVE WORK IV<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up
6,469 posts
msg #39616
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/17/2005 2:35:17 PM

Let's see if we can find this one....

A Stock So Explosive ... It Will Pay You to Own It

Since its IPO in 1995... this stock has risen 8 of the last 10 years (1997 and 1999 were the only years it was down)

It's gained +1100% since 1995... and +595% since 2000!

The stock has paid a cash dividend for 18 quarters straight!

This company is in the "greatest growth market of the 21st Century" ... so its business will never be affected by inflation, recession, interest rates, changing "fads", or loss of inventory

The stock is extremely small... trades for less than 0.004% the value of Google's stock

It Gets Better:
The company just signed a blockbuster 20-year deal with the Bahamas that'll turn it into one of the biggest companies in its industry

I'm making it my #1 recommendation for this decade


Dear Investor:

This is only the beginning, but had you invested in this stock in 1995, you would've double your original investment every 2.7 years.

A $10,000 investment in 1995 would now be worth $110,000.

A $10,000 investment in this stock in 2000 would now be worth $59,000, while the same investment in the S&P 500 would've returned zilch!

Check this out:

By the way, those returns are actually bigger because I haven't factored in the quarterly cash dividends this stock's been paying. Had you purchased 5,000 shares at the beginning of 2000, you would've collected $11,975 just in dividend payments. Take a look at the stock's dividend history:

SOURCE: Morningstar

Again those dividends are just icing on the cake. Because even without the dividends, you still would've made a ton of money owning this stock. Here are the stock returns for this stock since its IPO in 1995:

1995: +23%
1996: +20%
1997: -8%
1998: +29%
1999: -7%
2000: +13%
2001: +68%
2002: +29%
2003: +41%
2004: +62%
2005:* +14%

(Growth for 2005 is only as of September, 2005!)

As good as those returns are, I believe the gains are about to accelerate. You see, the company is in the 3rd largest industry on Earth. Only oil and electricity are bigger.

But here's the scoop: The commodity this company deals in is so precious, so valuable, so needed in the world, that...

Demand for it is rising so fast, Forbes said "it's going to be a commodity as valuable as oil in the new millennium"

Shocking Water Fact #1
The overused lower Colorado River is saltier in some sections than the ocean.
The commodity I'm talking about is water.

And the company you'll read about in this report has a technology that will literally save the planet from drought and death.

The technology is desalination, the process of turning seawater into lifesaving drinkable water.

And get this: Every single day, this company's desalination plants convert seawater into millions of gallons of life-saving, drinkable water.

The company recently inked a deal with the Bahamas to convert seawater into 35 billion gallons of drinkable water for the residents of that nation.

To give you an idea of how much water that is, it would take 3.5 million tanker trucks to hold 35 billion gallons of water.

From Forbes, December 2004:
"About three years ago, word on the Street was that water was going to be a commodity as valuable as oil in the new millennium. By no means a secret now, investors are plunging headfirst into the once-ignored sector and finding a sea of green in the rapidly growing $350 billion market. Demand for fresh water in the United States is expected to grow 70% over the next 25 years, according to industry analysts. Global demand--mainly from China--is set to grow more than 20% annually.

'An oft-quoted statistic is that only 2.5% of the world's water supply is fresh water, and of this amount, over 90% is permanently frozen,' Goldman Sachs said in a recent report. 'While there has been some complacency on this topic, bottled water still costs more than gasoline, even with oil above $50 per barrel.'
If you lined those trucks in a straight line, it would span 24,000 miles, or nearly the circumference of Earth.

That's how much water this tiny desalination company is supplying to the Bahamas.

Yet, right now, you can buy the stock for a fraction of what Google's stock costs. In fact, how's this for undervalued. Google's average daily volume is 10.8 million shares. Google's stock trades for $305 a share. Do the math -- every trading day, $3.29 billion worth of Google's stock is traded.

My tiny water stock trades at a market capitalization of $208 million.

Think about that for a minute.

That means every day, the dollar figure of Google's trading volume is 15.8x more than the entire market cap of my water stock.

That's insane!

My desalination stock is a true microcap cap. And because it's in an overlooked and boring industry like water, you have an opportunity to buy a stock that could grow forever, while paying you a dividend to boot.

That's why I'm making this my #1 Water Stock to Own for the 21st Century.

In a minute , I'll tell you more about this company, and it's incredibly undervalued stock.

Shocking Water Fact #2
One slice of cantaloupe takes 40 gallons to produce, one steak takes 1,232 gallons of water.
But before I do that, you have to understand why water might become scarcer than gold and more valuable than oil.

In fact, Warren Buffett and T. Boone Pickens have been investing tens of millions to lock-up of their share of the increasingly scarce resource.

In an interview, Pickens told Newsweek that his water venture "has the potential to be the biggest deal of my life."
This from a man already worth $750 million! But it's easy to understand why these two legendary investors like water. It's because...

Water Has Outperformed Every Index Over the Last 20 Years
It may come to a surprise to you, but over the last 20 years, the water industry (which comprises of about 16 public companies) has outperformed McDonalds, IBM and the NASDAQ... combined!

And it's beaten the S&P 500 by a landslide. Check out a 5-year performance comparison chart:

One of the biggest stocks in the water industry is a company called Aqua America. "Big," is a relative term, though.

You see, Aqua America has a market valuation of only $2.7 billion.

Again, let's put that into perspective by looking at Google's market valuation of $80 billion and its average daily volume of 10.8 million shares.

Do the math: every day the dollar amount of Google's trading activity is more than Aqua America's total market cap.

Shocking Water Fact #3
Available freshwater is well less than .08% of all water on earth.
When comparing these water stocks to Google, you can come to only one conclusion: water is an overlooked investment.

That's why it's a great investment, because not one in 1,000 investors will ever own a water stock.

But there's more...

The Coming Water Crisis: Fixed Supply Meets Exploding Demand
Salif Diop from the United States has declared, "water related problems as the most serious & immediate threat to humandkind!"

There is no more fresh water on Earth today than there was 1 million years ago. Yet today, 6 billion people share it. Since 1950, the world population has doubled, and is continuing at an exponential rate. And as our population doubles, water usage triples.

Demand for fresh water in the United States is expected to grow 70% over the next 25 years, according to industry analysts. Global demand--mainly from China--is set to grow more than 20% annually.

The World Council has determined that by 2020, we will need 17% more water than is Available

Get the picture?

You'd better. Because if you think $2.75 for a gallon gasoline is high, you haven't seen anything yet.

Go to your local grocery store and buy a 0.5L of Evian bottle water. I'll guarantee you'll pay at least $1.50 for it. Since there are 3.7 liters in a gallon, you'd pay no less than $11 for a gallon of Evian.

Gasoline around my way is selling for $2.25. Deduct the taxes in the price of gasoline, the true cost of a gallon of gas is somewhere around $1.81

Gallon of Gasoline
$1.81 Gallon of Water

Evian is priced almost 608% higher than gas.

But the price is about to go even higher.

In December 2004, the Christian Science Monitor published a shocking report titled: "Forget OPEC. The Next Cartel May Export Drinking Water: Already companies are locking up resources and selling abroad.”

According to the report...

"Water is blue gold, it's terribly precious. Not too far in the future, we're going to see a move to surround and commodify the world's fresh water. Just as they've divvied up the world's oil, in the coming century there's going to be a grab."

Shocking Water Fact #4
A third of all nations are suffering from water stress. Since 1950 world population doubled but water use tripled.
Sound far-fetched?

Think again.

On February 2, 2005, ex-UN chief Boutros Ghali said in an interview with the BBC that competition for water resources could provoke wars in Africa and the Middle East, saying that:

"...military confrontation between the countries of the Nile basin was almost inevitable.”

Signs of corporate interest are already popping up.

Pipelines for bulk water shipments are reported under consideration between Scotland and water-starved England. Similar plans exist for Turkey to pipe water to central Europe and markets in Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, and Malta.

However, one technology is being looked at to save the planet from a bone-crushing water crisis. And that technology is desalination.

The term "desalination" is a water buzz-word that'll soon become mainstream. Desalination, which creates fresh water from salt-water sources, has truly come of age in the last decade.

According to the International Desalination Association (IDA), desalination is used in more than 100 countries, with more than half the freshwater output used in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Saudi Arabia tops the list, using close to 25 percent of worldwide desalination output produced in its more than 2,000 plants. By comparison, the United States, ranked second worldwide in desalination use, produces about 16 percent of the total output.

Shocking Water Fact #5
More than 5 billion gallons of water are flushed down the toilet every single day in the US. That's enough water to fill 8,333 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Due to the high cost, desalination projects were mostly limited to rich enclaves in the Middle East and the Caribbean. But now, that's changing. . .

Desperate to obtain new sources for water for its growing population, Southern California's Metropolitan Water District just voted to triple its seawater desalination to 49 billion gallons per year.

You're also seeing increased demand in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean. . .as well as in the Middle East and Asia. Spain, for example, just announced a $4.6 billion plan to build 15 to 20 desalinization plants along its southeastern coast to supply the growing tourism industry along the Mediterranean.

Even major corporations, like Dow Chemical, are incorporating desalination into their overall business model.

And that's why I'm so bullish on this tiny desalination stock.

They have the technology and the financial wherewithal to grow the stock from $208 million to more than a billion within a very short period of time.

Think of it this way.

Assuming the stock continues to gain 27% each year for the next 5 years. If you invest $10,000 today, by 2009, you'll be sitting on $33,036.

Here, I'll break it down for you:

Year Investment Return
2005 $10,000 $12,700
2006 $12,700 $16,129
2007 $16,129 $20,483 (doubled)
2008 $20,483 $26,013
2009 $26,013 $33,036 (tripled)

Again, I'm not even factoring in the company's quarterly cash dividend, which is gravy.

By the way, to give you an idea of the stock's dividend yield, over the last 5 years, the company's yield has been 40% higher than the yield of the S&P 500.

So, not only are you making money from the capital appreciation of the stock, but you're getting a steady stream of income from dividends.

I love it.

And so should you.

Get my report #1 Water Stock to Own for the 21st Century by becoming a member to my investment advisory service, The Phantom Trader.

The membership fee to the Phantom Trader is just $99 a year. And you can try us out using our quarterly bill program for just $24.75.

The service will more than pay for itself.

Last year, my Phantom Trader portfolio returned a strong +48%. Much of that gain came on the backs of the strong performance of our water stocks, including Ionics, which we sold within 3 weeks of our purchase for a 50% profit.

I think the gains we'll see in this new water stock will dwarf the gains we witnessed in Ionics.


The Phantom Trader

P.S. I want to give you more shocking facts about the water market.

Shocking Facts about Water

5 billion gallons of water are flushed each day in the U.S.
Typically 4 to 6 gallons of water are used for every toilet flush
On the average, a person uses 2 gallons of water to brush his or her teeth each day
A 10-minute shower uses about 55 gallons of water
A leaking faucet can waste up to 100 gallons of water a day
It takes about 39,000 gallons of water to produce the average domestic auto, including tires
Each day, the sun evaporates 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) tons of water. (United States Geological Survey)
At least 1 billion people around the world must walk three hours or more to obtain drinking water
Households turn on water faucets an average of 70 times daily
About 1.2 billion gallons of potable water are used in New Jersey each day
It takes about 1 gallon of water to process a quarter pound of hamburger
It takes 2,072 gallons of water to make four new tires
Automatic dishwashers use about 15 gallons per load
Washing one load of clothes in an automatic washer uses about 45 gallons
The average bath takes about 36 gallons of water
The average individual uses about 125 gallons of water per day
An average residence uses 107,000 gallons of water per year
About 340 billion gallons of water are used every day in the United States
It takes 1,500 gallons of water to process 1 barrel of beer
It takes about 800,000 gallons of water to grow an acre of cotton
Ten gallons of water are needed to refine one gallon of gasoline
Cutting one minute off your shower time can save about 700 gallons of water per month

6,469 posts
msg #39620
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/17/2005 6:47:09 PM

Step 1.

close is more than 595% above the close 5 years ago

add column close 5 years ago
add column industry
add column sector


6,469 posts
msg #39621
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/17/2005 6:52:49 PM

Step 2.

set{close5, close 5 years ago}
set{diff, close - close5 }
set{x, diff / close5}
set{pct, x * 100}

close is more than 595% above the close 5 years ago

add column pct
add column close 5 years ago
add column industry
add column sector

sort column 5 descending

That didn't help! LOL

6,469 posts
msg #39622
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/17/2005 7:02:49 PM

set{close5, close 5 years ago}
set{diff, close - close5 }
set{x, diff / close5}
set{pct, x * 100}

Industry is Water-Utilities

add column pct
add column close 5 years ago
add column industry
add column sector

sort column 5 descending

Dang it SF.... make this easier!!

Command: Industry is
Type: Industry
Parameters: [None]
Usage: • industry equals [INDUSTRY]
• ind equals [INDUSTRY]

Components: Industry

• Price is between 1 and 10 and industry equals 1 and add column industry description and add column industry and sort column 5 descending
You can use the name of the industry for the scan.
You will want to replace all "spaces" with the "-" symbol if
you want to use an industry or sector component directly in
your filter. For example:

industry is regional-banks
and average volume(30)is above 50000
and add column sector
and add column industry

or you can filter by Industry by it's number.

Price is between 1 and 10
and industry equals 1
and add column industry description
and add column industry
and sort column 5 descending

where industry is one of the following numbers:

0 - Apparel-Accessories
1 - Audio-and-Video-Equipment
2 - None
3 - Computer Networks
4 - Conglomerates
5 - Natural Gas Utilities
6 - None
7 - None
8 - None
9 - Business Services
10 - Computer Hardware
11 - Broadcasting and Cable TV
12 - Airline
13 - None
14 - Retail (Technology)
15 - None
16 - Biotechnology and Drugs
17 - None
18 - Restaurants
19 - Computer Storage Devices
20 - Security Systems and Services
21 - Misc. Financial Services

25 - Constr. - Supplies and Fixtures
26 - Tobacco
27 - Auto and Truck Manufacturers
28 - Retail (Department and Discount)
29 - Retail (Apparel)
30 - Oil and Gas Operations

32 - Retail (Specialty)

34 - Software and Programming
35 - Gold and Silver
36 - Auto and Truck Parts
37 - Printing and Publishing

39 - Metal Mining
40 - Real Estate Operations
41 - Personal and Household Products

43 - Computer Services
44 - Textiles - Non Apparel
45 - Insurance (Prop. and Casualty)
46 - Healthcare Facilities

48 - Semiconductors
49 - Communications Services
51 - Photography
52 - Iron and Steel
53 - Personal Services
54 - Recreational Activities
55 - Chemical Manufacturing
56 - Communications Equipment

58 - Misc. Fabricated Products
59 - Schools
60 - Advertising
62 - Hotels and Motels
63 - Investment Services
64 - Medical Equipment and Supplies
65 - Misc. Capital Goods
66 - Casinos and Gaming
67 - SandLs/Savings Banks
68 - Retail (Grocery)
70 - Insurance (Miscellaneous)
71 - Computer Peripherals
72 - Regional Banks
73 - Air Courier
74 - Paper and Paper Products
75 - Motion Pictures
76 - Retail (Drugs)
77 - Aerospace and Defense
79 - Electronic Instruments and Controls
80 - Trucking
82 - Food Processing
83 - Oil Well Services and Equipment
84 - Construction Services
85 - Mobile Homes and RVs
86 - Forestry and Wood Products
87 - Insurance (Life)
88 - Construction - Raw Materials
89 - Crops
90 - Fabricated Plastic and Rubber
91 - Tires
92 - Office Supplies
93 - Electric Utilities
94 - Misc. Transportation
95 - Chemicals - Plastics and Rubber
96 - Consumer Financial Services
97 - Appliance and Tool
98 - Retail (Catalog and Mail Order)
99 - Scientific and Technical Instr.
100 - Footwear
101- Non-Metallic Mining

6,469 posts
msg #39623
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/17/2005 7:05:30 PM

Looking at the results...

CWCO looks like the mystery company!

Consolidated Water Co., Ltd. (CWC) engages in processing and distributing water in the Cayman Islands, Belize, Barbados, the British Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The company uses reverse osmosis technology to produce freshwater from seawater and distributes this water to public utilities, government facilities, and commercial, tourist, and residential properties. CWC also provides sewerage services in Grand Cayman. The company was incorporated in 1973 and is based in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.

Key Statistics Get Key Statistics for:

Data provided by Capital IQ, except where noted.


Market Cap (intraday): 243.60M
Enterprise Value (17-Dec-05)3: 255.13M
Trailing P/E (ttm, intraday): 41.90
Forward P/E (fye 31-Dec-06) 1: 32.34
PEG Ratio (5 yr expected): 3.00
Price/Sales (ttm): 10.00
Price/Book (mrq): 4.65
Enterprise Value/Revenue (ttm)3: 10.60
Enterprise Value/EBITDA (ttm)3: 25.623


Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year Ends: 31-Dec
Most Recent Quarter (mrq): 30-Sep-05

Profit Margin (ttm): 24.72%
Operating Margin (ttm): 15.07%

Management Effectiveness
Return on Assets (ttm): 4.26%
Return on Equity (ttm): 12.05%

Income Statement
Revenue (ttm): 24.07M
Revenue Per Share (ttm): 2.069
Qtrly Revenue Growth (yoy): 17.50%
Gross Profit (ttm): 9.61M
EBITDA (ttm): 9.96M
Net Income Avl to Common (ttm): 5.94M
Diluted EPS (ttm): 0.49
Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy): 138.00%

Balance Sheet
Total Cash (mrq): 12.39M
Total Cash Per Share (mrq): 1.053
Total Debt (mrq): 23.91M
Total Debt/Equity (mrq): 0.461
Current Ratio (mrq): 2.656
Book Value Per Share (mrq): 4.401

Cash Flow Statement
Operating Cash Flow (ttm): 8.90M
Levered Free Cash Flow (ttm): 1.99M

View Financials (provided by EDGAR Online):
Income Statement - Balance Sheet
Cash Flow



Stock Price History
Beta: N/A
52-Week Change3: 50.55%
S&P500 52-Week Change3: 6.12%
52-Week High (29-Jul-05)3: 22.48
52-Week Low (22-Dec-04)3: 13.51
50-Day Moving Average3: 18.97
200-Day Moving Average3: 19.25

Share Statistics
Average Volume (3 month)3: 46,086.2
Average Volume (10 day)3: 50,988.9
Shares Outstanding: 11.77M
Float: N/A
% Held by Insiders4: N/A
% Held by Institutions4: 28.40%
Shares Short (as of 10-Nov-05)3: 323.81K
Short Ratio (as of 10-Nov-05)3: 5.6
Short % of Float (as of 10-Nov-05)3: N/A
Shares Short (prior month)3: 305.06K

Dividends & Splits
Forward Annual Dividend Rate5: 0.24
Forward Annual Dividend Yield5: 1.20%
Trailing Annual Dividend Rate3: 0.24
Trailing Annual Dividend Yield3: 1.20%
5 Year Average Dividend Yield5: 2.40%
Payout Ratio5: 40%
Dividend Date3: N/A
Ex-Dividend Date5: 28-Dec-05
Last Split Factor (new per old)2: 2:1
Last Split Date3: 25-Aug-05

Don't you just love it when that hand you all the info you need!

28 posts
msg #39627
Ignore jbesr1230
12/17/2005 7:52:24 PM

See the dates. These are from a Yahoo bb. Must be recycling this one.

Water Stock Identity?
by: chuckles_85712 07/28/05 08:40 pm
Msg: 3391 of 4815

I seem to be the target of promoters. One is trying to sell me a water stock which IPO'd in 1995 and currently pays a 0.1150 dividend quarterly. According to him it has just signed a "blockbuster 20-deal with the Bahamas". It's "extremely small" and "trades for less than 0.004% othe value of Google's stock". A "$10,000 investment in 1995 would now be worth $110,000". Anyone have any ideas as to its identity? TIA.
Re: Water Stock Identity?
by: qualitystocklover (40/M/Houston, TX)
Long-Term Sentiment: Buy 07/29/05 09:50 am
Msg: 3399 of 4815

check out CWCO

small float and volume and deals in the islands

I looked at it before I invested in WTR - chose this one instead

29 posts
msg #39630
Ignore BuylateSellearly
12/18/2005 1:05:28 AM

Hi Rumple,

Have you seen the filters discribed here:

Can you think of a way to fetch stocks on the macd jelly bean pattern where the fast macd dips down and then makes a new high ala:
/ /
/ /

I'm not sure exactly what fetch syntax would work the best here.


201 posts
msg #39636
Ignore Koronbock
12/18/2005 12:07:18 PM

your post has nothing to do with the RumpledOnes post about a particular company. Please open another thread.

6,469 posts
msg #39652
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/18/2005 5:20:16 PM

Hi Rumple,

Have you seen the filters discribed here:

"Can you think of a way to fetch stocks on the macd jelly bean pattern where the fast macd dips down and then makes a new high ala:
/ /
/ /

I'm not sure exactly what fetch syntax would work the best here.


No, I haven't.... I will have to give it a look... so many filter, so little time.

I have NOT worked with MACD on SF much, so don't know off the top of my head.

6,469 posts
msg #39653
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/18/2005 5:21:09 PM


If you ever see anything else like that, please alert us!

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