alichambers 48 posts msg #61611 - Ignore alichambers |
4/19/2008 8:19:05 AM
I'm trying out a strategy that buys and sells when the price moves around key moving averages. For example, buy when the price closes above the SMA(20) *AND* the SMA(20) is visibly rising.
On symbols that move up and down a lot - eg: Daily GBPUSD - this looks by eye to be very proifitable. The price has to go either up or down from the SMA itself, and there are good swings above/below the SMA(20).
My question is this: I'm trying to find the best performing stocks that regularly move up and down by a large amount.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to write a filter for this - and rank symbols that move up/down? I tried 52week high = 3x 52 week low, but what I'm looking for is regular (or as regular as possible!) cycles up and down.
Many thanks.
chetron 2,817 posts msg #61613 - Ignore chetron |
4/19/2008 11:01:06 AM
maybe this...
TrendSurfer 109 posts msg #61614 - Ignore TrendSurfer modified |
4/19/2008 11:11:18 AM
TheRumpledOne 6,449 posts msg #61616 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
4/19/2008 12:07:30 PM
I added the column CxM20 to show how many days the close has been above(+) or below(-) the sma(20).
Change the /* SELECTION CRITERIA */ to fit your needs.
alichambers 48 posts msg #61620 - Ignore alichambers |
4/19/2008 4:21:03 PM
Thanks for all your replies - some great ideas coming out here.
How would I modify the results to look for cyclical stocks with price patterns like this:
(sorry - a bit basic in MS Paint!!!)
I have found that patterns that are predominately upwards or downwards above the SMA are unreliable for forwards testing - the large move being due to one-off circumstances. I appreciate nothing is guaranteed of course, but if the historical volatility is cyclical, I think there is a better chance that it will continue.