StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · 10 Rules of Playing Winning Video Poker | << >>Post Follow-up |
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50882 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/5/2007 5:46:12 PM 10 Rules of Playing Winning Video Poker 1. The ONLY way anyone can be capable of winning on a consistent basis is through unwavering discipline. Learn it - or keep losing. 2. Accept that every time you play you are trying to win money. You are playing only in short-term bursts. There is no theoretical long-term for humans. Losing is never an acceptable option. 3. Always take the proper bankroll WITH you for your play level. This is not some mythical mathematical figure created in the clouds. It is simply that which you can comfortably afford to lose based on 400 credits of the highest denomination you intend to play. 4. NEVER use a casino ATM. NEVER obtain or sign up for Casino Credit. These are casino tools used to take more of your money than you were prepared to give up when you came in the doors, and they very effectively prey on the weak. One look at facial expressions in ATM lines or at Casino Cage Credit lines verifies this. 5. Always play with a clear mind, a clean slate, and in an alert mode. You’ll have plenty of time to worry about your problems when you get home. And be confident. The old saying “scared money never won a dime” is much truer than you think. 6. Always go into your sessions knowing…and believing…that regardless of what game you choose to play with whatever pay tables, percentages are ALWAYS on the side of the casino. Short Term Strategy easily overcomes this house edge because they’re betting on the long term and you’re not. 7. Learn to play how YOU want to and not how the casino expects you to. In reality and by a great margin, most players are ahead at some point in their session – whether it’s 5 cents or $5000, yet almost all of these players go home a loser. Train yourself to set goals and quit when attained. Either that, or join millions of others who continue to help build beautiful casinos by chasing losers or trying to win more. 8. Understand the powerful temptations of the Slot Club Card. Use it wisely….as only < 1% of all players do. Did you come into the casino to win money - or pile up the points? Are you impressed by what you read about and hear in the media when people brag, or are you beyond all that misleading nonsense? Are you controlled by all the sweet-looking offers and promotions sent and advertised by casino marketing departments, or do you march to the beat of your own video poker drum? Winning players know the correct answers here. Losers are sitting red-faced, wondering how I can read their minds from afar. 9. Do not become overwhelmed by casino distractions. Come in, win your goal, and leave. Do you enjoy all the excitement and the incredibly inviting atmosphere? Don’t worry, it will still be there tomorrow. Are you finding yourself staying at your machine in order to give more than an occasional glance at the cocktail waitresses T&A? Take it elsewhere. There’s plenty of ‘joints’ around. Are you envious that you’ve only won $50 while the fool next to you hit a Royal, and you feel you can too if you stayed another hour? Think about all the times in the past when you’ve done that. Where did it get you? 10. Plan, be prepared, and always do what you said you were going to do BEFORE walking in those casino doors. Winners eventually learn this inside out. Losers easily become mesmerized by exciting casino action, and are some of the world’s best at redundant wishing. ==================================================== Adapt for trading!! |
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50883 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/5/2007 6:19:25 PM The Singer Play Strategy (A goal-oriented, short-term strategy) Rule #1: You must be comfortable where and how you choose to play. Your mind must be cleared. I only gamble alone when I play for profit. I never play on someone else’s time schedule. My willpower & determination switches are turned to ON. Rule #2: Proper bankroll is extremely important. I take $17,200 as my minimum on each trip, my baseline denomination is dollars, and I have a win goal of $2500. Anyone can take whatever amount they feel is comfortable for them to attain their specific goals, based upon their individual finances & limits. Even more critical: YOU MUST HAVE A PLAN BEFORE YOU START TO PLAY, AND YOU MUST STICK TO IT ! Rule #3: I am prepared to first play 100 credits on BP, then 300 credits DB, DDB, or TBP. Playing progressives of any amount are fine, and recommended if available. They are completely acceptable in this strategy. Play on a multi-game machine, or change machines at any time. The new multi-game/multi-denominational coin-less machines are tailor-made for this type of play. I always cash out the first time I am at least 40 credits ahead on BP. I pocket it, then begin again. If the initial 100 credits are lost on BP, regardless of how many 40+ profits were cashed out and pocketed, I begin play on advanced bonus machines (DB/DDB/TBP), playing up to 300 credits. Again, I cash out anytime 40+ credits are realized, and begin again until at least 140 credits are accumulated, with a minimum of 40 to be pocketed and never risked, and 100 to make up for the initial 100 credits lost on BP. Having recovered my loss, I begin again on BP. Rule #4: If 100 credits are lost on BP and 300 are lost on DB, DDB, or TBP, I advance to the next denomination and begin the process again. In my case this means the $2 machines. During the process once again (100 credits on BP / 300 credits on advanced bonus games), I play until 40+ credits are won, and always cash out as usual, but if and when I accumulate a minimum profit of 240 credits, I pocket 40+ credits and use the remaining 200 credits to cover my $400 in losses on the dollar machines. I then begin all over again on the dollar machines. Rule #5: If 100 credits are lost on $2 BP, and 300 are lost on DB, DDB, or TBP, I advance to the $5 machines, and begin the process again. I now have $400 in dollars to recoup, and $800 in $2 credits to recoup. As usual, I continue to cash out and restart whenever 40+ credits are won. This time I require an overall minimum win of 280 credits before I go back to dollars and start over again: 240 credits to make up for the $1200 in dollar and $2 losses, and a minimum of 40 credits ($200) pocketed profit. Rule #6: I will continue this process right up through the $100 machines as required (I've had to go to them few times, and I will risk up to an additional $40,000 at this level) - until either all the 40+ pocketed wins add up to my profit goal of $2500 minimum, I attain or surpass my goal with one big hit or several smaller ones, or I lose my bankroll. Losing has happened very seldom - less than 7% of the time, and my average loss is around $7000. But remembering I have pocketed quite a few 40+ credit profits in varying denominations along the way, I only advance to the $100 machines if this week's loss puts me behind my overall average weekly winning goal of $2500/week thus far-for the year. Generally, I only advance to the $25 machines under the same circumstances, but under certain playing conditions I will at times go to them to play up to 400 credits. Rule #7: Realize my results have shown me being ahead at least 40 credits - within seconds, within minutes, or within hours - at least 75% of the time I risk 400 credits in any denomination. This does not mean I lose 25% of the time. The 40+ pocketed credits add up fast - sometimes very fast if you hit a quad or SF - and many times my win goal is attained by these profits alone. The main goals I play for are in this order of attainment: A) If I'm playing on DB/DDB/TBP, my first goal is always to get back to Bonus Poker within the denomination I am playing. B) If I'm on any denomination other than my baseline denomination ($1), my second most important goal is to go back to dollars to begin again on BP. C) My final goal is to accumulate $2500 minimum profit and end the trip's session. Rule #8: Whenever I hit a royal flush, I immediately pack up, check out, and go home! I have over-achieved my goal, and if it is hit on a higher-than-my-baseline denomination, I am instantly well above my average weekly goal. (This is an important factor for decisions made in Rule #7 regarding playing the $25/$100 machines). Golden Rule: I never deviate from strategy. Never. Note: You will find leaving a losing machine is very difficult, and leaving a winning machine is probably against your nature. Staying at winning or losing machines are long-term strategy pitfalls. This is short-term strategy. Be prepared to go home a winner for a change! I always play full-pay machines if available, and I will always play 10/7 DB before DDB or TBP if available. Approximately 95% - 98% of the hands I play are exactly the same as expert strategy, because these are simple common sense to me (but be careful, they may not always be for you). Some of the differences I incorporate are, I ALWAYS keep 3-to-the-Royal—with these exceptions: If 3 Aces are dealt with this hand, I always keep the aces; or, if three K’s, Q’s, J’s, or 10’s are dealt within 3-to-the-Royal, I will keep them only to the extent that if I get would get 4 of them, it will send me back to dollars to begin again, or if it will send me home by attaining my weekly win goal. Similarly, if any hand has a reasonable chance of attaining a winning hand on the draw that will allow me to reach my win goal for the week and go home – such as being dealt 4,4,8,8,6 and holding just the fours, trying for four of them, or four of them with the kicker – I play this way as required. There are quite a few other intricate deviations from expert play that I incorporate, but you should come up with your own list that is comfortable for you to use and that makes good sense. Don’t be afraid to take these chances. Anything can happen at any time. You’re gambling - & not taking an exam. It has often sent me home a winner. Don’t let anything stand in the way of playing how YOU want to. SPECIAL NOTE ON THE PROGRESSION FACTOR: Much of the criticism on this play strategy has come from those who do not understand that this is video poker denominational progression, and not Martingale progression. The increase in denomination is not a result of losing the hand before and then doubling up. Although only one part of the overall strategy, the progression is critical in that it allows that any one of a number of large winning hands that almost always occur during everyone’s sessions (thanks to DB, DDB or TBP), to completely recover any losses, and in most cases allows the player to attain the overall win goal. Without it, play would go on within the same denomination until the player is wiped out – or a royal flush is hit. Which do you think usually happens first? Remember: This strategy was developed to fit the abilities, needs, resources and circumstances for the author, Rob Singer. It is not meant as a magical “fix” to cure anyone’s losing ways. It is best utilized as a baseline in developing one’s own successful play strategy. It is based on the simple premise that players go into casinos with one goal – winning something on each separate and individual trip. Once you learn the art of choosing limits to cash out at, you will wonder why you ever wasted so much time trying to mathematically out-perform the unforgiving video poker computer. If you are determined to find a better way, this system will be of great assistance in attaining your goals. |
TheRumpledOne 6,465 posts msg #50893 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/6/2007 1:27:37 AM Romp-Thru-Town Play Strategy To most players, this may at first seem to be a simple way to play video poker...and it is. You also may find yourself saying “This is nothing new. I’ve been doing something like this for YEARS.” Well, if you are the kind of player who feels you’re taking some sort of exam while playing the machines, that very well may be the case. But video poker is GAMBLING, and successful players know there is much, much more to it than that. Romp-Thru-Town (RTT) type play combines all that is simple in video poker, yet the key is to actually incorporate the “ALL” without deviation, and during the heat of battle, to not alter anything you planned on doing before you walked in. For almost every player, it is so much easier to take that perfect mind trip to the casino where you do everything as planned. However, actually following through on what you set out to do is the true challenge. One more thing: Bob Dancer and Jean Scott may host video poker playing cruises on boats of foreign registry, but do not EVER try any of my Play Strategies on the seas. Do you remember back a few years when both writers used to diss playing on cruise lines because the games could not be trusted to be fair due to questionable regulation? So now that they are offered money to host the cruises, all of a sudden a positive spin is put on the games on ships. All that does is prove even further what I’ve been saying and exposing about the so-called ‘experts’ for years. 1. The proper bankroll for RTT strategy is always 3X the number of credits you intend to play at the highest denomination you choose in your play plan. For example, if that’s $5 and you plan on playing 300 credits at each denomination, then you should have a $4,500 GAMBLING bankroll (not personal bankroll!). NEVER play with money you can’t lose comfortably. 2. Most critics have a very limited understanding of how long, if or why I play at the same machine - or even the same casino when playing RTT strategy. It’s all an individual choice. I like to set up a number of different casinos to play in for my plan, because I like the variety and enjoy walking out the doors with THEIR money in MY pockets. But that’s not imperative. I at times stay at the same multi-game/multi-denomination machine for the entire session, or move to another machine after hitting a goal or losing – or use a mix of everything. Since all machines are random (at least I trust they are in Nevada) machine location does not really matter. As I said, it all depends on how I FEEL. Whether I’m winning or losing or have an inclination that the machine is mocking me is of no issue. 3. There are a number of variations for playing RTT strategy. Number of credits, choice of games, what denomination to begin with – they can all be adjusted to meet your own personal comfort level. The important variable is in how many credits you select as your mini-session win and your overall session goal. 4. One of my favorite RTT’s is using $1/$5/$25 games – at 200 credits each. In this method I play Bonus Poker only, with a $20 mini-goal. My overall session win goal varies depending on how much I’d like to win on the trip. With a 5:1 ratio at each level of play, recovery and/or wins are not difficult. A lower-level variation could be 25c/$1/$5, with a $10 mini-goal. Or 5c/25c/$1 or even 5c/25c/$1/$5 – both with just a $5 mini-goal. 5. Another favorite is using 300 credits within each denomination. The first 100 are always played on BP, with the next 200 on any advanced bonus game (DB/DDB/TBP+/Super Aces/Super Bonus/Super Double Bonus, etc.). Going up in volatility of course is more of a risk, but the rewards can be greater. There are many ways of selecting goals with this strategy, but use #4 above as a guideline in doing what is comfortable for you. I usually don’t go over $10 games here (50c/$2/$10) but I set my win goals higher. 6. On every RTT strategy, I never leave the denomination I’m playing until I win my mini-session goal. In my Single Play Strategy I will drop down in denomination once I have recovered enough to go back to BP on the level prior. But here I do not. The goals are set low enough where that’s not necessary. 7. By far, the most asked question of me by players is “I’ve come to town for 3 days to play your RTT strategy. I’ve hit a royal or other big winner on occasion at the start of my trip. I eventually went home and counted a $300 loss. What is an out-of-town vacationer/visitor supposed to do, and how can I keep what I’ve won”? The answer is not a difficult one. If you stay the course, i.e. continue to play strictly RTT strategy at the same denominations, chances are overwhelming that you will go home with all that RF money and more. Another safer way is to reduce the RTT denomination a step or two. Or you could drop playing immediately altogether and go for day trips, see movies and shows, go for walks, or sleep late! Anything to keep the money! But don’t go back to playing one single denomination for hours on end. That’s a loser, and people usually do lose doing that. 8. THE GOLDEN RULE HERE IS THIS: Never change tactics in mid-stream. In case you didn’t know this, that’s one of every casino’s prime advantages over players. When emotions take over it’s time to quit. Of course most people don’t, and casino profits soar. You must always do what you say and planned you are going to do before playing, and always stick to the plan. And NEVER, EVER go to the ATM! Do not EVER go up into an unplanned denomination in the event of hitting a Royal Flush or other huge winner. That’s the sign of a problem gambler who takes unprepared chances. Yes, our famous friend who hit a $25 RF and immediately went to the $100 machine where he hit another one minutes later took a pot shot and it paid off. But do you ever think he would tell us how many times it didn’t---or how much more he’s lost before and especially after the hits, when he just couldn’t stop playing at such limits because of the thrill? Use your head, and you’ll never have to go through such pain. And good luck as you romp! ================ Now read #8 over and over and over again... |
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