StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Who really wants to find the next NTRI?<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 31 >>Post Follow-up
12 posts
msg #41592
Ignore sjjjha
2/26/2006 6:55:21 PM

I will post Indsider Sale and buy for watchlist.


6,412 posts
msg #41600
Ignore TheRumpledOne
2/27/2006 7:43:49 AM

/* Dollar stocks Dynamic Support/Resistance with TRADE PLANNER DISPLAY */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 10 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 10 week Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}
/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Trade Planner Filter Display - Simple */

/* commented out...
set{ iAccountSize , 25000 }
set{ iPercentRisk, .02}
set{ iMarginMult , 1}
set{ iMaxDrawDownPct, .05}
set{ iEntryPrice , close}

set{ iShares, 0 }
set{ iProtectiveStop , 0}

set{ iTargetPrice , 0}
set{ iRewardRatio , 2}

set{ xMaxDollars, iAccountSize * iMarginMult }

set{ xTradeRisk, xMaxDollars * iPercentRisk }

set{ xShares , xMaxDollars / iEntryPrice }

set{ xShareRisk , xTradeRisk / xShares }

set{ xStop , iEntryPrice - xShareRisk }

set{ xtp, xShareRisk * iRewardRatio }
set{ xTarget , xtp + iEntryPrice }

add column xShares
add column xStop
add column xTarget
add column xTradeRisk

...commented out... */

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1

close below 5

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending

/* the following is under construction

set{REb,days(UpperLim is above UpperLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{REa,days(UpperLim is below UpperLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{Rdays, REa - REb}

set{SUb,days(LowerLim is above LowerLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{SUa,days(LowerLim is below LowerLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{Sdays, SUa - SUb}

add column Rdays
add column Sdays

I added the Rdays and SDays columns.

Rdays > 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Resistance made its last move up.

Rdays < 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Resistance made its last move down.

SDays > 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Support made its last move up.

SDays < 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Support made its last move down.


I added the volatility columns - BBTrend and ATRTrend.

This should aid in timing the entry.


12 posts
msg #41694
Ignore sjjjha
3/2/2006 9:46:17 PM

Insider Buy GNBT: 70,000 at 2.21 reported on 3/2/05

6,412 posts
msg #41703
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/3/2006 12:41:10 AM

Thanks for the heads up!

6,412 posts
msg #41742
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/4/2006 2:58:42 PM

/* Dollar stocks Dynamic Support/Resistance with TRADE PLANNER DISPLAY */


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}



/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 11 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 11 week Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Trade Planner Filter Display - Simple */

/* commented out...
set{ iAccountSize , 25000 }
set{ iPercentRisk, .02}
set{ iMarginMult , 1}
set{ iMaxDrawDownPct, .05}
set{ iEntryPrice , close}

set{ iShares, 0 }
set{ iProtectiveStop , 0}

set{ iTargetPrice , 0}
set{ iRewardRatio , 2}

set{ xMaxDollars, iAccountSize * iMarginMult }

set{ xTradeRisk, xMaxDollars * iPercentRisk }

set{ xShares , xMaxDollars / iEntryPrice }

set{ xShareRisk , xTradeRisk / xShares }

set{ xStop , iEntryPrice - xShareRisk }

set{ xtp, xShareRisk * iRewardRatio }
set{ xTarget , xtp + iEntryPrice }

add column xShares
add column xStop
add column xTarget
add column xTradeRisk

...commented out... */

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1

close below 5

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

/* the following is under construction

set{REb,days(UpperLim is above UpperLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{REa,days(UpperLim is below UpperLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{Rdays, REa - REb}

set{SUb,days(LowerLim is above LowerLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{SUa,days(LowerLim is below LowerLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{Sdays, SUa - SUb}

add column Rdays
add column Sdays

I added the Rdays and SDays columns.

Rdays > 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Resistance made its last move up.

Rdays < 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Resistance made its last move down.

SDays > 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Support made its last move up.

SDays < 0 is the number of days since Dynamic Support made its last move down.


Filter updated for this week.

I added the PROFIT column.

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

This week would have been really sweet!

I added the TREND column... HOW COULD I FORGET THIS COLUMN?!?!?!?

Looks like XSNX could be the next NTRI.

If you want to have some fun...

1) Run this filter.

2) Use date offset of 5 (so you can see how much you would have made from last week).

3) Only look at the stocks where the TREND column is 111.

4) Look at the PROFIT column.


6,412 posts
msg #41744
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/4/2006 3:06:24 PM

Symbol | Last |Threshold..|.. Change |Signal |Sentiment ..|

ATAR ..|.. $0.80 ..|.. $0.93 ..|.. -0.00 ..|.. 29 ..|.. 31 ..|..
AVNX ..|.. $2.10 ..|.. $1.34 ..|.. 0.41 ..|.. 82 ..|.. 76 ..|..
CWPC ..|.. $5.00 ..|.. $4.94 ..|.. 0.17 ..|.. 72 ..|.. 64 ..|..
DCN ..|.. $0.66 ..|.. $0.69 ..|.. -0.38 ..|.. 33 ..|.. 27 ..|..
DEZ ..|.. $5.51 ..|.. $4.54 ..|.. 0.08 ..|.. 68 ..|.. 65 ..|..
DOIG ..|.. $2.03 ..|.. $2.25 ..|.. n|a ..|.. 54 ..|.. 57 ..|..
DVW ..|.. $1.48 ..|.. $1.30 ..|.. 0.05 ..|.. N|A ..|.. N|A ..|..
GNBT ..|.. $2.32 ..|.. $1.61 ..|.. 0.10 ..|.. 62 ..|.. 70 ..|..
INFO ..|.. $0.59 ..|.. $0.71 ..|.. -0.04 ..|.. 35 ..|.. 44 ..|..
IVAN ..|.. $2.87 ..|.. $2.56 ..|.. -0.01 ..|.. 73 ..|.. 77 ..|..
NXXI ..|.. $1.29 ..|.. $1.24 ..|.. -0.02 ..|.. 70 ..|.. 69 ..|..
OWENQ ..|.. $1.60 ..|.. $2.00 ..|.. 0.05 ..|.. 50 ..|.. 51 ..|..
PPHM ..|.. $1.34 ..|.. $1.56 ..|.. -0.07 ..|.. 34 ..|.. 59 ..|..
PRTL ..|.. $0.86 ..|.. $0.99 ..|.. 0.01 ..|.. 67 ..|.. 54 ..|..
PTSC ..|.. $1.55 ..|.. $0.76 ..|.. 0.15 ..|.. 3 ..|.. 33 ..|..
SUWN ..|.. $1.25 ..|.. $1.42 ..|.. -0.13 ..|.. 44 ..|.. 50 ..|..
TGB ..|.. $1.87 ..|.. $1.89 ..|.. -0.04 ..|.. 66 ..|.. 63 ..|..
UDSG ..|.. $1.23 ..|.. N|A ..|.. -0.18 ..|.. 50 ..|.. 51 ..|..
URIX ..|.. $1.47 ..|.. N|A ..|.. 0.09 ..|.. 98 ..|.. 73 ..|..
WNDXQ ..|.. $0.29 ..|.. $0.42 ..|.. -0.01 ..|.. 46 ..|.. 39 ..|..
XSNX ..|.. $1.80 ..|.. $1.20 ..|.. 0.20 ..|.. 89 ..|.. 70 ..|..

2,824 posts
msg #41766
Ignore nikoschopen
3/5/2006 6:28:23 PM

Lately, IVOC has been registering huge volume--over a BILLION shares 3 days ago! Considering that it's worth only 1/10 of a penny, I s'pose that's understandable. My appetite for penny-stock is less than voracious, but I find this sucker interesting.

6,412 posts
msg #41770
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/5/2006 11:24:43 PM

Niko... that stock didn't come from this filter.

Please stay ON TOPIC.


294 posts
msg #41794
Ignore stocktrader
3/6/2006 8:00:55 PM


This is one HOT filter! I spent the weekend backtesting and playing wtih it and it is very impressive. Timing the entry and good diversification could prove to be very profitable.

Here is what I used today, which is just slightly tweaked on the selection criteria from your version. I include the filter I was looking at (1 day offset) in this post, but advise others to use your original.

Thanks very much!

Fetcher[/* Dollar stocks Dynamic Support/Resistance with TRADE PLANNER DISPLAY */


set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}



/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 11 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 11 week Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{ClxCl, CCa - CCb}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VlXvl, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}

set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}

set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

set{RChg, count( UpperLim equal UpperLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }
set{SChg, count( LowerLim equal LowerLim 1 day ago, 1 ) }

/* Volatility Direction Filter Display */

set{BBDiff, Upper Bollinger Band(20) - Lower Bollinger Band(20) }

set{BBDb,days(BBDiff is above BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBDa,days(BBDiff is below BBDiff 1 day ago,100)}
set{BBTrend, BBDa - BBDb}

set{ATRb,days(ATR(14) is above ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRa,days(ATR(14) is below ATR(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{ATRTrend, ATRa - ATRb}

/* profit had you bought the open 5 days ago and sold at the high */

set{High5, High 5 day High}
set{Profit, High5 - open 5 days ago}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo
add column Profit

add column BallOn
add column UpperLim {Resist}
add column LowerLim {Support}

add column RChg
add column SChg


/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Trade Planner Filter Display - Simple */

/* commented out...
set{ iAccountSize , 25000 }
set{ iPercentRisk, .02}
set{ iMarginMult , 1}
set{ iMaxDrawDownPct, .05}
set{ iEntryPrice , close}

set{ iShares, 0 }
set{ iProtectiveStop , 0}

set{ iTargetPrice , 0}
set{ iRewardRatio , 2}

set{ xMaxDollars, iAccountSize * iMarginMult }

set{ xTradeRisk, xMaxDollars * iPercentRisk }

set{ xShares , xMaxDollars / iEntryPrice }

set{ xShareRisk , xTradeRisk / xShares }

set{ xStop , iEntryPrice - xShareRisk }

set{ xtp, xShareRisk * iRewardRatio }
set{ xTarget , xtp + iEntryPrice }

add column xShares
add column xStop
add column xTarget
add column xTradeRisk

...commented out... */

and add column clxcl
and add column VlXvl
and add column Vdbl

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

add column Bullpower
add column Bearpower
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR

/* Selection Criteria */

market is not OTCBB
market is not AMEX

UpperLim above 1
LowerLim below 1

close is between 0.8 and 10

avg vol(5) above 300000
avg vol(30) above 300000

add column industry

Sort column 5 descending

draw RSI(2)

chart-length is 4 months

983 posts
msg #41796
3/6/2006 8:53:35 PM

added the BULLPOWER and BEARPOWER columns.

BLxBL column shows days BULLPOWER has increasing/decreasing.

BRxBR column shows days BEARPOWER has increasing/decreasing.



Gee, I wonder why?..........LOL!


StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Who really wants to find the next NTRI?<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 31 >>Post Follow-up

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