StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · /* Dynamic Support/Resistance Hi/Low with AATP*/<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up
6,412 posts
msg #40832
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/31/2006 9:41:25 PM

/* Dynamic Support/Resistance with TRADE PLANNER DISPLAY */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{HPeak,days(UpperLim is below UpperLim 1 day ago,100)}
set{LValley,days(LowerLim is above LowerLim 1 day ago,100)}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Trade Planner Filter Display - Simple */

set{ iAccountSize , 25000 }
set{ iPercentRisk, .02}
set{ iMarginMult , 1}
set{ iMaxDrawDownPct, .05}
set{ iEntryPrice , close}

set{ iShares, 0 }
set{ iProtectiveStop , 0}

set{ iTargetPrice , 0}
set{ iRewardRatio , 2}

set{ xMaxDollars, iAccountSize * iMarginMult }

set{ xTradeRisk, xMaxDollars * iPercentRisk }

set{ xShares , xMaxDollars / iEntryPrice }

set{ xShareRisk , xTradeRisk / xShares }

set{ xStop , iEntryPrice - xShareRisk }

set{ xtp, xShareRisk * iRewardRatio }
set{ xTarget , xtp + iEntryPrice }

add column xShares
add column xStop
add column xTarget
add column xTradeRisk

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

PlayBall > 0

Close above 1

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending

This filter will find stocks near their dynamic support and resistance.

You can widen the range by change the BallHigh and BallLow statements.



2,824 posts
msg #40878
Ignore nikoschopen
2/1/2006 9:39:25 PM

Off topic:

I'm not sure how effective the following set statements are in reality, for I've seen stocks with higher number of uptrending days than downtrending days but, in essence, they were just meandering within a trading range (i.e., many small advances vs. one large pullback).

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

6,412 posts
msg #40881
Ignore TheRumpledOne
2/1/2006 11:56:06 PM

"Off topic:

I'm not sure how effective the following set statements are in reality, for I've seen stocks with higher number of uptrending days than downtrending days but, in essence, they were just meandering within a trading range (i.e., many small advances vs. one large pullback).

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}"

These columns are there to "alert" you....

Many traders "know" that on the third day of an advance there "usually" is a pullback.

Remember Muddy? He liked to look at stocks after 3 down days or more.

So instead of looking at chart after chart, you can just look at the displays for things that "jump out" at you AND/OR you can code your filter to SELECT or OMIT them. Not to mention you can SORT on those columns. Hence added FLEXIBILITY.



6,412 posts
msg #48348
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/2/2006 8:47:15 PM

Someone was asking about support/resistance.


6,412 posts
msg #40874
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/2/2006 8:48:50 PM

/* Dynamic Support/Resistance with TRADE PLANNER DISPLAY */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Trade Planner Filter Display - Simple */

set{ iAccountSize , 25000 }
set{ iPercentRisk, .02}
set{ iMarginMult , 1}
set{ iMaxDrawDownPct, .05}
set{ iEntryPrice , close}

set{ iShares, 0 }
set{ iProtectiveStop , 0}

set{ iTargetPrice , 0}
set{ iRewardRatio , 2}

set{ xMaxDollars, iAccountSize * iMarginMult }

set{ xTradeRisk, xMaxDollars * iPercentRisk }

set{ xShares , xTradeRisk / iEntryPrice }

set{ xShareRisk , xTradeRisk / xShares }

set{ xStop , iEntryPrice - xShareRisk }

set{ xtp, xShareRisk * iRewardRatio }
set{ xTarget , xtp + iEntryPrice }

add column xShares
add column xStop
add column xTarget
add column xTradeRisk

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

PlayBall > 0

Close above 1

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending


draw upperlim on plot price
draw lowerlim on plot price
draw xStop 1 day ago on plot price
draw xTarget 1 day ago on plot price


Since I usually don't look at SF charts, I forgot to draw the lines...LOL!

And after testing, it doesn't do what I wanted... hmmm...

Perhaps 1 day ago....

6,412 posts
msg #48419
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/6/2006 1:47:42 PM

/* Low touched Dynamic Support */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

Low equal lowerlim

Close above 1

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending


draw upperlim on plot price
draw lowerlim on plot price

/* High touched Dynamic Resistance */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

high equal upperlim

Close above 1

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending


draw upperlim on plot price
draw lowerlim on plot price

6,412 posts
msg #48420
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/6/2006 1:49:21 PM

/* Low touched Dynamic Support and GREEN */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

Low equal lowerlim

Close above 1

close above open

volume above 299999

avg vol(5) above 1000000
avg vol(30) above 1000000

add column industry

Sort column 7 ascending


draw upperlim on plot price
draw lowerlim on plot price

This version can be used intraday to finds stocks that have touched Dynamic Support and are now GREEN as in WAIT FOR GREEN.


6,412 posts
msg #48422
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/8/2006 1:19:51 PM

/* Low touched Dynamic Support */


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 5 Day High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 5 Day Low}

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOn, PPDiv * 100}

set{PCT, LimDiff / LowerLim}

set{HiOp,high - open}
set{OpLo, open - low}
set{ClLo, close - low}

set{HHb,days(High is above High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HHa,days(High is below High 1 day ago,100)}
set{HixHi, HHa - HHb}

set{LLb,days(Low is above Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LLa,days(Low is below Low 1 day ago,100)}
set{LoxLo, LLa - LLb}

/* column display */

add column ClLo
add column HiOp
add column OpLo

add column BallOn
add column PCT

add column HixHi
add column LoxLo

/* PLOTS */

draw UpperLim on plot price
draw LowerLim on plot price

/* Selection Criteria */

set{BallLow, count( BallOn < 2 , 1 ) }
set{BallHigh, count( BallOn > 98 , 1 ) }
set{PlayBall, BallLow + BallHigh }

Low equal lowerlim

Close above 1

volume above 299999

add column industry

Sort column 4 DEscending


draw upperlim on plot price
draw lowerlim on plot price

This version seems to work the best for finding intraday bounces. Because of the delay, the WAIT FOR GREEN version is a little late.

6,412 posts
msg #48469
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/8/2006 1:22:46 PM

I added the CLLO column to show how much profit there is between the low and the close.

Use the common reversal periods to help time your entries.

Also, the lower CLLO is, the closer you are to DYNAMIC SUPPORT.

This really looks like a scalping machine!

6,412 posts
msg #48470
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/8/2006 1:37:15 PM

Just took XLNX for a nickel... PAID FOR LUNCH/DINNER!

Sort on the CLLO column and wait for green!!

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · /* Dynamic Support/Resistance Hi/Low with AATP*/<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up

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