MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #51079 - Ignore MARY4MONEY modified |
4/14/2007 6:36:47 AM
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #51080 - Ignore MARY4MONEY modified |
4/14/2007 6:58:33 AM
heres a fact you may find intriging-- actually the weekly rsi(3) is more accurate than the 2 in any market conditions they are about the same 80% win rate on the nasdaq 100 in up market conditions- but in sideways the 2 wins 65% but the 3 stays at 80%
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #51081 - Ignore MARY4MONEY modified |
4/14/2007 8:02:50 AM
% winners using days below weekly rsi(2) below 10 5 days-64% 10-days-70% 15 days-74% 20 days-79% 25 days- 84% 30 days--100% this is good example of adding a 2nd parameter to the weekly rsi(2)
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #51087 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
4/14/2007 12:24:28 PM
Just "Wait for green".