StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Who really want to find the next NTRI - 2007<< 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 >>Post Follow-up
6,412 posts
msg #55051
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/22/2007 11:55:54 AM

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER - Sept 24, 2007 */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 41 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 41 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* column display */


add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column ULCL

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

and add column ibar

add column New20High
add column New20Low


add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1
LowerLim above 0

close below 15

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER Double Version - Sept 24, 2007 */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 41 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 41 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}
set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}


and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

and add column ibar

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}
set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column New20High
add column New20Low


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl
add column HixHi
add column LoxLo
add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

LowerLim below Double

close above .50
LowerLim above 0

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

6,412 posts
msg #55052
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/22/2007 12:09:43 PM

I add the line:

LowerLim above 0

to the filters because something must have changed.

I noticed a bounce of "garbage" in the list - stocks with LowerLim <= 0!!

169 posts
msg #55091
Ignore betyerbottomdollar
9/23/2007 3:40:47 PM

TRO you are the most insane stockfetcher code writer on the block! Your personal annual ROI must be a million percent. Is your last name Buffett? He is pretty rumpled I would say. Great investor (owning a chain of Margaritaville restaurants in tourist traps...genius!), and his music always leaves me wanting a cheeseburger in paradise. Anyway, nice work on those filters.

I don't know what they do, but they look complicated. Nice work.

6,412 posts
msg #55099
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/23/2007 11:26:48 PM


Just a bunch of simple displays.

Look at my BASIC FILTER DISPLAY and you'll see how it saves you from looking at a bunch of charts.

6,412 posts
msg #55205
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/25/2007 8:23:28 PM

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER High follows Low Version */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 100 day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 100 day Low}

set{ULDays, days( high equal High 100 day High, 100 ) }
set{LLDays, days( low equal Low 100 day Low, 100 ) }

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}
set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}


and add column ULDays
and add column LLDays

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

/* column display */

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

ULDays above -1
LLDays above ULDays

LowerLim below Double

close is above 1
LowerLim above 0

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

Due to the 100 day limitation, I can't test more than 100 days.

This filter checks to see that the UpperLim occurred after the LowerLim in the last 100 days.

ULDays is days since High 100 day High.

LLDays is days since Low 100 day Low.

I found SCON a couple of weeks ago with the original NTRI filter.

I stripped out most of the displays since some of you think the original filter was complicated.

6,412 posts
msg #55239
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 8:55:59 AM

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER High follows Low Version with Fundamentals */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 100 day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 100 day Low}

set{ULDays, days( high equal High 100 day High, 100 ) }
set{LLDays, days( low equal Low 100 day Low, 100 ) }

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}
set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}


and add column ULDays
and add column LLDays

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

/* column display */

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

/* display fundamentals */
and add column P/E Ratio
and add column Beta {Beta}
and add column institutional holder percent
and add column number of institutional holders
and add column ROE
and add column EPS
add column Long Term Debt {Debt}
and add column profit margin
and add column dividend
and add column dividend yield {dividend_yield}
and add column days since dividend

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

ULDays above -1
LLDays above ULDays

LowerLim below Double

close is above 1
LowerLim above 0

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

6,412 posts
msg #55363
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/29/2007 12:36:40 PM


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 42 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 42 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* column display */


add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column ULCL

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

and add column ibar

add column New20High
add column New20Low


add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1
LowerLim above 0

close below 15

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER Double Version - Oct 1, 2007 */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 42 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 42 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}
set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}


and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

and add column ibar

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}
set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column New20High
add column New20Low


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl
add column HixHi
add column LoxLo
add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

LowerLim below Double

close above .50
LowerLim above 0

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

6,412 posts
msg #55552
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/5/2007 4:31:22 PM


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 43 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 43 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* column display */


add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column ULCL

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

and add column ibar

add column New20High
add column New20Low


add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1
LowerLim above 0

close below 15

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

/* FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER Double Version - Oct 8, 2007 */

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 43 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 43 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}
set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{InPlayVol, volume / 10000 }
set{InPlayPct, InPlayVol / shares outstanding}

/* inside bars filter display */

set{xTop, count(high < high 1 day ago , 1) }
set{xBot, count(low > low 1 day ago , 1) }
set{ibar, xTop + xBot}


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}
set{T10a,days(10 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T60a,days(60 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}
set{T200a,days(200 day slope of the close below 0, 100)}


and add column InPlayPct
and add column shares outstanding

and add column ibar

draw T10a
draw T60a on plot t10a
draw T200a on plot t10a

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}
set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

/* Narrow Channel Breakout Display */

set{ High20, high 20 day high}
set{ Low20, low 20 day low}

set{ New20High, count( high above High20 1 day ago , 1 ) }
set{ New20Low, count( low below Low20 1 day ago , 1 ) }

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

add column RChg
add column SChg

add column New20High
add column New20Low


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }

/* NORMALIZE momentum(12) */

set{moval, INDPOSITION(momentum(12), 60) * 100}

/* NORMALIZE rsi(2) */

set{rsval, RSI(2) }

/* NORMALIZE williams %r(10) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %r(10), 60) * 100 }


and draw wrval
and draw adval on plot wrval
and draw moval on plot wrval
and draw rsval on plot wrval

add column wrval
add column adval
add column rsval
add column moval

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl
add column HixHi
add column LoxLo
add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

LowerLim below Double

close above .50
LowerLim above 0

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

94 posts
msg #55601
Ignore mdl060374
10/9/2007 12:15:06 PM

I am impressed with your filter, but am a bit confused.

Am I right in assumming the list is a continually growing list of stocks that triggered since the beginning of the year?

And if so, is their a way to see when they were added to the list?

I am asking b/c I asking to see their behavior when they were added, and what"trigger" CAUSED them to end up on the list.

(in other words, are you finding them after they break out and looking to play a future set up, or fiding them b/4 they break out? B?c I cant see when they were added, I amnot sure what I am to be looking for, etc)

I am bit confused with the coding you are using, as to what is going on. :(

Thanks for any clarification.

6,412 posts
msg #55602
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/9/2007 12:37:32 PM

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 42 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 42 week Low}

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1
LowerLim above 0

close below 15

avg vol(5) above 50000
avg vol(30) above 50000

sort column 4 descending

Though the filter looks "long and complicated" it is really simple.

What's the trigger? It's really simple. At some point during the year the stock's price had to be BELOW $1 and ABOVE $1. Of course, not at the same time..LOL!!

I update the filter weekly to keep stocks on the list.

You can change the UpperLim and LowerLim set statements to only look back a week or 2 if you like to find "fresh" stocks.

I'll have to write code to indicate how long the stock has been on the list.

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Who really want to find the next NTRI - 2007<< 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 >>Post Follow-up

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